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Tugun Master

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Posts posted by Tugun Master

  1. Re: I'm Turnin' to Stone


    I can see it now... Mentalist & Co defeat Evil-Gorgon-Man and return all those heroes back to their original forms.


    One of whom dates back to the Golden Age Champions setting... All-American Man struggles to get to grips with decades as a statue... his family have all but given him up for dead, or have themselves passed on... technology (at least apart from that he's seen in the villain's chamber) is sooo different...


    His old hunteds are now dead, ancient, or obscenely powerful... perhaps one or two are now good guys.... What's more All-American has a few phobias... one of which involves paralysis/petrification or to a lesser extent falling asleep...

  2. The repercussions...




    Brick: 'I can't believe you thought turning me to stone was a good idea!'


    Stoner: 'Hey! I thought he was going to Mind Control you to wail on us, dude!'


    Brick: 'Those guys he did Control would have smashed me to bits!'


    Stoner: 'How was I to know there was a construction site nearby with workers doing demolition work?'



    Encounter with Mentalist #2


    *Brick sees Mentalist, then grabs Stoner and throws him at Mentalist, taking them both out.


    Martial Artist: 'What the hell did you do that for?'


    Brick: 'Thought I'd get rid of the two biggest threats to us winning.'






    Gorgon: 'Heroes? Yes, I get a few from time to time, Shadow Lord... they tend to brighten the place up.'


    Shadow Lord: '...pardon? I've always found them to be an infernal nuisiance...'


    Gorgon: 'Not at all at all... step this way...'


    *Gorgon-Master leads Sahdow Lord to his Throne Room, and points out the sides where he has life-sized statues in dynamic poses.


    Shadow Lord: 'Why do you have statues of heroes in your... wait...'


    *Shadow Lord senses life energies within the statues...


    'Well well... I see what you mean... hahaha...'


    Gorgon-Master: 'When I'm feeling down I come to my Throne Room and gaze upon my collection... sometimes I talk to them. They hear all my dealings, my plans for conquest...'


    *Gorgon steps up to one and gives it a loving pat on the shoulder.


    'They just can't do a thing about it... can you, Barbarian?'

  3. Re: I'm Turnin' to Stone


    Lol! You guys...


    I reckon it's all to do with how you build it. Sticking with the transform idea, I'd say that being a hunk of solid granite (or whatever) would pretty much rule out being used as a Mentalist's guinea pig/punching bag. Unless you've got psychometry that is. Sure our victim's Mind and Spirit weren't transformed mechanics-wise, but his physical brain has been.


    Is this a free defense?


    Think about it.


    Let's use the previous example bove about The Brick and the "Stoner" attempting to take out a Mentalist. Our Stoner knowing that the mentalist will more than likely use the Brick as his puppet of doom decides on the fly that it might be a better idea to stone the Brick so as to deny the mentalist his chance to use and abuse him (mentally).


    One surprised Brick turned to stone later, our Mentalist now has a choice... attempt to overwhelm the remaining Stoner, whom allegedly has decent mental defenses, or laugh at how the Stoner just did a better job of bettering his odds than the Mentalist could have thought of.


    If our mentalist is quick enough on the uptake, (like I would) he could always find some nearby civilians to dominate and send them looking for appropriate tools to start smashing the now stoned Brick. (Perhaps stopping to try and beat up the Stoner Guy so he can't undo the transform).




    On the other hand, maybe the transform is one of those nasty magical spells that only the meanest of Villains use... the ones that leave the victim's brain perfectly functional sort of a full body paralysis that nonetheless involves the guy being a hunk of rock. Worse it may indeed leave the poor chump capable of sensing with some or all of his senses.


    Then the villain could gloat, use the hero in demeaning fashion (say as a Doorstop or garden statue to show off to his friends) or just leave him for the birds and insects to play with for a few millennia.


    I would....

  4. If someone has a maneuver that uses the +Velocity/5 element defined as an attack with the special effect that they charge straight into someone, what happens if they don't knock that someone down or back? Does the attacker take some or all of that damage as well? Or because it's a "martial maneuver" mean nothing detrimental occurs?


    If they hit a brick wall, it wouldn't matter if the maneuver was martial or not right? An Armored Knight charging a Stone Castle Wall with a lance or his own head sure isn't going to ignore the sudden impact of an unrelenting wall... or is he?

  5. Bullets?


    All (most of) you guys can agree upon are bullets?


    Sheez... where's the diabolical plans? At least the Giant penny crushing trick had the Batman style to it.


    Batman, or any decent clone thereof, deserves something special to see them off.


