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Doomed Prophet

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Posts posted by Doomed Prophet

  1. Here's a WiP that I started last night...


    Linsay Covens

    [b][font=Tahoma]Val       Char    Cost     Roll      Notes[/font][/b]
    [font=Tahoma]12         STR      2          11-       Lift 132.0kg; 2d6 [1][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         DEX      12         12-       OCV:  5/DCV:  5[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         CON      8          12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         BODY    8          12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         INT       4          12-       PER Roll 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         EGO      0          11-       ECV:  3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]12         PRE       2          11-       PRE Attack:  2d6[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]16         COM     3          12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2          PD        0          Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          ED        0          Total:  3 ED (0 rED)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2          SPD      0          Phases:  6, 12[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]6          REC      2[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]30         END      1[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]35         STUN    8          [b]Total Characteristic Cost:[/b]  [b]56[/b][/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Movement:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]      Running:           8"/16"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]            Leaping:            4"/8"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]            Swimming:        2"/4"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Cost     Powers            END[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]15         Multiform (350 Character Points in the most expensive form), Reversion (+0) (70 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Personality Loss First Roll after 5 Minutes (-1 1/2)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]            Perks[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          [i]College Teacher:[/i]  Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 11-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          [i]College Teacher:[/i]  Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 11-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Contact:  Mom and Dad (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]            Talents[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Rapid Healing[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Speed Reading (x10)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]            Skills[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          [i]Bleeding like that's going to take more than just a band-aid...:[/i]  Paramedics 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]7          [i]Had a gymnastics scholarship to local college...:[/i]  Acrobatics 14-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]7          [i]Had a gymnastics scholarship to local college...:[/i]  Breakfall 14-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          [i]I know how to pick a guy up... Honest...:[/i]  Seduction 11-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]I know how to work Windows:[/i]  Computer Programming (Desktop Computers) 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]I remember reading about this type of crime in a book once...:[/i]  Deduction 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Learned Spanish from some friends...:[/i]  Language:  Spanish (basic conversation)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          [i]OMG! I have a test tomorrow!:[/i]  Cramming [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Read "Horseback Riding for Dummies" and tried it out...:[/i]  Riding 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Sat in the back of class a couple of times...:[/i]  Lipreading 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          [i]This city is my home...:[/i]  AK: Campaign City 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          [i]Took some French in high school...:[/i]  Language:  French (fluent conversation; literate)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Took the class, tried to pay attention...:[/i]  SS:  Biology 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Took the class, tried to pay attention...:[/i]  SS:  Math 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          [i]Who would have thought my time in the Debate Club would be helpful?:[/i]  Oratory 11-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          KS: Basic College Class Knowledge 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          KS: Manasphere MMORPG 13-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]0          Language:  English (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          PS: College Student 11-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          PS: Manasphere MMORPG 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2          Navigation (Other Manashpere MMORPG Game World) 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Streetwise 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]North is that way... Or is it that way?:[/i]  Navigation (Land) 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          [i]Awww... You know you want to tell me...:[/i]  Interrogation 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Powers & Skill Cost:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]94[/b][/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Cost:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]150[/b][/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma] [/font][/b]
    [b][font=Tahoma]75+     Disadvantages[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]0          Normal Characteristic Maxima[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Hunted:  DHS 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]15         Physical Limitation:  Nearsighted (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Reputation:  Smart, but crazy, girl in school, 11- (Known Only To A Small Group)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Accidental Change:  When her schizophrenia spikes 11- (Uncommon)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]25         Psychological Limitation:  Schizophrenia (Cannot distinguish reality from her fantasy) (Very Common, Total)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Distinctive Features:  Tattoos (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]0          Rivalry:  Professional (Other Manaspace Players; Rival is Less Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Disadvantage Points:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]150[/b][/font]

    Background/History: WIP




    Campaign Use:



