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Posts posted by hammersickle59

  1. Ok...so one of my players is moving at max running....this uses 9 END every Turn. He gets back 6 every turn for free in REC. So eventually he starts burning Stun as endurance. But now he gets back 6 stun and 6 END free every turn...so he gets to this equilibrium point where he can run indefinatley and not tire out!


    Is there a rule I'm not recognizing?

  2. Re: Killing Damage: Adding damage, manuevers and velocity


    To Thia: I know you cant double the base damage...that is seperate from the rules being cumalative. For example...if both rules were cumaltive that means that I can have a base killing attack of 2d6...then do a move by that would normally add 6DC's but instead it adds 3DCs because of the first rule. So the end result would be a 3d6 Killing. At max I could do a 4d6 Killing but I would need to get 12 extra DC's instead of 6! (cause it's halved because of the first rule).


    But anyways...the rules arent cumalative....they should however specifically state that. Oh well.

  3. Re: Killing Damage: Adding damage, manuevers and velocity


    Ghost-Angel.....thats the crux of the issue. If movement based damage isnt manuever based damage then why is "move by" and "move through" manuevers! They never specifically say they arent manuevers, but they do say they are manuevers!


    What this really means is, for this specific circumstance, you dont use both rules...the movement rules for adding killing damage override the manuever rules for killing damage. This would match both of your replies, except make more terminology sense (to me anyways).

  4. Ok. page 406 and 407 5ER.


    Under "Manuevers adding to Killing Damage" It states that for every 2DC's a manuever would add, add 1DC instead. Ok..simple enough.


    Then under "Movement Adding to Killing Damage" For every 1d6 of normal damage added, add 1DC of killing damage BUT you can not more than double the base DC's.


    Then it gives an example. That exampe takes into account this second rule but not the first rule! So.....are these two rules not cumalative?


    It I have a killing attack and I do a move by to add 6DC's to the attack, do I get 6DC's or 3DC's? Based on their example its 6 DC's but this may be an oversight. Killing attacks have a ceiling on the damge from velocity and normal attacks dont, so I dont see the point of penalizing the Killing attack even more.

  5. Is there a general rule somewhere that covers when a charcter can make another attempt at something once he has failed it? This could apply to skills, powers etc...


    I had a player use Telepathy, failed. tried again, failed, tried again, failed tried again...succeeded. It had a bad feel, maybe I should have tacked on a -1 each time. He had the time and END to keep trying. Basically their was nothing the target could do so he kept trying. I dont think its too powerful or anything it just had a bad feel. Thoughts?


    Oooh..maybe i should use the time chart. you can try again in 1 turn...then a minute...then 5 minutes etc..

  6. Re: Speculation on Hero Releases in 2099


    Yeah....Dune is awesome....Heroes with a Dune setting.


    Note: Regardless of my strange perceptions of reality, I did not aquire them from "hype" or "hysteria" or "alcohol"....I dont buy into myth. Its all science base. I dont care how many other people believe what I believe. To site someone 1000 years ago believing the world would end AS A REASON to not believe it is a logical fallacy!


    Second, all you nay sayers....what research have you done? Seriously? If your not interested in the subject thats fine, you can still have an opinion on it; however some opinions are more valid than others (think about that for a minute, yes its true).

  7. Re: Speculation on Hero Releases in 2099


    Hey, no problem, the thread begs for that kinda thing.


    I still think what you're worrying about is no different then the monks who were convinced they had absolute biblical proof that the world was scheduled to end in the year 1000 (never mind Y2K), though. Biblical evidence was deeply respected at the time, afterall.


    Personally, I'd love to witness the end of the world, I understand the impulse, it's the ultimate form of closure.


    I love that phrase "Biblical evidence was deeply respected at the time"


    Unfortunatley it still is. lol.


    There is too much suffering in the world...maybes its best we cut our losses and end this game. You know? I mean seriously if we cant get our *#@# together then we should go away. You first though. lol.


    Just kidding, life is cherry. Believe in Jesus.


    "Jesus loves you, but I'm right here baby" - My shirt.

  8. Re: Speculation on Hero Releases in 2099


    Yes....climate change is a slow process. The evidence does point out that we have rapidly sped it up.


    Its my understanding that if the oceans were 2 degress warmer (on average) that would be enough to cause dramatic change. Its a matter of a chain reaction. If we manage to raise the temperature 1 degree warmer (as a whole planet), that would be enough to cause the methane vents at the bottom of the ocean to open....those causing the temperature to rise another degree. At that point the normal ocean cycles that regulate the earths temperature would change. "Global Warming" isnt going to cause places to get warmer, its goig to stop the "evening out" of the temperature. We will have places that are extremley hot and extremly cold.


    Let me sight some real world proof. If you look at the temperature records FOR THE ENTIRE TIME WE'VE BEEN RECORDING TEMPERATURE, and you had to guess what was the top 10 highest temperatures for a given location you would think they would be fairly random right? like...one in the 20s...one in the 40s or whatever....wrong....7 of the records are in the last 10 years! That means that almost every year we reach a new time high in a given region! (Note: the 7 to 10 is for the region I live in San Diego, yours may be better or worse).


