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Posts posted by Vadrus

  1. Re: VPPs and Game World Logic


    I'm just a newbie to the Hero System, but couldn't you do this through the 'requires a skill roll' limitation?


    For the blade don't give it the limitation or make it -1 per 20 AP.


    For the levitation make it RSR with -1 per 5 AP (maybe even with increased END as well)


    I know this doesn't balance the character point costs, but from in game logic the character sees his levitation as much harder to use, more tiring and less reliable than his blade.


    After all, world logic is from the characters point of view, game balance is from the players point of view, two separate beasts.




  2. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous)


    I am gonna still hold out for "Porn Hero"! :o


    Hey, if d20 can have it (The Book Of Erotic Fantasy, but the Valar Project, Inc.), then why not Hero! :thumbup:


    (Seriously, though, I suspect that Hero would still to a better job of handling the subject the d20 ever could.)


    Hmm remind me of my old 'Porn Beech' campaign, sort of like Scooby Do (solve the weekly crime/mysterious happening) but the PC's were all members of the adult entertainment industry and each had one 'power' based upon their erm.. speciality :eek:


    Not sure this was a good way to make my first post here ;)




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