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Everything posted by Shadowsoul

  1. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Your Strength is capped at 35, after that you'd just about be able to throw elephants at people, that's too much power even for High Fantasy. You can have some martial manouevres but remember that if you frenzy you won't remember any of that subtle stuff. As for the MP. The general idea with Werebeasts is that they have a Multiform which balances out the Multipower that characters such as Mages and Vampires have. You certainly can't have your claws shifting into different shapes once you have taken on your Warform. Still, give me a run down of what you want and I'll have a think about it, maybe run the idea past another GM I know. I'd advise you not to be too hopeful though. And yes you have separate Disadvantages for the warform, it should have an Enraged disadvantage of some kind and probably a Psy Lim or two e.g. Vindictive or Addicted to the Hunt.
  2. There could be up to three other players as well, so things may get weirder yet. I'm holding out for the Vampiric Lizardman Sorcerer or the Undead Pygmy Assassin. Anyway, we finally have some NPC’s. Meet New Dawn’s High Command as it currently stands. Libera Tenrai. Founder of New Dawn. A crusading visionary with a mysterious past. She is human and appears youthful but her age and true origin are unknown. Libera is quite plain when at rest but when she is moving or talking her face is animated by a charisma so powerful that those who see her often wonder if there is something divine in her ancestry. Brave, compassionate and persuasive, Libera may be the one to bring in a new age, she has already done much in the way of gathering allies to her cause and instilling loyalty in her followers. Libera is a warrior by trade but seems to capable of using magic as well, there are various rumours about her abilities ranging from the story that an ancient mage tutored her when she was a child to the claim that she is the first of a race of mutants with near godlike powers. Although skilled at negotiation and morale raising Libera feels that she lacks the experience to be a successful military commander and often defers to her advisor – Ardias Gren. Ardias Gren. Grand Strategist of New Dawn. A middle aged Eldren who lived through the mage wars and the end-wars, he was a very successful general and tactician but even he was unable to protect his homeland from the horrors unleashed upon it by the failing barriers. A native of Kmer he is proud of this heritage and was the driving force behind the adoption of Kymrian as the official language of New Dawn. His avowed intention is to see the old world restored and he is ruthless and cunning in carrying out this dream. He constantly emphasises the limited resources of New Dawn and attempts to minimise the cost of any endeavour. Unlike some of the more idealistic or hot headed members of New Dawn’s hierarchy he has little compunction about dealing with other groups or manipulating New Dawn’s enemies into fighting each other. Serena Anda’Helene First Templar of the Third Militant Order. A human in her thirties. The Third Order worship Helene, goddess of honour, duty and just war. Like all Priests and Templars they replace their family names with a reference to their deity. Anda’Helene literally means ‘Child of Helene’. The high rate of fatalities that the Order suffered during its 100 year war against evil is the main reason for its leader’s youth but she is still a competent and respected commander. Serena is a devout and dedicated follower of the Order’s precepts but she is not inflexible and so was prepared to join forces with the newly born New Dawn despite the fact that it included various ‘monsters’. Serena prefers fighting to commanding and will often ride out on her Black Unicorn companion Cobalt to hunt down some unlucky monster. Tremaine Derfal. Honoured Father of the Lifidic Brotherhood. An ancient but well preserved human male. It was the hidden valley of the Lifids that Libera and her friends found and took shelter in when they were first building New Dawn. The Brothers and Sisters of the order were possibly the last survivors of an ancient sect that sought harmony with nature and its spirits rather than communication with divine beings from the Higher Realm, with powerful sorceries they were able to shield this refuge from the effects of wild magic and the eyes of potential ravagers. Tremaine was not happy when his guests began building an army within the place he was dedicated to guarding but somehow Libera has convinced him to cooperate, albeit grudgingly. Karn Deepclaw. First Sword of New Dawn. Young Kerak mutant. The wild magic loose in this world is powerful and unpredictable, sometimes it takes the form of water and leaks down into the hidden recesses of the earth. The Kerak are unaware of this however and so when Karn of Dustcloud clan was caught by a stream of wild magic, which turned his scales black and caused two bony arms to grow from his chest, the Dustcloud Elders ruled that he must have been experimenting with forbidden sorceries and banished him to hell, (the surface world). Karn fought desperately to survive on the surface until he met Libera who saw his potential and befriended him. Karn is an incredible swordsman and he serves as Libera’s bodyguard as well as the commander in charge of the protection of all New Dawn leaders and other important individuals such as mages. He is also probably the originator of New Dawn’s tolerant