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Everything posted by Mordlyth

  1. Yep, KS, I did hook up with a Hero group. I still play D&D once a week, but it seemed a shame to let the 5th Ed. book simply collect dust on my shelf. I just threw some quick racial packages together, convinced a couple of my gaming buddies to try the new Hero, and am using my home-grown campaign as background. But anyway....have to watch myself or I can go on forever. Thanks for the info, KS! Definately something to think about, but what I was really looking for was to just hear what styles others are using/or have used in their current games. The recent complexities with my player simply prompted me to ponder what styles others are currently using or have used for the Hero system. (I was weened on open-ended games, so it's nice to see what else is out there. )
  2. Looks good Hmmm....it looks to be a very well developed character, but, I'm not sure of the Dispel cost. Now, I don't have my book with me, but isn't Dispel 5pt/d6? If it isn't, then I'm sorry...I'll try to blame it on the coffee here at work (though I'm not certain anyone would believe it). That's it though. Good job. BTW...let me know if I'm mistaken.
  3. Hey Folks, I've been running a Fantasy Hero game for a couple weeks now, and everything is going well for the most part. Of course, there have been a few hitches concerning a player who seems unable to handle a non-scripted campaign. This had led me to post this thread, so that I can see how other GM's run their Hero System games. * * * My style - I come from a very long history of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons gaming (though I'm not old enough to have played in the Arduin settings), and that experience has shaded my GMing style in noticable ways. First off, I view GMing as a means of entertainment for me. This may sound rather selfish, but I enjoy creating worlds and cultures, drawing maps and creating layers of plots in the world surrounding the players. I present a world to my players, then sit back and watch their antics. I use flow charts to determine how adventures run, and those events that are overlooked or ignored have their own resolution, which may or may not be of benefit to the world and/or the players. * * * This player I have seems unable to work on his own, expecting me to lead him about by his proverbial nose. Is my GMing style unsuitable to Hero System? Feedback and other styles would be nice.
  4. I'm in the process of beginning a Hero campaign in a home-brewed world. I've got most of the "mundane" aspects of the campaign worked out, everything from the resources of given lands to who rules what lands and where. The only thing I'm having a spot of trouble with is the magic system. My players and I are rabid fans of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar novels, and I would like to use the Hero rules system to duplicate the magic system used in the novels. Has anyone else ever worked on this particular endeavor? Any assistance would be appreciated.
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