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Posts posted by Cygnia

  1. Re: Holding the end of the world


    and you can't likely hold this thing for the rest of eternity.


    Well, being immortal, Prospero technically could. :P


    Apart from being immortal, his power schtick is buffing/debuffing (Aid/Supress/Drain/Dispel). Try to slowly yet carefully dispel the device bit by bit while he holds it. Of course, it might be tricky if his archenemy the Nightmare Eternal figures out he's in such trouble, but even HE doesn't want all realities destroyed and that might lead to a rather awkward team-up...:sneaky:

  2. Re: Order of the Stick


    It may be seven weeks 'til Belkar bites it. Not necessarily what Xykon has in store. Remember, the Oracle specified that Belkar would draw his last breath within one year in "real time" (our time), not comic time.

  3. Re: Order of the Stick


    Eugene is Roy's dad (and a Grade A dick), who destroyed the info on V's turn to the dark side that he was supposed to pass onto Roy.


    Simply put, he doesn't care what the cost is so long as Xykon bites it. And he doesn't even have "the greater good" as an excuse. He's just a selfish [bLEEP].

  4. Re: Foxbat for President


    Foxbat just friended me on Facebook. Should I be worried?


    (Though, not as worried as my father's soon-to-be-ex wife sending me a friend request. I have to assume that one was mailbox fail.)


    If Foxbat has a Twitter, I would SO follow him...:D

  5. Re: Wrath Of The Ancient Pharaoh


    Working on behalf of the United Nations, Ningyo would be there to back up her teammate Aten-Ra (Egyptian gadgeteer who discovered an alien powersuit) who'd be the one handling actual negotiations (not to mention trying to discover if this truly is a case of actual walking undead or a more "reasonable" explanation -- like nanomachines). No doubt they'd have to hurry before Black Dragon, working on behalf of the US, decides to either vaporize Cairo into glass "for the greater good" or authorize the use of prisoners in Gitmo and the like as "donations".


    (Black Dragon's player was NEVER subtle about his biases...:rolleyes:)

  6. Re: TV to rpg


    No, it is not Hero System. I don't what the gaming company that made Serenity, Stargate, Farscape, or Babylon 5.


    I just saw the books in the gaming store (which is what prompted the question in the first place).


    Farscape & Stargate were put out by AEG/Alderac and they used the d20 system. :thumbdown

  7. Re: TV to rpg


    I read the folks who do Conspiracy X have the license for a Doctor Who RPG now. Don't know how it plays though. Be nice to get some use out of my Ten miniature one way or the other one of these days. :D

  8. Re: Order of the Stick


    I do admit...I'm paranoid that Rich might be setting up for an impotent Hope Spot though. I'm 99% certain O-Chul is willing to sacrifice his life if it'll drive off Xykon for the time being.


    And that's fine. That's even expected. But Rich is fond of lampshading and subverting tropes. So the cynic in me is wondering if V's gesture will be pointless in the end.


    And the cynic in me is now thinking I called it. :rolleyes:

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