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Everything posted by Shadowsoul

  1. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Incidentally Bunneh your Area Knowledge will be the Khymrian Highlands unless you have any objection. Knowledge of Old Kmer will be of little use and the Highlands are the best place in Kmer to hide a small monastery, there is relatively little wild magic in this area and none of the hordes of the fall made any particular effort to conquer this inhospitable land.
  2. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Aha. I think I've found the problem. For some reason the Everyman skills you've put in have been given a 1 point cost by my version of Hero Designer. In which case you are not over the limit although we still have a two point difference to account for, I'll look into it. I don't build Everyman Skills the way you do, I just buy the normal skill and then take the Familiarity Only option and then Everyman option. So I didn't notice this problem at first. My mistake though. I'll rewrite it on my copy so it looks right. In actual fact with the Everyman skills set for this setting you'll have a few spare points left over because you'll get PS soldier at 13- for free. You can keep these unused points as 'unspent experience' if you wish.
  3. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Yes those are the points totals. But your character is appearing at 254 points in my copy of Hero Designer. 102 on characteristics. 79 on skills. 3 on perks. 6 on talents. 32 on martial arts. 32 on powers. Have you plugged in the campaign's everyman skill list btw? You wouldn't want to miss out on the extra free PS after all.
  4. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Seems fine. However, do 8 point skill levels increase KSs aswell? Because if so then you have a 19- in Werebeast Lore and will be the foremost expert on Werelings in New Dawn and possibly on this continent. That isn't a problem, I just need to know so that your character can be treated accordingly by the High Command.
  5. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Hmmm. Ok. But no more than three of these 8 point levels. We'll call this extreme level of competence a side effect of your Divine heritage.
  6. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Equipment lists should appear automatically when using the Heroic template. If you are using Superheroic then go to 'current character' and scroll down to 'change current template' then pick 'Heroic'. You should get the equipment tab automatically. As for gerthon, take a little trip to page 4 of this thread and you should find everything you need on them. A light longbow is 1d6+1 RKA with Concentration - Half DCV and at your Strength level it will be a full phase action to draw and shoot. Def 3 and Body 3. Range 140". Stringing a bow takes a full phase as well. Str min = 10. A dirk is 1d6-1 HKA. Can be thrown, (mass 0.8). Body 3 and Def 5. Str min 6. Arrow types. I've knocked together a rough list from gaming common sense, campaigns I've been in and UMA. Note that damage refers to actual points of damage, not DCs. The Dragon's Tongue is finely crafted with a slightly rounded head that slips through armour easily. +1 Damage. The standard Bodkin is long, pointy and aerodynamic. Adds +20 to range at the price of -1 Damage. The hardened Bodkin is long, pointy, aerodynamic and punches through armour. Adds +20 range and armour piercing at the price of -1 Damage, it is harder to replace than the standard form. The Gutter has four blades in a cross shape. Adds +2 to damage at the expense of reduced penetration. You can only have ten special arrows altogether as I mentioned earlier but you can have any combination of different types within that limit. It requires a Weaponsmith roll to make quality arrow heads like this. You will also need the right materials e.g. steel for hardened Bodkins. Is that all you need to know?
  7. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Sure you can't think of anything yourself? Well here's what you will definitely have. Tools of the trade for carpenter, bowyer, blacksmith and cook. Eg. Smith's hammer and metal casts and a small portable forge if you want. Saw and other carpentering paraphernalia. Knife for trimming and carving wood. 6 spare strings, 20 spare arrow heads and some beeswax. Cook pot, various spices and salt. And then. Longbow. 20 arrows. 10 specialised arrows. (Pick something from a weapon list somewhere, if you don't have access to the right books I'll pick something out for you). Trollbone dirk. (Treat as a steel dirk). Wolf hide cloak. 2 points of resistant PD and ED on locations 9-14. Includes a hood that covers location 5. For a Werewolf the best kind of armour is that which can be easily thrown off before a transformation. New Dawn Medallion. Active. (This artefact is actually being used to keep a keep a vague watch over you, don't remove it, ever, they'll send the Templars after you). A loose and much patched outfit consisting of tunic and hose. 2 weeks rations. You can also have a pack mule or a gerthon to carry all your crafting gear. Anything else you want? BTW. Went over your character again and noticed something. Not a problem it's just that you have a lot of skills which have been increased with 2 point skill levels, you can invest in some 3 point or five point skill levels instead if you'd like. But the character is perfectly functional as he is so if you're not bothered about freeing up some more points to play with then don't worry about it. We have, after all, spent quite a long time on Zarathos as it is.
