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  1. Re: Transformation Thanks for the help, guys! But how about turning back? How do you put a time limit on the power? Say, if her body "heals up" and she "returns to life" after twelve hours, etc.? How is a power with a duration limit handled in Hero 5th? Or does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle the change back? How would you make a power that let's you speak with the dead?
  2. Re: Transformation Thanks for your help and quick responses! I am familiar with superhero rpgs (Villians and Vigilantes, Mutants and Masterminds), but I just started HERO and I'm still wrapping my head around it. I've picked up Sidekick, but haven't bought the big 5th Ed volume yet. My idea for a hero is Suicide Girl, a Goth chick that is powerless until she kills herself (discovered after a suicide attempt). Her powers are triggered when she dies by her own hand (not being killed by others--thus, she can be "stopped" from transforming). She gains invulnerability, life support, great HTH combat skills...other powers that you guys can suggest? Anyhow, I figure that when she kills herself, her dead looks and body invulnerability (blows, bullets, etc. just rip chunks out of her) are disturbing to look at by others nearby. This is a disadvantage for diplomatic negotiations, but could be helpful for intimidation. I think that I'll give her the option to change back at will (her body full regenerates and she returns to the living). After all, it's only the initial transformation that is a pain in the @$$... Suggestions?
  3. Hey all-- Like I've said, I'm new to the system. If I want to make a hero that has to _transform_ into his heroic form, how would I do that? If he can only use his powers in this form _and_ he becomes extremely grotesque in the process, how would it look on paper? If the form only lasts for x amount of time, or if he can change back at will, could you please describe this disadvantage? Thanks for helping a noob out!
  4. Hey all-- Like I've said, I'm new to the system. If I want to make a hero that has to _transform_ into his heroic form, how would I do that? If he can only use his powers in this form _and_ he becomes extremely grotesque in the process, how would it look on paper? If the form only lasts for x amount of time, or if he can change back at will, could you please describe this disadvantage? Thanks for helping a noob out!
  5. Hey all-- I am just getting started with the HERO System. I recently picked up the Sidekick book and I'm working my way through it. One question that I have already--I can't find the answer in the smaller version Sidekick book--what happens when you run out of END? After using it all up lifting, punching, using powers, etc., are there any other adverse effects, other than not being able to use END-costing actions? Thanks!
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