recruiting policy. Glyph. Seer. Ageless Eldren woman. Glyph speaks for the group of Eldren mages that serve New Dawn as information gatherers. Her origins and those of her followers are a closely guarded secret as is the truth behind the rune inscribed ivory mask that she wears at all times. Algornak Vidrin. Master Artificer. Middle aged human mutant. Many of the Artificers of the old world, mages who created magical artefacts, were bound together by a far reaching Guild that protected their interests and tried to prevent rulers from exploiting them. Algornak learned the craft of Artificing from his mother; when she was killed by raiders who wanted to steal the items she had crafted he swore that Artificers would no longer be the prey of villains and monsters. To achieve this end Algornak set out to find other Artificers and recreate the Guild in the hope that they would then be powerful enough to broker a deal with some mighty warlord or large faction. The leaders of the nascent New Dawn were only too happy to accept. Algornak is truly strange to see, even by mutant standards, he is eight feet tall, has two heads that always speak simultaneously and is covered in light brown hair. Aziel. Second Strategist of New Dawn. Young looking human vampire male. The story goes that Aziel had always doubted the vampiric doctrines which stated that all other beings were inferior cattle; so when his master captured Libera and Aziel was set to guard her it was not too difficult for the future leader to persuade her captor to escape with her and join the band of friends that would become New Dawn. Aziel is an experienced military commander but despite his title he does not tend to concern himself with strategy, instead he puts his knowledge of fighting and stealth to good use by training New Dawn’s most dangerous field agents, scouts and assassins. Aziel has sometimes been called the Dark Angel because of the powerful wings on his back and the curious nobility of his vampiric features. If anyone in New Dawn has a chance of outfighting Karn it’s Aziel. (And yes he is a bit of a tribute character). Janos Anda’Kirael Priest of Kirael and Amon-Cor Aging human male. When the Third Order Militant joined New Dawn they brought with them a collection of followers and hangers-on including various Priests, fanatics and a few Templars of other Gods. The de-facto leader of this group was Janos, like many of his followers this Priest believes that there is no hope for the world and that all mortals can do is bring vengeance upon the monsters that despoiled it and seek a good death in service to the Gods. Therefore Janos believes not only that New Dawn’s quest is pointless but that by associating with unnatural creatures such as mutants and vampires he and his followers are imperilling their souls. Exactly why the Janos remains with New Dawn is something of a mystery; he claims to have stayed out of respect for Serena, oddly enough Libera uses the same reason to explain why she hasn’t turfed the troublesome priest out into the wastes. Janos has established a sub-faction within New Dawn, (called The Inquisition by many members of the parent organisation), which keeps a rigorous watch on those Accursed who serve his 'allies'. Often when ‘The Order Militant’ hunts down a traitor it is actually Janos’ followers who gleefully dispatch the unfortunate target. Otherwise The Inquisition sets itself to rooting out demon worship and other such heresies from the territories of New Dawn, spying on New Dawn agents and generally making life difficult for its ‘allies’.
  3. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Cool. Looking forward to seeing the character behind the story.
  4. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Hi there. If you are still interested in playing then all you need to do is confirm your character concept for the moment. (Unless you;ve changed your mind and would like to play something different, in which case please share what that something is). Characters are built on 150 character points + 100 Disadvantage points. If you are going to use a werebeast then build your human form as your main one. Here are some general guidelines for building a werebeast character, if you want more details then please pm me. If necessary I can send you a hdc file of an example werewolf, (as soon as I put it together). You will of course have a multiform power. You only need to take one form for this power - your warform, this is a bipedal monster which fuses elements of your human form and that of your chosen animal. Think of the oversized humanoid werewolves in Underworld, Dog Soldiers and World of Darkness and you'll see what I mean. The warform should be powerful but lacking in skills other than those which are useful for hunting or fighting, it is something to be used sparingly. See my posts earlier in the thread for more on the warform and werebeasts in general. The exact nature of the warform is up to you but it should have abilities appropriate to the associated animal e.g. enhanced senses. Warforms also have at least 3 levels of regeneration, (can not heal damage from silver or holy weapons), and high physical stats. You may if you wish take a second form for the multiform called the hunting form, this one is an oversized version of the associated animal, it should be less dangerous in combat but have more powerful versions of the abilities that animal would have. This form is less prone to frenzy but is partially controlled by animal instincts and is usually less intelligent than the human form.
