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Doomed Prophet

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Posts posted by Doomed Prophet

  1. Re: Mummy Dearest


    Hmmm... Let's see...

    Danger Man: If he wasn't distracted along the way would probably give a short soliloquy, fight the mummy, get beaten up by the mummy, and start yet another mission for his team. Darn that Weirdness Magnet disadvantage!

    Res-Q: Would heal the guard then attempt to heal the mummy. Fight it? Not until it attacked first, and with Res-Q's luck it would be immune to stun attacks. If it fled the museum she would follow it and wonder where the rest of her team was. But her team did help me make her quote "Starrunner calls for help, he gets it. Gatecrasher calls for help, he gets it. Electro-Lyte calls for help, she gets it. I call for help and get a busy signal. The joys of being a support heroine...."

    Ultra: Would follow the mummy back to it's boss and if it didn't have a boss would curse her indecision, right before smacking the mummy back to ancient egypt.

    Plutonium Kid: Would avoid using his powers in the museum (nobody wants to go to the museum and go home glowing) and wait for the mummy to leave. Once it was in an open area the irradiation would begin.

    SMILEE: Would have to wait for the mummy to leave the museum (I doubt his armored butt could sneak up on even a mummy). Then have a short inner dialogue that goes something like this: "Mummies? Again? Why can't it ever be something easy? Like time-traveling robots?"

    Ironsides: "Ooooh. Dead thing walking!" SMASH! Sound of breaking glass. "Crush dead thing!" More glass breaking. Sound of team's insurance rates rising. "Why you no die dead thing?!?!" This would continue until he lost interest in the mummy, or the rest of his team showed up.

  2. Re: Some questions about Stronghold


    I take the "Individual Containment Cell" idea. A blanket of power negation would actually irritate any hero visiting the Stronghold (although the "Visitor Check-In" room does have negation to keep out those pesky shape-shifters). For tech based villains I either remove the offending tech (armor suits and weapons are all stored off-site) or by tech-dampening cuffs (designed to stop the use of offensive tech, can't go around killing villains with artificial hearts).

    I guess they left some of the ideas in Stronghold up to the individual GMs.

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