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Posts posted by Prestige

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From a Fantasy Warhammer game last night. I don't remember the characters's name as of yet it was the first session, well I remember my own...





    Farawen: Elven wizard's apprentice.


    Setup:We are going into a a slum area to retrieve some item for a merchant from a gang. Only to find that gang was wiped out by another gang and we had to go to their territory. When we got there the noble want to try to BS his way though it...so he goes to the door


    Trapper(OOC): I get ready with my bow and cover him.

    Farawen(OOC): I do the same.

    Noble(OOC):I open the door...


    And though diplomacy got it so the gang's sentry would not attack us outright.


    Ganger: So what is your bussiness here.

    Noble: We are here to sell a elf slave.

    Farawen(OOC): Um...I lower my bow and try to look submissive.

    Noble: Not that one; another one.

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Ohhh' date=' there's [i']definitely[/i] a joke just begging to be used here...but in the interests of

    keeping this a family-friendly forum, I'll refrain from doing so.



    Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:


    Yeah that is why I refrained from telling another story from that game.

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From the Dark Hersey tonight...all of it was out game.


    GM: If you have a photo visor or photot contacts you need x on a perception check.

    Me: Photo Contacts? (not have heard of them.)

    GM: Sure they work just like regular contacts.

    Me: (To the player who's character loss a eye in a previous session) Hey you can get them at half-price.

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Here is two from a D&D game...I think the first one is 'you had to be there' type moment but I'll share it anyway.


    Cast: The spelling of the names might be off...

    Amra: my character a lythari(werewolf elf) Fight/wizard/bladesinger

    Razesh:Elf ranger

    Jhaumathra: Elf Cleric


    Set up: We are in a area dealing with a Yuan-Ti plot to take over the South part of the world. In the jungle heading towards the the Elven town that is directly threaten we ran into a green dragon. We talked to the green Dragon and find out he has been having problems with the Yuan-Ti too.


    Dragon: (rant about the ytuan-ti)....and they don't even taste good.

    Amra: He is right. (with perfect tone...and timing, remember werewolf part...she has a bite attack)


    Set up: The cleric fell in battle...since we were a couple of days from the town and the ranger could cover the ground quickly. So they left Amra and the ranger's animal companion alone in the cave. The animal companion was a Cooshee( a magical beast also called a Elven hound). Amra had a reptuation of sleeping around alot...she was a young elf and they tend to experment...also being a natural werewolf and having a wolf form...well let just say she is attractived to things canine like. So when the ranger and cleric return to the cave...I pass a note to the DM since there was no encounters and about 7 days pass...


    DM: when you get back to the cave your animal companion seems rather fond of Amra.

    Razesh(OOC): You slept with my animal companion?!?!

    Amra(OOC): What happens in the cave stays in the cave.

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    In a DH game I play in.


    Scythia: my character proffessional type assassin.

    Quinn: psychopathic assassin type.


    Set up: We were on a planet investigating the plantary governor. We discovered he was withholding his children from the Black Ship and framed a group of people for murdering the local imperial pysker. The group decided since his loyalist would side with him to remove him quietly and frame the rebels for it sending in the lotalist after them...giving the rebels warning so they would be ready. So my character and Quinn went in to kill the governor and his wife(couldn't risk the whittness). As we were sneaking out Quinn was spotted by a guard..


    Guard: "Halt! Who goes there."

    Scythia: stepping out from the shadows.."Your security has been compromise by the rebels. Tke us to the head of security now" Flashing the inquisators badge.


    It was great snatching victory from the jaws of defeat because Quinn was just going to kill the guy. But he would have probably raised the alarm.


    @Susano: I have the creatures book and have looked and saw your name. What did you write in particular?

  6. Re: LOTR Plushies


    How cute!




    Funko will release four 5” plush figures based on characters from Lord of the Rings in September. The characters are Frodo, Orc, Legolas, and Gandalf the White.


    Interest in the property remains high, both from the aftermath of the film trilogy and the anticipation of the two Hobbit movies, currently in pre-production in New Zealand.


    That looks more like Gandalf the Grey to me.

  7. Re: The Adventures of Ultragirl


    Finally a thief thats talks common sense. i like the line about him being only a thief and aren't there more important things she could be doing. Reminds of superman running around beating up muggers, at his power level that is pretty much beneath him.


    After she was frozen in place, you followed with a description of her physique, skimpy costume, and beautiful features, no wonder readers minds took a short cut to the gutter (NSFW territory, whatever that means.)


    Also another typo, the thief should be short in "stature."


    Interesting story good job. i think I see our little thief budding into a dust throwing supervillian my an arch enemy.


