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Era Scarecrow

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Posts posted by Era Scarecrow

  1. One of the examples of a minor transform is making inedible food, edible. I would think this goes the same with non-potable water to potable water. (I'd almost say it's easier vs the food)

    As for quantity per body... well that's sorta up in the air. Although unless there's a long time limit in purifying, it doesn't matter if it's a lot or a little. If you can do 1 Liter of water per phase, and 2 phases per turn, that's still 12 phases in a minute, and 720 in an hour. So unless you are requiring to purify a whole lake, or purify water constantly say for an army encampment, then the quantity in this case really probably won't matter.



  2. Still, I can't see a dull butterknife (1 pip KA) damaging any tank regardless of who threw it, Hulk included.

    There's been reports of straw and grass 3+ inches deep inside trees after a hurricane or strong storm. So don't think a butterknife made of metal would be less harmful than a blade of grass. When there's enough speed, anything is lethal.

  3. Or you can buy say DR 1/1 and absorption into DR, one for PD and one for ED.  Each hit will hurt less and less.

    I've never quite understood absorption because it seems it has a limit similar to aid, where once you hit the max value that's it... And absorption is 2x the points unless you use an adder...

  4. We need a term for devices and such free in a campaign because they are part of the setting.  Stuff you are just assumed to have as part of the genre, for free.

    How about "Free Stuff"?


     Well for skills/abilities it's 'Everyman', which might do well just the same. Wasn't there something where the basic 'human' if you sold back all the senses, attributes and other things you ended up with like 200pts? That's quite a bit for 'free'...


    Baseline... free stuff... Everyone has (unless poor/destitute)... actually those too are loosely defined as everyone having...

  5. Slot III:  Flash 2D6 vs sight, gestures (must put towel over person's face or eyes, -1/4): Cost: 1f points

    Slot IV:  Disguise 11-, must be tied over head to hide face: Cost: 1f points



    I'm sure we could come up with a few more... like being a container, or a sling, or an entangle against small animals like fish and crabs and birds...

  6. Hence my suggestion of a Perk or a no-cost piece of equipment.  We all know what a cell phone is and what you can do with them; do we really need a writeup?


     Only to determine body or drain, or how many active points to determine size/weight..


    When I was in North Carolina, I was talking with some guys about starting a game and he had a bunch of equipment made, but not having any of the disadvantages. He only cared about the active points, we're talking like flight boots and stuff... Then again, it was all likely equipment so it didn't matter what the disadvantages were, since no one was paying points for them.

  7. If the impact is so easily reduced, then it is not a 20 point complication, is it? The value of the limitation is based on how frequently it imposes a significant restriction on the character, and how severe the implications are. If it's a mild nuisance every dozen games, it's not a 20 point complication.


    There's severity, and how often it happens. almost all of that complication would be for it happening all the time, not because it's heavily debilitating. the 'barely' category is generally limiting the character less than 25%. But it happens ALL THE TIME.


    But I suppose you could do oh I don't know, 5 points, because that totally shows something mildly annoying happening all the time is only worth 5 points... like, I don't know.. missing a hand... an eye... not being able to feel pain. Looking like Brad Pitt and people asking you all the time for your autograph...

  8. So "your character cannot get transport to the adventure site as he cannot get ID to enable him to board a plane" or "your name is not on the guest list for the Royal Ball - guess you can't prevent the Vizier from cornering the Princess to work his evil spell" would be more reasonable consequences than "My lunch order was delayed" or "I have to move to a new apartment".


     Hopefully they have alternate forms of transportation. Really depends on the who and what and why. Maybe the barcodes work fine so tickets and cards work, just not reading the name, so while he can't verify his name he can verify something else, like a fingerprint, i don't know.

  9. Like the Red Barron whose flying harness was inobvious but required him to be in a seated position to use. After the players learned he didn't have an invisible plane, they found him a bit goofier than I intended.

    Reminds me here some years ago the question for complications for legs amputated/disabled... but keeping your running/swimming/leaping at full speed, and for a horse it would be a hovering legless horse galloping away... or however it was doing it :P

  10. I made a fairy, who is suppose to be comedy relief/support, has heavy transforms (for mischief) summoning (animating your animal cookies or something similar) and took block/counter so he could protect someone, then counter doing a called shot to the vitals...


    At least that was the idea...

  11. Has anyone ever tried creating powers that adjust, heal, or impose conditions?

    Transforms can:

    Change/remove distinguishable features

    Add complications

    Remove complications

    Add power(s)

    (Temporarily?) Remove power(s)

    Add (new) limitations to powers

    Permanently change someone...


    But this really depends on the 'imposed' condition you want.


    However drain/suppression are probably better suited.

  12. Modeling a 'recharging station' for a base. Looks sorta like a tanning solon thingy... or maybe a hair dryer... or maybe a barber chair...


    Recovery Station: Healing (END & STUN) 1D6 <20 AP>, OAF (Immobile, -2), standard effect: cost 7pt



    Only big bosses should get recoveries, unless you want to let the other guys recover and run away.