  5. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Just by-the-by. Here is a picture of a character from the Legacy of Kain series which was the inspiration for the vampires in this setting.
  6. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy But in the meantime if anyone would like to make an equipment wish list and send it to me I'll be happy to take a look at it. Remember that the standard tech level is late medieval Europe, although you can take weapons and equipment that come from other historical eras and places such as tribal Africa or 'medieval' India. East Asian style equipment is extremely rare on this continent however. Remember that your characters are living in a shattered world with only rudimentary trade and few skilled artisans. So don't expect too much. However, equipment that has been improvised from the wastes is more likely to get past me and into you pack. Particularly if you have crafting skills to justify it. Magic items do exist but you'll have to pay points for them if you want to start with them. That includes any bits of weird technology that you want to be carrying around Cysphrett, (althought your multipower device should cover that anyway).
  7. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Don't get too excited yet Cysphrett.
  8. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Ok everyone. Just a quick reminder that I'm going to be opening the campaign to player requests on Friday the second of May. I've decided that it would be presumptuous to PM everyone who ever posted on this thread to warn them about this time so I'll just assume that anyone who is interested has kept an eye on the thread and post on Player Finder if I don't get any responses. Cheers.
  9. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Ok. Place 3-4 of those levels in DCV in a power named Telekinetic Shield or whatever you want to call it. Give this power the -1/4 Disadvantage 'Magical Manifestation (Telekinesis). This Disadvantage means that if your Telekinesis is Dispelled, completely Suppressed, completely Drained or disabled in some other way then the DCV bonus will turn off. That should justify those levels. E.g. +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); Conditional Power - Magical Manifestation (Telekinesis) (-1/4) Final Cost 12 points. You will probably end up with a few extra points to play with once I've written up and posted the Everyman Package anyway.
  10. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Another possibility is that you could trade in a few of those levels of DCV for combat casting or levels with Technomantic attacks so that you can be sure of hitting things with your machine gun cement block thrower.
  11. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy This looks fine for the most part. You have an extremely high DCV for a mage with little other martial training beyond WF's however. I can see that the character could do with a good form of defence but I'm going to need you to come up with a good reason for seven levels of DCV. Perhaps it is partially an outgrowth of his Telekinetic/Mutant abilities? As for the skills. Analyze machinery and mechanics are ok. Systems operation could be redefined as dealing with magical systems such as wards, enchanted castles etc in which case it will be setting appropriate. Electronics and computer programming simply do not exist in this setting, there is no one who could teach them to you and I can guarantee that you would never need them. For the VPP lets start you off with a list of 12 powers and see how that looks. Your OAF will presumably be some kind of device that you reconfigure when you want to change abilities.
  12. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Cysphrett. Here is an example of what I mean in Hero Designer format. Technomancy. Variable Power Pool, 40 base + 6 control cost, (60 Active Points); VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (Requires a Technomancy Roll, may require extra time; -1/2), Limited Class Of Powers Available Limited (Only Mystical Technology. Only from the associated list.; -1/2), Conditional Power Requires 6 hours work and an Inventor Roll to create a new power (-1/4); all slots OAF (-1) You do not have to use Accessible Foci although they should be Obvious. Does this seem fair to you? The way this power is built means that it might be cheaper to have a multipower with a lot of slots. But the VPP does allow for fine tuning and also means that you don't have to spend experience to modify your powers. It also allows for the possibility of being taught new powers by other Technomancers or stealing bits of tech. Finally I think this method captures the flavour of the character class I originally imagined. 6 hours is a maximum, minor adaptations to existing powers such as changing sfx or adding a damage class will take much less time. As an aside. You should tone down your Watched Disadvantage. The party will be at the very forefront of New Dawn expansion and will often be operating alone, New Dawn simply do not have the time or the resources to keep that close a watch on you. Hunted by New Dawn's enemies is also too high at the moment because New Dawn hasn't got that many enemies yet. You personally could be hunted by a number of factions however, including the remnants of the Army of the Dead, local warlords, a clan of vampires, mutant hunters or dark sorcerers hoping to extract the secrets of this new form of magic from you.