    NSFW= Not Safe For Work.

  8. Re: Supers vs. Military


    Guess we've read different comics. I haven't read any in quite some time now, but I definitely remember alien and/or transdimensional invasions in X titles, Avengers, Rom, Spiderman, Dr. Strange, etc. The attacking forces were often immensely powerful and vast in number. The supers always pulled things out in the end and I don't remember them needing help from the military.


    Having an Achilles heel is standard comic book stuff. As true for invading alien forces as it is for Superman, Wolverine, Batman, etc. Naturally it was a part of these comics.


    I apologize for my hyperbolic statement that "Superheroes don't seem to have much trouble handling invasions form other worlds and other dimensions". That was clearly an exaggeration. The superheroes definitely had a hard time -- thus conflict, excitement, story... On the other hand, I really don't remember them needing aircraft carriers, tanks, destroyers, nukes, etc. Clearly others have different memories. Probably reading different comics.


    Actualy I read alot of the same titles you did...and I remember seeing the military force fighting in some of the backgrounds...but then again it will of course focus on the super heroes actions.


    I mean the title is the X-Men not Army. Though I would consider that a weakness in the story.

  9. Re: Forgotten Reallms in HERO


    What are some ways to represent "Epic Level" characters (as per 3.0/3.5/Pathfinder) in HERO 6th Edition?


    I know alot more about D&D 3.5 and the FR then I do about Hero system for anything other than superheroes...so take this with a grain of salt.

    But you could give them VPP for caster types. (And well 99% of those types are casters)

    For non-casters Epic level casters...if you limit CSL you could allow them to exceed those limits.

  10. Re: Have you ever built the same character more than once?


    I have rebuilt the same character but usualy it is for a different game system.


    You could also look at the simlarities and see if you can link them together story wise. Like two cold projectors who hate each other because they both think they are the MASTER OF COLD!!!

    Or hunt each other to see if they unlock each others power it could be added to their own..

  11. Re: Supers vs. Military


    Superheroes don't seem to have much trouble handling invasions from other worlds and other dimensions without the aid of aircraft carriers' date=' tanks, destroyers, nukes, etc. These invasions feature advanced alien technologies that put our conventional forces to shame and/or supernatural abilities far beyond the ken of our best military science. Why would superheroes have trouble handling an invasion from a conventional military?[/quote']


    Actualy not entirely true I remember vaguely some invasions you do see the military units in action. Mostly in the background. It has been awhile since I last read a comic. Though do remember a comic focus on the main character...so you see such a small side of the conflict.

  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    Permafrost: A brick that is cold to the touch. Bob was just a janiator that caught in a cryo-freeze unit. It didn't put him in suspended animation though. The cold hardened his body making him super tough and super strong. Scientist in the lab suspect that he was a mutant with a unusual resistance to cold. Bob being a greedy guy saw this as a chance to score major bucks and went into bank robbing..later he was recruited into the Artic Circle.

  13. Re: GMing style, what else apart from 'Round the Table'?


    All the advice is great so far.

    Another thing you can do is let the other player RP among themselves while you are dealing with one person. One of the things that amaze me about most RPG is groups that they is sooo little RP between the players in most groups.


    Another thing is you encourage them to deal with the paper work of their characters while you are doing this.

  14. Re: Domino costume


    Well, the times I've had people I know rather well tell me, when I'm wearing my contact lenses "Oh, I didn't recognise you without your glasses".


    It could be that a garish primary coloured costume is designed to distract attention from the face, so people remember the costume, not the person inside it.


    And, as any cop will tell you, people make lousy witnesses.


    That would also explain why female super heroes wear the costumes they do...to draw the eyes away from the face to their other...ahem attributes.

  15. Re: Supers vs. Military


    Forgive me if this was addressed earlier in the thread, but I'm wondering why governments would bother with tanks and airplanes and all that at all. It seems much simpler to have a military composed of superhuman special forces who handle invasions and hot spots to be followed (if so desired) by lots and lots of normals trained to handle peacekeeping and reconstruction.


    Why invest all that time and money into building aircraft carriers if Superman (or similar) can sink it at will?


    The same reason we still have normal infantry...destroyers...etc. A super being...even one such as Superman can't not win a war single handly. I mean criminals get away with thing under his watch...now you expect him to defeat a wide spread organized attack by himself? Plus not to mention the fact...he is not part of the military.


    Personaly I think every military would develope tactic and technologies to deal with super humens...not so much to deal with the home grown guys who fight crime but to deal with enemy foriegn power super beings. They almost have to.

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