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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Just my two penn'orth: I'd assume that the double-effect-per-five-points you see with STR applies to the other stats as well. I know you don't have to assume that, but it's quick and easy to remember and I like it. (BTW, if anyone can tell me a reason that idea just doesn't work, please do).
  2. Thanks for the tips, especially the Clairsentience Blackout Lim. I'm thinking that blacking out the wearer's Sight Group would be a -1/4 or -0 Lim. Does that sound right? Lord Liaden: I'm leaving the Sonar as part of the Hearing Group, yes.
  3. OK, so I'm trying to model a pair of goggles that give the wearer a "sonar sense" (Active Sonar with 360-Degree Perception). My difficulty is I want the goggles to make the wearer unable to see normally: the inside of the goggles is just a display screen for the sonar. How would I do this? The best idea I've come up with is a Side Effect of Sight Group Flash 1d6 (Standard Effect) so that the wearer is blinded whenever the Power is active. Firstly, does that even make sense? Secondly, is there a better (or another) way of modeling what I want? Thank you in anticipation.
  4. Gestures I've looked for a thread already answering my question but I couldn't find one; sorry if I missed it. Gestures means the character can't do anything with her/his hand(s) except activate the Power. Does that mean I can build a sword, say, as HKA with the Focus and Gestures Limitations, with the Gestures being wielding the sword? It seems a little counterintuitive but I can't think why not: it is a limitation compared to a character who doesn't have to use her/his hands to activate an HKA. And what about Gestures as a Limitation to model a bare-hands HA? I suppose HA and HKA could have the "uses hands" limitation built-in, so what about a rifle built as an RKA with Focus and Gestures?
  5. Dear Steve I have just got FREd (and I love it!) but I am still trying to get my head around the rules. Just to clarify: natural movement that costs END (e.g. Running) has its END cost calculated from the total inches of movement, including (e.g.) the free 6" of Running. Is that right, or have I confused myself again? Thanks in advance!
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