    [b][font=Tahoma]Val       Char    Cost     Roll      Notes[/font][/b]
    [font=Tahoma]12         STR      2          11-       Lift 132.0kg; 2d6 [1][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]18         DEX      24         13-       OCV:  6/DCV:  6[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]16         CON      12         12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         BODY    8          12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14         INT       4          12-       PER Roll 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]20         EGO      20         13-       ECV:  7[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]14/26    PRE       4          12- / 14-           PRE Attack:  2 1/2d6/5d6[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]17         COM     4          12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2/17      PD        0          Total:  2/17 PD (0/15 rPD)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3/8       ED        0          Total:  3/8 ED (0/5 rED)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2          SPD      0          Phases:  6, 12[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          REC      0[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]50         END      9[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]28         STUN    0          [b]Total Characteristic Cost:[/b]  [b]87[/b][/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Movement:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]      Running:           6"/12"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]            Leaping:            2"/4"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]            Swimming:        2"/4"[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Cost     Powers            END[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]30         [i]Weapons from Manaspace:[/i]  Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); all slots Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2u         1)  [i]Mace:[/i]  Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)       3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2m        2)  [i]Fighting Sticks:[/i]  Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)   1[/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]                        Notes:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  She can draw up to two of these at one time.[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1u         3)  [i]Battle Hammer:[/i]  Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (52 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)   2[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2u         4)  [i]Katana:[/i]  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (60 Active Points); -2 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)       3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2u         5)  [i]Net:[/i]  Entangle 5d6, 7 DEF (60 Active Points); Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)    3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2u         6)  [i]Throwing Saps:[/i]  Energy Blast 12d6, STUN Only (+0) (60 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4) 3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]2u         7)  [i]Bow:[/i]  Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Armor Piercing (x2; +1) (60 Active Points); Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (She "tears" a hole in the fabric of reality and draws the weapon needed.; -1/4)       3[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Visible (Appears as a shield; -1/4)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]17         Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 12- (Limited coverage armor.; -3/4)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]7          Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Activation Roll 12- (Limited coverage armor.; -3/4), Linked (Damage Reduction; -1/2)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]12         Armor (15 PD/5 ED) (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 12- (-3/4), Linked (Damage Reduction; -1/2), Visible (Plates of armor; -1/4)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]13         [i]Get out of my head! I've already exceeded the maximum occupancy!:[/i]  Mental Defense (24 points total) (20 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]7          +12 PRE (12 Active Points); Linked (Damage Reduction; -1/2), Conditional Power Power Only Works as bonus to PRE attacks (-1/4)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]8          +2 HTH Damage Class(es)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]8          Weapon Element:  Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks, Blades, Clubs, Fist-Loads, Hook Sword, Off Hand, Polearms and Spears, Two-Handed Weapons[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Martial Block      +2        +2        Block, Abort[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Martial Disarm   -1         +1        Disarm; 32 STR to Disarm[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Martial Dodge    --          +5        Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Martial Escape   +0        +0        37 STR vs. Grabs[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Martial Grab      -1         -1         Grab Two Limbs, 32 STR for holding on[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]4          Martial Strike     +0        +2        6d6 Strike[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]            Talents[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]9          Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Bump Of Direction[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]            Skills[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]11         WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Hook Sword, Nets, Off Hand, Staffs, Whips[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Rapid Attack (HTH) [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]24         +3 with All Combat[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Defense Maneuver I-IV [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]0          Language:  Ethelabran (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Language:  English (basic conversation)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]11         Acrobatics 17-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Breakfall 13-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Climbing 13-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Persuasion 12- (14-)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Seduction 12- (14-)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Shadowing 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Stealth 13-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          KS: Knowledge of the Manaspace 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]6          Survival (Mountain, Temperate/Subtropical Forests, Temperate/Subtropical Plains, Urban) 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]3          Tracking 12-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Powers & Skill Cost:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]263[/b][/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Cost:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]349[/b][/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma] [/font][/b]
    [b][font=Tahoma]200+   Disadvantages[/font][/b][font=Tahoma][/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Hunted:  Warriors from the Manasphere 8- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Money:  Destitute[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]20         Normal Characteristic Maxima[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]25         Psychological Limitation:  Schizophrenia (Cannot distinguish reality from her fantasy) (Very Common, Total)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Quirk: [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Quirk: [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Quirk: [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Quirk: [/font]
    [font=Tahoma]1          Quirk: Always refers to things by "wrong names". Motorcycle = legless steed, cars = horseless carrage, blasters = wizards, etc.[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Reputation:  Crazy lady with swords, 8-[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]15         Social Limitation:  Public ID (Frequently, Major)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]20         Social Limitation:  Stranger from a different time. (Very Frequently, Severe, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]                        [b]Notes:[/b]  Fits in perfectly at SCA and Dagohir meetings.[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]15         Unluck: 3d6[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]                        [b]Notes:[/b]  Simulates her schizophrenia and it's effect on her perceptions.[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]15         Psychological Limitation:  Does not understand technology (Very Common, Moderate)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]10         Distinctive Features:  Tattoos (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma]5          Social Limitation:  Fear of Commitment (Occasionally, Minor)[/font]
    [font=Tahoma] [/font]
    [b][font=Tahoma]Total Disadvantage Points:[/font][/b][font=Tahoma]  [b]349[/b][/font]