    Ooohhh is that why some battlefields are seemingly missing a lot of bodies...

  13. Hmmm I'll give this a go with my three characters.


    Zodiac ninja: Is strong and can help with some heavy lifting, and... little else.


    Automata: She has skills in electronics, mechanics, computer programming, and she can help bend things into place...



    a) TK +60 STR, push up on the skyship to slow it's descent.


    B) Another option could be to start doing a severe transform on it over and over again until it bursts into cotton candy (or marshmellow if you want a ghostbuster's repeat).


    c) major/severe transform to teleport or shift it to another dimension.


    d) Start looting the ship (putting stuff into extra-dimensional space), then fly off the ship and watch it crash...


    e) go inside and find the most damaged components and do transforms to repair them instead


    f) Pray to god... wait, that's what Barf and Lonestar would do...


    g) Summon a magic/permanent marker and start doodling on all the controls, monitors and maps...

  14. Lots of bugspray?

    Although if you want to get rid of the bugs, preferably all in one swoop, you'd probably need to isolate the bug (without getting infected) figure out say a sound frequency that only they are susceptible to, then (this is the hard part) set up a huge megaphone in every thousand miles or so, and then do a huge pulse of the sound making them all fall over dead. Give 24 hours for them to be eaten, and then the bugs are gone, now to cure the people.

    Curing the population? Probably do it at the same time, so see if there's a frequency that brings them out of the hive-mind without permanent damage, and blast it at the same time you get rid of the bugs.

     Simple, right?

  15. At present CON does so little that it might be overpriced, honestly.


    Should it be then 2/3 instead? Or... even 1/2 as it's almost entirely for stunning resistance as I understand. But if it isn't going to be have a characteristic roll for any skills, drop that and make it cheaper. probably...


    Or if you drop CON replace it with SR/SP (Stun Resistance/Stun Protection)?

  16. Hmmm I almost wonder.. the max negative stun people might reasonably get is say 100 (some threads suggest well over 200...). And unless you need them instantly waking up, could do one of a few easy ways... I'd think.

    Regeneration: BODY only, meh... Otherwise it would fit better...

    +100 stun (50AP), only to counteract negative stun/slow recoveries (-1), OAF immobile (ICU?) (-2), cost 17pts

    Oxygen mask...?
    Healing 1d6, standard effect (3pts), 0 END, persistent, always on, faster (once per turn)(+1 1/2): (35AP). OAF (oxygen mask w/ smelling salts?) (-1), only to heal negative stun(-1), cost 12pts.

    Either of these with a result of 3 per turn (or higher) would wake up with a -100 stun in about 6 minutes (or less).

  17. Here's one from 2004!


    Me: Can I have some iron balls?


    DM: What? NO!


    Me: Well what about glass ones?


    DM: Huh?


    Took him a minute to realize I was asking for some meditation balls for my character, who happened to have juggling and needed... something to juggle that he might also use as a weapon...


    It's only too easy to guess what he THOUGHT I was asking for...

  18. Here's a few that come to mind, I could be wrong so take these with a grain of salt.


    sound: Unless there's no movement (dead inside) and is shielded, there's likely always sound or vibrations (exception: vacuums)


    heat: There's always heat going to be heat differences, unless shielded or say for example in a freezer where everything hits the same identical temperature somewhere below freezing


    radiation: Everything gives off some type of background radiation. some things give off far more. Heat can also be a form of radiation that can be given off.


    Magnetism: everything has some type of magnetism, field or otherwise pull or repel of it. Although how you'd represent it or see such weak fields that more or less go through the environment I don't know. Feels like a lot of pull/lines would go towards metal and very little else, it would be a lot more what movement you see/feel rather than statically trying to make sense of something.


    Radio: There's radio waves going everywhere, both background as well as active (say a radio station), this information passes through and bounces off things. Even if there was no radio signals on earth, there's still background noise in the universe that go everywhere (probably)


    Gravity: While there's always gravity, I don't know how this one would be useful, as unless something has sufficient mass it wouldn't show up... or unless someone could ignore the background noise gravity of large objects like the planet, you could then focus on tiny gravity movements, but this is so slight I don't think that would even show up unless it's something the size of, I don't know... Texas...


    Electricity/static: Unless something is dead and dry, there's probably a static or electrical charge. But especially in modern technology, as well as all living things have some form of electromagnetic chemical reactions going on. Although how that would be viewed or looked at I'm not sure. Then there's a number of electrical bursts that are going to be too small to worry about unless in large quantities.



    Water: Nearly everything has water. Even something 'dry' has some amount of water in it, it's just not enough to be wet. Certainly there's exceptions (say, steel and the like) but wood or other things are bound to have some amount of H2O left behind. Although this is far less 'passive' you'd have to be actively looking for this (probably).


    Other inert substances: Same as water, more or less just some form of detection/analyze as you probably won't get a passive feedback.

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