    Here's a good way that will require quite a lot of resources/GM greasing, but is possibly the most complex and yet effective methods of taking out the Bat. Technically you won't even have to even think about doing him harm...


    1/Find out who he is.

    2/Look into what must have caused him to become who he is today.

    3/Find/Build/Commission a Time Machine.

    4/Use said Time Machine to go back to the fateful night that made the "Wayne" family a "Wayne Singular" and park up where the family are due to go to get mugged.

    5/Stop them from dying. Assign bodyguard types to watch over them. To keep them alive and well, thus preventing the events that transform young "Wayne" into the badass crime fighter he is today. That way he grows up to be some foppish playboy millionaire and not the brooding vigilante that's out to get you.


    The irony? By protecting your present day enemy in the future, you're Killing as you know him in the present. And all without so much as laying a violent finger on him or his loved ones.



  6. What are basing it off though?


    If we have to build other people, what do we have to go on?


    Are we basing it off our display names and profiles only or what?





    Bow Multipower 60pts

    12d6 EB Impact Arrow u

    8d6 EX EB TNT Arrow u

    2d6 RKA PEN, lots o' charges u



    Addicted to 5th Ed Champions


    blah blah blah...

  7. perhaps...


    Got Hero Designer?


    I don't.... yet...


    But perhaps you can get or tailor some 'pre-fabs' or somesuch to serve as a starting point.


    Otherwise, you could just make your own random power charts for Champions or use ones from other random generation tables in (gasp!) other systems.


    I have access to the first Marvel Superheroes System for example, and I have in the past used it to generate some characters who were then used as starting points for Champions characters.


    Also, The Mutant File has a Random Mutant Generator Table in the back... not exactly thrilling, but it might inspire you.

  8. Ahh...


    Had a quick look around for info. Not that it told me much.


    The Millennium Rod seems to be a big Mind Control with Telepathic Communication advantage. for plot moments, it seems to make the victim 'Say what I say'. otherwise it works normally, by telling them to 'tell me what I want to know'...


    If it can control it's victims in the usual mind control sense, then it probably doesn't have any limitation on it. Depending on the usefulness of this power, it might not even be worth a limitation if all it does is make people talk and say what it's wielder commands.

  9. Why only my most favourite game from that age...


    Tiger Road...


    One of my most loved platform arcade games ever!


    Lee Wong won me over. And while the game can be pretty hard going, I have been from the first level right through to almost the end before I ran out of coins... about NZ$5 later...




    Those were the days...


    Now I can't even get a ROM for it off the net. Been a big crackdown on them. :(


    If they'd bring back some of these old arcade classic ROMs legally for the PC (and maybe even MAC) I'd buy them!

  10. Which brings up another important Q:


    How does HERO System source it's gun performance information? (If indeed it does) And who's the big honcho that processes it and how?


    Is it you, Steven?


    Dark Champions was pretty cool, guns wise, but what if we want to make our own guns and don't have access tyo our own gun range and or Big Book o' Gun stats?

  11. Other Alternatives...


    Does this Rod thing enable it's user to make the victim say things the user doesn't know about, or is it really just like "throwing one's voice" just with a better special effect?


    i.e. The Ventriloquism Trick.


    If so, it could be a powered version of Ventriloquism with a huge bonus to it's skill roll, and either similar Mimicry skill thrown in.



    Telekinesis with Fine Manipulation (only to move the target's lips and vocal apparatus) and/or Images vs. Hearing Group.


    If it works more like a truth serum, maybe a Telepathy power with an audible special effect. (others in earshot hear the words come from the victim's mouth.)

  12. Champions CRPG


    It'd be rather insane to code with even the slightest semblance of the actual rules.


    Herosphere has enough to simulate the combat mechanics okay, but still lacks some details such as Altitude (for Flyers) and disarm.


    Just imagine the special effects assignments?

  13. Definitely


    I agree. Marvel Comics don't deserve a Champions Universe line in my opinion.


    DC Comics (& Image, which DC Comics owns now, yes?) would do a good job on the Champions Mythos. Esp if you could get the likes of Grant Morrison or Pat Mills in on the storyline, and maybe get a good artist on the job.


    The only thing is, would there be another conflict of who owns the rights to what character fiasco like with Dennis Mallonee's original Champions run?