  13. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Certainly this character seems more survivable. And if you are happy with him then he should be fine. I'm not quite sure where the force multiplier bit comes in though. Do you mean the clairsentience?
  14. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Ah yes I was about to contact you with details on exactly how Technomancy should work. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but it's been a hectic weekend and I've been busy pondering Cargus10's first draft as well. Basically you should have a limited VPP/s based on a focus which can only use powers from a list, (you don't have to work all of the powers out just now), like the VPP's that simulate D&D wizards. It requires a Technomancy roll to change from one power to another, (as you re-shape the technology), and extensive changes may require extra time, Technomancy rolls are subject to a -1 penalty for every 20 active points of the power you are changing to, there might be additional penalties if you want to create something completely different but I would tell you that when you attempted it. An Inventor roll and around six hours in the workshop is required to create a new power to be added to the list, + the necessary new components. An example is that you could start out with a gun, then transform it into a techno-jammer like the dispel technology you outlined in your multipower, then adapt that into a jetpack or whatever Your technology multipower is ok in theory, although A Machine In Every Port would invalidate the system I've just outlined. However, technology at the level you are using it at is not very common, being mostly confined to other Technomancers and so this multipower is rather specialised and might not be worth the points you've paid for it. One piece of 'good' news is that Technomancy, being the magical equivalent of steamtech and effectively a specialised form of magery, does not require knowledge of 'real world' mechanics, electronics, computer programming or systems operation. Technomancers shape the mysterious mystical forces left behind by the cataclysm and channel them into special devices. Think Skaven technology or Warjacks from Warmachine. Mechanical engineering is involved but it is part of the Technomancy skill. Your skill list is impressive and sensible, your character should be useful and competent even without his magic. Hope that's not too daunting a setback. I know I haven't been too clear because I'm creating this setting as we go along, fortunately we have plenty of time to sort everything out. Good luck.
  15. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  16. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  17. Re: Guns in Fantasy Well, since you asked so nicely. You can find pictures of the ducksfoot and Lorenzoni guns here http://www.esnips.com/web/VintageGuns?docsPage=1#files (The Lorenzoni is on the second page). Pistol swords are mentioned here http://www.answers.com/topic/pistol-sword There are some more extensive web pages about early firearms but I'll have to ask Bismark to remind me where they are.
  18. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy For all those wishing to battle on beyond death. I've just noticed that there is a slight flaw in the Revenant Package. The Immunities to 'most terrestrial poisons and diseases' should cost 7 points each since they do not cover certain magical venoms or plagues, my Hero Designer file must have reverted somehow, sorry about that. Anyone using the the package deal can just knock 3 points of both Immunities manually.
  19. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Looks like I never did post the exact details of the Mor so here is the Hero Designer File for anyone who is interested.
  20. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Here you go Cargus10.