  2. Re: You, or your PC?


    Some of my characters are aspects of myself amplified, but most of my characters are very different than me... Although most are characters with abilities/skills I wish I could possess...

    As a player, though, I've never played a character that would do something that I would never do (i.e. kill an innocent, sell drugs, rape)... I just can't bring myself to act that way (even in our criminal campaigns)...

    As a storyteller, all bets are off...

  3. Re: Are YOU a superhero?


    -70... hmmm' date=' guess I need change my lifestyle.[/quote']


    I prescribe more villainy... We of the villain trade only have to work maybe two weeks out of the year, the other 50 weeks are spent in a 5 star federal spa where we get to work on our networking skills...:celebrate

  4. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter


    Don't forget the soliloquy rule...


    Soliloquy Rule: It doesn't matter how much time you take on naming your character, if you're caught on video during your first appearance and don't give a good soliloquy with your name, you'll probably be named by the people who write for Action News...


    For Example: A fellow player in a game I was in spent a long time coming up with a name for his brick that converted fire/heat into cold (his DR was a visual ice coating). He finally decided on "Thermodynamic". Then came our first mission with him, stop some metapowered bank robbers. Needless to say we went there, beat the villains, and then left (we had little concept of P.R. at the time). Later that day we saw the news byte about our fight. The three established heroes were properly named in the report but he was described as "crashing into the villains like a cold front off the lake". Needless to say Thermodynamic became Cold Front...


    I've found that alot of heroes don't name themselves, the public names them... Guess it's the price of being a hero... That and having FEMA say "Oh snit... Not him... Again... Call out the troops... >sigh<"

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    "Oh sh#t, it's Foxbat."


    NT: Ways supervillains are responding to rising gas prices.


    By using a temporal accelerator on Devil Dinosaur (ever wonder where he went?) to turn him into oil...


    NT: Ways superheros are responding to the rising cost of spandex.

  6. Re: Project 275 Power Armor Hero: Warbird for review


    I like the write-up for your WARBIRD armor, the only things I would change are:

    1) If it's experimental armor and still being tested alot of the powers would have Activation Roll with either Jammed or Burn-Out (got to play with some new toys in the military that seemed to either go wonky or break for no reason)...

    2) The Invisibility would mostly be Sight (Chameleon effect)/Hearing (it's quiet when staying put)/Radar (new Stealth-composites) with the Chameleon limitation and a fringe (it is experimental)... Possibly give it a few charges of limited duration...

    3) Link an Invisibility: Radio Group to your HRRP to simulate encrypted transmissions, it’s fringe would be static on the frequency you’re currently transmitting on.

    4) Extended Breathing instead of Self-Contained to simulate an attached air supply…

    5)And a test pilot really needs Luck… Or a good HMO…

    But that's just my personal preferences...

    Great job by the way :thumbup:

  7. Re: about bricks and possibly super powers in general


    Any kind of brick is okay in my game, as long as it has a respectable and non-swiss cheese background... If the player wants to say that flying space monkeys help him/her keep the ship/building they're lifting, then so be it...:D

    When I'm a player, as long as the team brick(s) keep the enemy occupied long enough for me to set up some of my extended activation powers I don't mind the fuzzy physics...:eg:


    All bets were off when I was running a "Rising Stars" style game in another system, but that was real-world with heroes... Never thought I would use physics out of school... :doi:

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