    Anyways....this isnt the type of discussion for a Heroes forum....:)


    Sorry guys for ruining the mood

  9. Re: Speculation on Hero Releases in 2099


    Umm...sorry to break the bad news to you guys, but the human race wont be around that long. Seriously. Maybe they'll be small enclaves of us still out there, but we wont be a thriving civilization.


    The latest Scientist to testify before congress has stated that there is NO WAY to reverse the climate change because we've gone to far. Even if we stop burning fossil fuels completly....IF EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET STOPS USING PLASTICS AND GASOLINE AND NATURAL GAS IT WOULD STILL BE TOO LATE!


    Read Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Rupert. No joke.


    Yep, this is why I play Heroes....cause a fantasy world is much more preferable to the dung heap we live in.


    The Industrial Revolution lead to the destructin of our race. Pitty we didnt catch on earlier.

  10. Re: Images....abuse or no?


    Son of a!, I didnt realize once something was made mobile then you had to buy ranged for it again. Also, for him to "attach" it to a person he would have to by UAA. He's not going to like this at all....


    This is ofcourse my fault too for not knowing the rules well enough.


    One thing about Andrew (the player in question) is that he is very stubborn and doesnt like to learn new rules or systems. He does not like change! So any type of modification to his character or how he can use the power is going to upset him. Arrrggghh!


    Myself, I'm having a blast learning this new system and even making mistakes is exiliarting knowing theres one more piece of knowledge I've acquired.


    Thanks again guys...I'll dwell on this a bit.

  11. I have a player who keeps using his Images power ( Sight, Hearing and Touch,8 hex, persistent, -6 to PER to see through, Mobile) to put globes around enemies so they cant see or hear. Do you guys consider this an abuse? Should he just buy Darkness?


    He's new to the game so it wasnt like he purposley was trying to circumvent rules; and ofcourse I didnt know he wanted to use it this way till he started trying to. He really hates the idea of modifying his character but what he's doing is sort of on the edge of abuse.


    First off, he puts a globe around them....even if they figure out its an illusion they still cant see through it. Its real annoying cause it never goes away (if follows the enemy around even after the battle is done!) Ofcourse the globe can only move 6 hexes per phase so assuming the enemy cathes on to that then he can outrun it at which point it would dissapear.

  12. Re: 1 for 5 powers (summon, duplicate, mult-form, follower etc)


    Not exactly. You can do a 1000pt (lacking 750 disadvantages) but you have to pay for all the disadvantages they lack on a 1 for 5 basis (in addition to the 1000pts) This is 5ER Multi-Form that I'm going off of so it may be different in earlier additions. (this section of multi-form says "requires GM approval"...but doesnt everything say that lol).


    Example: 1000pt multi-form cost 200pts, Since we dont want it to have 750 disadvantages we have to pay an addtional 150pts (750 divided by 5). Total real cost is 350pts for a 1000pt multi-form. (Since I'm using a 250pt character as a base then he couldnt afford it so it he would have to knock it down to 800pt or whatever.)


    Ok...so not as powerful as my initial example.....still can be pretty abusive though.

  13. Is it just me or do these seem too powerful? I would like to see different peoples arguments on why these are fine or too powerful.


    I'm going to give a brief example of abuse. Ofcourse any sane GM wouldnt allow my example but I found that with certain powers its difficult NOT to abuse them! I'm not refering to will power, I mean math...its just too cheap.


    Everyone is playing a 250pt character. I spend my 250 pts in Multiform. I now have a 0pt form (which I will never be in or use) and a 1250pt form which I will always be in. Or I could have 1024 1000pt forms! Another words...I could be a god! with every conceivable power in the book (thats over 1 million points in powers while everyone else is playing a 250 pt character!) 1,024,000 to be exact.


    This goes for vehicles etc...

  14. I should have been more specific. Does the telepath have access to the lower categories (like surface thoughts if your already in deep hidden thoughts) at the same time? or would he have to state that he switches categories? The telepath can only get one piece of info per phase so I'm guessing he would have to deliberatly switch.


    I had a situation where a PC was reading a targets subconscious but the target had a useful/important surface thought at the same time, but the PC wasnt trying for surface thoughts.


    By the way: just wanted to say thanks for creating an awesome gaming system. I've been gaming for 13 years in various systems and I find this one very unique and enjoyable.

  15. I asked Steve Long:


    If a character declares he is going for "memories" on Telepathy and succeeds, can he also send and receive surface thoughts (which is two categories easier)? Another words, does a character have access to all the categories below him on the telepathy chart?


    His response:



    I think I should have been more specific with my question, so I'll open this for discussion.


    For example: your reading a targets subconcious, you get one piece of information per phase. The target has an important surface thought (the character hasnt even mentioned that he wants to hear surface thoughts). How can he hear the surface thoughts and subconcious (or memories, or deep hidden etc...) at the same time if he can only have one piece of info per phase? Maybe steve meant that you can easily switch to a lower category if your already deep? Maybe I should make a follow up question.


    Also, I think it sort of makes sense that you cant do more than one category at a time. Your in a certain part of the mind/brain that has memories not surface thoughts etc...

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