  21. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Hi everyone. Just a quick early warning that I am going to be accepting players one week from now. I don't know how many spaces will be available at that point because those who have already discussed characters with me will get a chance to join before everyone else. But even if everyone on the reserved list does decide to play there will still be three places left, so I don't expect to run out of space before I run out of applicants. So if anyone is interested please send me a character concept once the week is up. You don't necessarily have to stick with that character but it will give us a starting point. Hopefully I will know more about what niches need to be filled by then. As far as character concepts go you are free to try anything from the lists I've given and if you want to try something else then tell me and I will think about it, no guarantees though. One thing to remember is that while New Dawn will recruit beings that have led evil lives up to that point they will expect such creatures to mend their ways and atone for their crimes. So in theory a player could use an unrepentant villlain as a character but they would run the risk of having New Dawn's enforcers dispatched to execute them if they slip up, (the rest of the party would also be expected to remove the traitor in their midst). Also. Here are the write ups of the other player races as they stand. The Mor have already been written up earlier in this thread iirc. Kerak. Tunnel dwelling reptilian humanoids. Tribal culture. Suspicious of technology and 'book learning' but reasonably benevolent. Characteristics +10 Str +4 Con +2 Body Powers Infrared Perception (Sight Group) Scales: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) Expert Digger: Tunneling 1" through 1 DEF material Digging Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (1/2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) Disadvantages Psychological Limitation: Suspicious Of Learning (Common, Moderate) Notes. Yes Kerak are extremely strong that's why they can dig so well, fortunately they have had little contact with Vampires as a Kerak Vampire would be truly terrifying. More warlike Kerak often sharpen their blunt digging claws, effectively buying off the reduced penetration disadvantage. As a part of their racial disadvantage Kerak may not buy the skill enhancers Scholar or Scientist. Eldren. Descendants of human mages who adapted their own physiology in order to improve their access to magic. Notable for their glowing eyes and glyph covered skin. Characteristics +3 Int +4 Ego +3 Pre Powers Inherently Magical: Power Defense (5 points) Mystical Absorption: Endurance Reserve (10 END, 2 REC) Reserve: (3 Active Points); REC: Conditional Power Only in a magically charged environment (-1/4) Protective Glyphs: Armor (0 PD/3 ED) Life Support (Longevity: 800 Years; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) Notes. Although they were a society of mages the Eldren's culture has been almost completely shattered by the cataclysm and so those who survive to the present day may well have adopted new lifestyles. Historically there have been Eldren who used their ability to draw on magical energies to become tireless warriors and ironically their other racial abilities make them potentially quite effective mage killers. Those who do study magic often learn to improve their racial abilities although even a non magic using Eld can learn to strengthen their Mystical Absorption power through extensive training and meditation. Strell. Batlike humanoids, (four limbs). They are masters of artificing and most of them live in giant floating sky cities. Like the Kerak they managed to survive the wars with their society intact although several sky cities were destroyed. Strell follow many paths through life but they are most famous for their mages, artificers and scholars. Characteristics +2 Dex -2 Con -2 Body +3 Int +2 Ego +1 PD (Due to fur). +1 Rec -2 Running Powers Wings Flight 8" (16 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) Night Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group in Darkness and -2 PER with Sight Group in Daylight Active Sonar (Hearing Group) Notes. Unlike normal bats Strell are not blind during the day but they are nocturnal creatures who tend to be a little blinded by daylight. There is a subrace of halfling sized Strell called the Pippin, they are wilder than their city living cousins and are generally considered to be expert hunters and scouts. Where the Pippin live now is a mystery as most of them did not join the other Strell on the sky cities. Anyone who wants more information about any of the races, professions or curses please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible.
  22. Re: Guns in Fantasy Because battles that the French won with fiendish tricks such as 'superior technology' and 'better strategy' don't count! And because remembering all the things that the French stole from the English people, (such as France), is depressing and only causes friction between our two great nations. On a more relevant note if anyone would like to include black powder weapons in their campaign they might want to note some of the exotic guns that Early Modern Europeans came up with. Ducksfoot pistols - pistols with five barrels that were intended to hit groups of foes or increase the chance of hitting in a confined space. Boarding guns - enlarged versions of the Ducksfoot. Hilt Pistols. Pistols with dagger bayonets. Rockets. Axe-guns. Lorenzoni repeaters - Insanely dangerous repeating flintlocks based on a 'roman candle' principle.
  23. Re: Guns in Fantasy Amusing idea. I have heard that there was a belief in medieval Europe that guns could not harm demons because they used the element of fire/hellfire to work. Fortunately for my players I haven't used the idea.
