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Everything posted by PieMan

  1. I'm working on a Comic Book genre with my sister and she wants her character to own a convertable. Now sense I'm used to GMing Fantasy campains with my friends, I'm not to sure what I should use for the stats for the vehical. I want it to be realistic. Thank you to anyone and/or everyone who helps me with this. P.S. If someone else has already asked for somthing like this, please point me to the right place, thanks.
  2. Hey, I'm working on a spell for Fantasy Hero that'll let the caster put a 4PD / 4ED force field around anyone or anything he wants. But I'm not sure what modifier to use. Usable Against Others, or Usable By Others? I would really like some help on this, so that my new list of spells can finally be done. Please and Thanks!
  3. Re: How do you become a Jedi
  4. Re: Character creation help ty, you've been a huge help.
  5. i'm in the middle of creating a charater, but my champions book is at the other house, and i have no way of getting over there till sunday. i was wondering if someone could tell me how to calculate PD, ED, Spd, Rec, End, and Stun. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PieMan
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