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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Re: US Police Equipment Thanks everyone for your information and comments it has been very informative
  2. I am planning to run a Dark Champions game where the characters will be Police officers with limited metahuman powers. For various reasons I am going to run this set in an American city but as I am not an American there are a few questions I would appreciate the opionion of list members on. 1. What sort of Body armour would a detective wear on plain clothes duty? 2. Are there any restrictions on the sort of ammunition police officers are allowed to use ? Could they get into trouble for using none standard ammunition in shooting. 3. What level of equipment would detectives have available in the Office /Car if they are expecting trouble at an Arrest such as Long arms and heavier body armour? Thanks for any answers
  3. Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments? In a game I was running based on VOICE of Doom the PC's where trying to rescue some hostages being gaurded by agents with two villains visible on the roof . They worry that in any assault the hostages will die , so they come up with a PLAN, Two PC's and the NPC Heroes launch a diversion while the Supermage sneaks up on the hostages and converts his entire VPP into an area effect teleport usable on others. Normally part of his VPP went on defenses, (Normally) . The plan goes perfectly they even made their stealth rolls for the 1st time in the campaign, the villains did not expect this plan.The teleport takes place , the Supermage, arrives in a celler with a few SWAT members and medics and the hostages . Success !!!All 5 hostages where disguised Supervillains .The Supermage survived as I could not bring myself to kill him for such a cunning plan. He was very upset when he found out what he had done.Also with teleports in another low powered campaign where we where police officers with one superpower each my character was at the weekly poker game with 5 other police officers she was female as was one other character a lebian and 4 men, Much alchohol had been consumed, I decided to teleport across the Room to get more alchohol, the GM makes me roll , 18. My character collapses unconcoious and manages to teleport herself without clothes across the room.She was very embarrassed for quite a long time afterwards particulary when one of the other pc'smanaged to recover ger underwear and nail it to the squad noticeboard the next day.
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