  8. Re: High Tech High Noon Brilliant.
  9. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming A fair point so far as it goes, throwing 'gimmicks' into a fantasy world is not necessarily beneficial. The innovations you've detailed are really not ambitious enough though. I mean something along the lines of using a different inspiration for the setting itself rather than starting with a Tolkienesque or Faerunalike world and making it different by tinkering with a few details. I mean something more along the lines of a setting based on the myths of Africa or a highly technologically advanced world that has fantastical and magical beings but does not possess magic as a discipline that people can learn or a world that completely redefines what magic is. A different ethos, culture or feeling to the world is what impresses me. A few Fantasy Series that demonstrate what I mean are the Symphony of the Ages, Artifacts of Power, Age of Discovery and the Malazan Book of the Fallen. But ultimately if a GM is a good storyteller they should be able to keep the players hooked whatever the setting.
  10. Re: The Warlords of Winter Another form of Vampire from a similar source. Dumahim are the weakest of the five clans by this point. Further details here http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dark-chronicle.co.uk/az/getimage.php%3Fimage%3DDumahim1.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.dark-chronicle.co.uk/az/dumahim.php&h=175&w=234&sz=8&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=JAopKQDr3z3T9M:&tbnh=82&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDumahim%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26sa%3DG
  11. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming I don't have a particular complaint to air here but what I want to see in fantasy gaming is the same thing that I want to see in fantasy fiction. Originality. New races/cultures, different landscapes, settings that do not represent a mythical version of Medieval Europe. Or just fresh ideas and attacks on old ideas e.g. why do Necromancers have to be evil? Perhaps in this setting they are the righteous protectors of the Underworld who sometimes summon forth the dead to punish the wicked or to capture rogue spirits and revenants. Trying to weird out your players shouldn't get in the way of good gameplay or interesting story-telling but it is worth trying it I feel. I will admit that plenty of people enjoy classic worlds with Elves and Dwarves and Orcs and so on but I prefer something with a more unusual flavour. I'll also say that there are plenty of interesting Fantasy Hero games out there but the more the merrier.
  12. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy True it seems a little underpowered. The description I found said that an atlatl could send a well made dart further than 100 metres. If we allow your original estimate that should be closer to the historical weapon.
  13. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Concealable - noticed and recognisable. Revenant's don't look that unusual, they just have an unnatural pallor and a slightly mechanical gait. Although they are referred to as Accursed like the Vampires and Werebeasts Revenants were never cursed by the Gods and they are not animated by evil magic therefore they do not technically count as 'unholy' creatures. A priest who knows the correct rituals can drive them out but that is built as a specific priestly ability rather than a weakness of Revenants themselves.
  14. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Sounds ok. And using the atlatl isn't so bad, he could end up fighting with the sword.
  15. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  16. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Basic starting gear for your character. Atlatl and 20 darts/throwing spears. Curved short sword. Eating dagger. 5 bottles of l'hassa and appropriate ingredients. 6 books. 7 scrolls. New Dawn Medallion. Travelling clothes. Change of clothes. Pen, ink and parchment. Some kind of keepsake from Ashali. 2 week's rations. Sound about right? Oh and I have a task for you, bold adventurer. See if you can find out or work out the Hero stats for an Atlatl.
  17. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  18. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Seems fine. Reminds me however that I should say a quick word on Disadvantages. Subject to orders from New Dawn is a 15 point Disadvantage that you should all take. Watched by New Dawn can not be higher than a 15 point Disadvantage as New Dawn doesn't have that much time to keep an eye on you. Normal Characteristic Maxima is a 20 point disadvantage in this campaign. Non-Accursed must take it. Vampires, Revenants, Dooms, Demonkin and Werebeast alternate forms can not take it. Mutants may choose to take it or not as they wish.
  19. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy The Lithid Vale. This AK includes a basic understanding of the surrounding area, an area of steppe with a few incongruous patches of meadow and field. This area has been somewhat optimistically renamed The Dawnlands by your leaders. Many locals still call it Batania after the old Khymrian Province that once existed here. I'll send you details later.
  20. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  21. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Normal animals will be able to detect something strange about him yes.
  22. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Yes.
  23. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy There's more than one way to kill a microbe. Your transform will halt the spread of a disease, stopping any symptoms like paralysis or whatever. Any Drain's will still be in effect but their return time will be reduced. A specialised Aid or extended healing will sort out Drains of course but will not kill the disease or poison itself, (diseases are horrible things after all). For healing. I hadn't actually thought about it yet. In my current campaign magical healing tends to come with nasty side effects but that wouldn't be suitable for this setting. Perhaps one use of one healing spell on one person per day? Although that build would privilege Werebeast regeneration but punish Grymmer for his self only healing spell. I'll think about it and get back to you.
  24. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
  25. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy
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