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Posts posted by austenandrews

  1. Re: Israeli Start-Up Makes Army Units Vanish Into Thin Air


    The reason the news piece is timely is that hizbullah is stocking up on heat seeking rockets to try to neutralize our strategic advantage.

    I figured that would be a primary use. Seems like it'd be of more restricted utility against human eyes, but against heat-seeking tech and even IR pattern matching it might be very effective.

  2. Re: Israeli Start-Up Makes Army Units Vanish Into Thin Air


    Not foolproof - camo, not invisibility - but pretty slick. The part about disguising your heat signature as something else is nifty. I'd like to see a demo of that.


    How does it mask waste heat, though? Is there an internal heat sink or something? Is it possible to shift it to a non-FLIR frequency, maybe? Or is it only good until the plates heat up?

  3. Re: Alien Language Vs Not Very Alien Language


    For sounds, maybe find a related collection of noises and approximate them with speech sounds/letters. Bird calls, mechanical sounds, musical instruments; some collection that you can intuitively relate as a set but are at different angles from normal human speech.


    Kind depends on the aliens, I suppose, but what if alien "names" don't work like ours? Maybe each alien has a collection of names, each to be used only in its proper context?

  4. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!


    Why? I think Sigourney Weaver worked because she didn't look like your typical Hollywood starlet. The crew of the Nostromo were basically truckers after all.

    This. Welch would have been way too glamorous for that bunch.

  5. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!


    The evidence doesn't support that scenario:


    Accordingly, when producers David Giler and Walter Hill told her, in early 1990, that they were commissioning a Ripley-less Alien3 and would come back to her for the fourth installment, she didn't argue. ''I felt Ripley was going to become a burden to the story,'' she says. ''There are only so many aspects to that character you can do.''


    But Fox's new president, Joe Roth, felt differently. ''Sigourney Weaver is the centerpiece of the series,'' he says. ''She's really the only female warrior we have in our movie mythology. In successful sequels you have a fine line between old and new ingredients. We felt it would be cataclysmic to proceed without her.''


    So the cataclysm proceeded with her.



    Who's Oz?

  6. Re: So....the Universe....Discuss!


    (From a mostly-layman's perspective' date=' mind, I agree with the comments on that site that state that this model just shifts the question from "where does our universe come from?" to "okay, so where did that [i']other[/i] universe come from?". Even if shown to be plausible, it's not the Final Answer to the Great Question of the Ultimate Start Of All Things.)

    Sure, but that's not the goal. As much as pop culture likes to think of the Big Bang as an iconic Beginning Of Everything, it's really just an event to be investigated.

  7. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!


    Alien3 had to feature Ripley. She was the face of the franchise. It'd be like making a Pirates of the Caribbean movie without Johnny Depp - you could do it, and it might be good, but it's not necessarily the best thing for business.

  8. Re: Parallel Universe Star Wars


    What if that idiot Imperial officer would have shot the droids' escape pod just in case with or without life forms aboard?

    Death Star plans get destroyed and Luke/Han/Obi-Wan don't get sucked into the story. Alderaan still gets blown to smithereens, but without tracking the Millennium Falcon, Tarkin doesn't find the rebel base. So it's the status quo from the start of the movie, more or less, but with the Rebellion quickly losing support against the threat of the Death Star.


    The destruction of Alderaan might have stirred Obi-Wan out of his hibernation, though. Maybe he could coax Luke away from home and take him to meet the rebels anyway. Obi-Wan could serve as the Rebellion's Force-guided counter to Vader. Good thing too, because the Death Star would have blown Hoth to dust in the time it took to land the walkers..

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