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Posts posted by GamePhil

  1. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    I got him for you.


    I'm not really fussy about the artwork--I'm sure I'd be happy with a original Frazetta cover for FH and one by Alex Ross for Champs;)


    No, not fussy at all. Who else would you ask?


    Well, really, quite a few people, but those are in the top area of the list.

  2. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    Yes' date=' I think so: it will look better than my crayons and finger-painting :) [/quote']


    Well, I was asking to see if you meant it as advice to the buyer that doesn't like the cover or a suggestion to the company :)


    It sounds like a good idea if workable: it's universal so you disguise it as whatever game you are running at the time. I like it. I still need my new dice, though.

  3. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    The answer, my friends, is slip covers: cheap to make glossy, and available in a variety of designs. You could even buy the whole pack so you can alternate covers, or go for 'neo classic'.


    Sean 'everyone, all the time' Waters


    Just for clarification, are you saying that Hero Games should make such things?

  4. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    I'm gonna hold off until we get the green light from Steve, or it goes up for sale in the Online Store, whichever comes first. :)



    'Course, it's not like we'd know all the answers anyway... there's plenty of it we haven't seen even draft text of...


    Sorry, I wasn't clear: I wasn't necessarily talking about us, but the people who have it in their hot little hands. And, you know, I did the 6th Ed data entry work, so as far as not having seen the draft text... ;)

  5. Re: New Mechanic: Movement




    Assuming STR = 5 pointsand HtH damage is still -1/2 then +1DC of damage = 3 points, as a starting point.


    That means that, at most, 3 points of movement should yield +1DC: probably it ought to be more - after all movement provides benefits other than causing damage. Even when cancelled (to an extent) with 'only when moving' and 'may cause yourself harm (side effects)' for move throughs, I'd still say that it should be at least 6 points per +1 DC...which, coincidentally is what +1 DC 'costs' in the current regime: v/3 = +1d6 per 6 points in movement.


    Not necessarily, since, unlike HA, it provides another ability, Movement, that could be considered the equivalent of Lift for STR.

  6. Re: New Mechanic: Movement


    This is really weird. My construct above is Meters Per Second. I had that text in there originally, but through different edits it got erased. I'll put it back. Oh wait... it still is there... I just moved it somewhere else.


    I'll look over you damage and see how I might incorporate it into the construct.


    - Christopher Mullins


    Sorry, mis-type, I meant second. Basically the same, the main difference being the cost being based around the Damage Classes rather than the rate of movement.

  7. Re: New Mechanic: Movement


    I think the costs are too high, you might consider having some of the more rarely useful Movement Powers be Limitations rather than Advantages, perhaps start with 2-Dimensional Movement as +0 then move up and down from there. Likewise, 3D Movement that is Rarely Useful should be +0 at most, and possibly a Limitation.


    I tried something similar to this once, with two differences: I based Movement on Damage and made it per Turn rather than per Second. So, I had it be 5 points per 12" (24m in 6E) of Movement which would do 1d6 Damage with a Move Through, or 1/2d6 with a Move By. Then divide that Movement by your SPD to find per phase movement. This meant that Move Through damage was closer to Knockback and Falling Damage (every 1"/Segment you move does 1d6 of damage). Then I applied Advantages and Limitations to that to get specific forms of movement, so you'd take Advantages for Teleport to work as it does and Limitations for it to be Instant and not do velocity based damage (or something like that).

  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Thanks' date=' I've read those, but that doesn't really answer my question, which was how AOE TK STR and Entangle are to be applied--per target/object, per square/cubic meter, or something else?[/quote']


    No one can really answer that question until they start going on sale at GenCon, which will be soon (Saturday?), but there hasn't been any indication that it will change from 5th so far, aside from AoE Entangles not being able to form Barriers (since that's now its own Power). That is, TK will be applied per target (unless the target is something like a pile of sand, which prevents people with 1 STR AoE TK from picking up tons of the stuff), and Entangle should do so as well though the text is slightly less clear (I assume full strength per target on AoE unless it specifically says otherwise).


    Everyone will know soon for sure, though.

  9. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    I like the covers' date=' the colors remind me of the BBB in some ways, and I'm fine with a minimalist cover design. A slight color or contrast difference would have been nice to make them easy to distinguish on a shelf or in a pile, but I'm sure I'll be able to get by. I'm really looking forward to purchasing them as soon as they're available.[/quote']


    Actually, I'm pretty sure that 6E1 is quite a bit larger than 6E2, so on a book shelf or in a pile it should be easy enough. On a display rack at a shop you might have to be more careful, though.