  14. If I have linked attacks that are able to be affected by the same CSLs/Overall Levels, such as a pair of handguns, do the Levels affect both/all linked alike attacks equally? Or do they need top be divided between the attacks?


    e.g. Fourarmed (OCV 7) draws a bead with his four handgun attacks. He has say +4 Overall Skill Levles. He uses 2 Levels to add to his OCV, the other 2 for raising his damage with pistols by +1 BODY. Does he get:


    1/OCV 9 with one attack and OCV 7 with the others, and +1 BODY to one of the damage results?


    2/OCV 9 with all pistol attacks, and +1 BODY to all the pistol attacks?

  15. Re: Re: Re: Write Ups.


    Originally posted by Keneton

    Let me clarify. . . (also keep in mind that this is based on deeply repressed high school memories:D )


    1. The story was about the theft of some artifact (might have been the crowns of krim or some orb?). I would rate the story a C for campy.


    2. The book was on the higher grade paper and sort of glossy. I give that and A for Awesome for a hero product!


    3. The art was average or C for could be mistaken for Secret Wars II.


    4. Than Champions Stats were ok or B as in Better than European Enemies.


    Remember I am comparing it to a then realy good run of Spiderman, Byrne Hulk, and a revamped Man of Steel run. Those comics were good, these not so good.:)


    Word. I saw what I think was the very first comic on a shelf in a comic book store when I was out of town. It looked rather sub-standard to my picky comic-book collector vision, but having seen the then 1st, 2nd or 3rd Edition (I know not which one) Champions boxed set on the RPG shelves, it gave me the urge to actually pick the issue up and at least give it a flick through.


    I was rather underwhelmed and put it back. Same with the art of the then Champions rules. I wound up passing it over for the more aesthetically pleasing Golden Heroes RPG and didn't discover the fun of the best superhero system rules out until many years later when I saw the 4th Ed Hero System Rulesbook, and snapped it up. Even then I had the dickens of a time trying to convert same die-hard MERP players over to Champions, and wound up buying almost every 4th Edition supplement I could get my hands on.


    Now, I look back and think, damn, I passed up on a slice of Champions history... shame on me.

  16. Re: Re: The Secret of A.L.B.A.L.D.U.


    Originally posted by Mightybec

    Do the Mouri's (sp?) still get the facial tattoo's chiseled into thier faces?




    The Maori still do that, though it's still a relative rarity. They're mostly seen on the faces of either the more dedicated followers of the culture, or the odd gang member or two. That said the moko (with the o's making kind of an 'oar' or 'aww' noise, maww-kaww, the name for the facial tattoo here) has recently been seen on the face of a rising Maori radio personality. Most Maori performers just apply makeup to their face in simulation of the moko, as it tends to limit ones employment options.


    Can you imagine someone looking like, say, Darth Maul, working at Burger King?

  17. Avid Collector that I am... anyone out there got write ups for the original Champions teams/villains? I'm looking for info on the the very first Champions teams and any other characters who didn't get the revision treatment over the many different edition changes. Mostly the 1st, 2nd Edition teams with Marksman and Giant and so forth... and even the villains who weren't deemed worthy enough of being revised for the following editions.

  18. Here's a Q. I know that a character can acelerate up to his Full Combat Movement Velocity per phase. Natch.

    i.e. Speedy Guy with 20"x4NC can speed up to 80" at a rate of 20" over 4 phases.


    I know said character can accelerate at 5" for every hex he or she can move through. (4 hexes to reach 20" in Speedy Guys case.)


    I also know that it's said to be the same decelerating... but wouldn't it take a hex for every 5" velocity to slow down when a PC made a half-move or even full move at up to their full combat velocity? And if not, whats a good rule for it. I notice that many characters travelling at normal combat speeds don't seem to need/bother with decelerating their next phase, even if they don't 'end' their movement with a Move By or Move Thru.


    Is there a guideline for stopping or needing to decelerate for Combat Movement speeds?


    i.e. Lor God of Blunder has a fairly ordinary 6" x2NC Run. he half-moves 3" then throws his mighty Blunder Mace at someone for his action. Next Phase, Lor decides to stand still and belt some Goblins. If I was a stickler to every rule in the book, (which I'm not) this would seem to indicate that Lor would need to use half-a-phase and 1" of movement to stop his previous movement.


    If that's okay, then what about the speedster example?

    Speedy Guy blurs forward at 20" in a Full Move, and isn't trying to hit anyone. Next Phase he decides to belt some poor thugs hand-to-hand that he ended his movement in front of last Phase. Should he need to take 4" to decelerate this turn for a Whole Phase? Or does he also get some strange benefit of 'Only Moving at Combat Velocity', where it doesn't matter until he exceeds his Full Combat Velocity?


    Would they same be true if a character had 40" Combat Move? And the same for 200"?

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