  24. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Just putting in some notes on unusual steeds for this setting. Black Unicorn. Once the Unicorns were peaceful creatures noted for their intelligence and instinctive compassion. The tears of a Unicorn had miraculous powers to heal the pure of heart and their mere presence could soothe away anger, fear and grief. But when the final war raged across the land and monsters found their way into even the most secret of the hidden forests the Unicorns were forced to flee for their lives. Sensing that the end of the world could be nigh the last herd of these mythical beasts gathered together and fled from one hideaway to another, but nowhere was safe. Finally the Unicorns were caught between a host of Vampires and the approach of the Yonsai Horde. In desperation they escaped northwards; hoping to exchange freedom for life by taking refuge in a place of walls and men. This was Kaer-Avalon, the city of ebony towers. High seat of the Eldren, first of the seven Jewels of Eretria and the ultimate refuge for all creatures of enchantment. For five days and five nights the Unicorns ran. And at the dawn of the sixth day they reached their destination. But on the fifth day the Army of the Dead had finally broken through the city’s wards. The ensuing battle left nothing alive for miles around and precious few of the dead were capable of walking away from the scene of their terrible crime. The Unicorns found nothing but dust and ashes. Seeing the end of their most ancient allies and afflicted by the ghostly screams of ten thousand slaughtered souls the Unicorns became mad with grief, for all that day they wept bitter tears and rolled upon the ruins in a frenzy of sorrow, coating themselves in the black grave-dirt of the dead city. But on the night of the sixth day the greatest and most fierce mare amongst the herd turned away from the ruins and began to follow the trail of the living dead. One by one the Unicorns followed, their tender hearts dried up by grieving and their bright eyes burning with vengeance. Not a single Unicorn tear has been shed since that day. But the blood of monsters and tyrants will never cease to flow until the last Unicorn is destroyed. Whether through an infusion of the enchantment soaked ashes of Kaer-Avalon or through some more subtle magical effect all Unicorns that survive to this day have jet black coats and Alicorns of silver. A Black Unicorn is based on the Unicorn template in the Hero System Bestiary but with the Alicorn’s poison immunity removed and the talent Fearless added. They also have the following additional powers. Detect: Evil Beings. Vengeful Light - a 2d6 Deadly Strike for the Alicorn that only works against evil creatures. Shadow Coat – Invisibility to Sight Group, only in shadows. Finally all Black Unicorns suffer from the Psychological Disadvantage “Creature of Vengeance”. These legendary beings make powerful allies for those who battle evil, nor is it inconceivable that a Black Unicorn might consent to allow an equally dedicated warrior to ride it into battle, so long as he or she does not presume to command it. Sildrian Steed. Possibly descendants of the kind of horses that dashing heroes used to escape crumbling temples, avalanches and hails of arrow fire. This natural ability to avoid danger has been enhanced by high levels of ambient magic into true psychic ability. Sildrian Steeds are horses with the Evasive and Lightning Reflexes +2 Talents added. More powerful Sildrians exist however, some have mind links with their riders and some of the best bloodlines develop Danger Sense as well. Sildrians are typically medium warhorses but larger and smaller strains exist. These creatures are highly sought after as elite mounts, particularly because normal horses are not especially common these days anyway. Gerthon. No one knows what these creatures evolved from but they are consummate survivors in the wastelands of the post-cataclysm world. They are scaled creatures with large hind legs and dextrous fore-clawed ‘hands’, they look something like horse sized Utahraptors but are in fact mammals, more or less. The secret to the Gerthons’ success is the fact that they are prepared to eat anything from grass to bark to vermin to carrion. They do not hunt larger prey however and they can be tamed. Gerthon see extensive use as draft and riding animals, they make for tough cavalry even though they lack the power of a charging warhorse. Although wild Gerthon can be irritable and aggressive those which have been tamed tend to be friendly and even playful. Gerthon Stats. 20 Str 16 Dex 20 Con 14 Body 8 Int 5 Ego 13 Pre 10 Com 4 PD 6 ED 3 Spd 10 Rec 40 End 34 Stun 10” Run 4” Swim 4” Leap Skills. Stealth 12- Tracking 11- Powers. Bite: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (1/2d6 w/STR) Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR) (10 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) Life Support (Eating: Character can subsist on almost anything) Strong Stomach: +10 CON (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only to resist poisons and infections. (-1 1/2) Scales: Armor (3 PD/3 ED) Hyper-Alert: +2 PER with all Sense Groups Disadvantages. Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Physical Limitation: Large (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Psychological Limitation: Curious (Common, Moderate) 64 Character Points + 40 Points of Disadvantages. Some Gerthon have been trained for combat and receive +3 Presence only for resisting Presence attacks. Additionally their Claws attack gains the Autofire 2 Advantage. This will probably be the last post before I announce that admissions to the campaign have begun, although anyone not on the reserved list will have another week after that to make up their mind. Next post should have write ups of the Strell and the Kerak.
  25. Re: Nuclear Shade (Feng Shui creature) Oh I've seen it.
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