  10. Re: Confessions of Infidelity


    Heh. I love WoD' date=' but pretty much the whole time I'm thinking of how I could build similar powers in Hero (or how Hero already has a maneuver/mechanic to handle a given situation).[/quote']


    Yeah, I was constantly having that problem, plus the world as presented was both a bit too dark and sometimes a bit preachy for my tastes. I prefer also to have my rules rigorous and used for every type of PC, so the different rules based on what race you are were not to my liking.

  11. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


    Thanks for the references!

    I have not got my book with me but I'm pretty sure that if you look up Force Wall, it confirms that it can be centered on the character. I think that is an actual rule rather than an option for the GM.


    Quite right, you don't even need the Limitations like you do with other Constant AoE Powers. It only took three readings to find it :(


    I'm getting too old for this...


    First page, second column, last paragraph of Force Wall. As you said, we'll see with regards to 6th.

  12. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


    Ah, yes, thanks. However, that is an optional suggestion, not a general rule, which means that if the GM wishes to apply it, he may as well apply it to a maintained personal Barrier as well as all the other AoE Constant Powers it would apply to: this is consistent. If he's not using that optional rule in general, then there is no change.


    But who knows, even the optional rule may be removed or it may become the standard.

  13. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


    The current general rule seems to be that you can centre an AoE constant effect on a character: you can centre it on yourself for 'free but, if Darkness is anything to go by, you need UAA to centre it on another character (or at least UBO if they are willing) - more cost.


    Hmm, my versionitis is setting in: I remember that rule, but I believe it is in a previous edition and isn't in 5th. Shadowboxer, from Millennium City, bought UAA to create a field of darkness around himself that moved as he did, and I can't find such a reference on a quick search. Not that this invalidates your concerns, but this portion seems to be the same in 5th so far as I can tell.

  14. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies


    The main make or break options for any upgrades or new versions of Hero Designer for me will be the ability to toggle Figured Chars and add characteristics easily. I don't expect either of them to be high (or low for that matter) priorities unfortunately.


    Just to make sure: Have you bought the HD contract? If so, the upgrade is free in any event. And like I said, comes with the 5E template and a horde of computer savvy people that likely won't mind getting you a custom template.


    If you haven't, nevermind.

  15. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies


    The main make or break options for any upgrades or new versions of Hero Designer for me will be the ability to toggle Figured Chars and add characteristics easily. I don't expect either of them to be high (or low for that matter) priorities unfortunately.


    Well, the HD update does include the option of building 5E characters (or at least, that was Dan's plan, but I think he said it in chat so I can't find a reference). I seriously doubt there will be a toggle, since part of HD is supporting and enforcing legal builds in the current system, but you never know.


    But if you don't have the skills to get into the scripting and make alterations (not an insult, I just don't know what your skill set is), even if Dan doesn't do this I'm sure you can get someone on the boards to do it for you. A custom file that is a hybrid between 5 and 6 should be easy enough to do.

  16. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


    A black background was OK' date=' artwork would have been better. But to me, Blue and Gold screams amateur high school effort, done in the school colors. Maybe it will look better in real life, but I've got to wonder how many stores will look at that picture in a catalog and decide not to stock it. :([/quote']


    Not that it's impossible for this to become an issue, but my personal answer? None that I would actually want to shop at. I forgive a lot of the rubbish some gaming stores pull, but not stocking a game solely because of the cover would be too much.

  17. Re: Power "Cooldown": how to write up


    I’ve reread the passage on Charges. I found nothing that indisputably says it's not legal.[/font]


    Well, I was refering to the idea of using the Increased Recovery Time option in reverse, so that the Limitation is worth less the faster it recovers. I suppose I shouldn't say illegal so much as not mentioned, though, and as I said, I like the idea.


    Not disagreeing with any of your thoughts, which seem sound, just clarifying what I meant.

  18. Re: Hero/Fate/Karma points for Hero System


    Now that is some serious thread necromancy.


    Are you related to Vecna or something?




    Glad you said that, I couldn't figure out for the life of me why in all those posts no one mentioned Pulp HERO. Then I looked back and saw the dates. Yowtch.


    Many good suggestions, and I do like the necromantic post saying "Apply penalties for [undesirable] actions" for certain types of games, though, so it was all worthwhile.

  19. Re: Lifetime Subscription


    I'm considering it. My only reservation is I just don't have much time for recreation now that I'm working again.


    Yeah, you're working enough to afford it you don't have time, you have the time you're not working enough to afford it.

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