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  1. Re: Federated Super Teams (Galactic Champions) I'm liking this FST more to a galactic version of the Fifty State Iniative for some odd reason, plus I like the idea of seeing Triathlon, Ultra Girl, Thor Girl, Hardball, Komodo, Cloud 9 and Trauma as members of an FST group... Might even have to make it a pet project of mine Great thread all! A quick question though, is anyone thinking about making this into a PBP or anything of the sort because I think it would work. But then again, I'm just crazy
  2. Re: How would you convert the characters from Adult Swim's "The Venture Brothers" Not asking if someone could convert them (however some of the effects in that show like the using of a magic spell to grow a hellbeast is kind of making me curious) but more like how would someone incorporate them into their game-how would you as a GM handle something like that? I hope that clears things up for everyone, I'm just curious on how to pull this off from a GM's point of view.
  3. I was watching the most recent episode of the Venture Brothers show on Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" and it brought a question up in the back of my mind-how would the characters look done up under Hero System rules? I mean each character on the show is a homage from another series or what have you and there is some super heroes on the show (IE-The "Order of the Triad"). So, how would someone go about converting them into say Champions-would it be a serious or not serious conversions?
  4. Re: NCIS Main Cast This seems like a killer idea for a thread but giving the team superpowers is a bit overdoing it though? Anyone thought about doing anything more with this thread?
  5. Re: Most Obscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair: I gave one of my players in game this book after the eighth time he tried to take his motorcycle into combat and wound up having it wrapped around his PC. No one in the group but one player who actually owned a copy knew what it was. Doc Savage: 'nuff said.
  6. Re: Soundtracks? My group uses a large selection of songs over the years to the point where we're now just burning our own soundtracks. *snicker* I personally have found that a few of the "Soundtracks" that are put out by the WWF/E have some pretty effective songs. On the other hand, my team's main theme is an instrumental version of the Beastie Boys "No Sleep till Brooklyn"
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