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Posts posted by RevHooligan

  1. Of course, you could use a fictional gas the Barron invented. Something with a silly name. Also, the idea of inviting the PCs to a ball onboard is too cool to not use, but maybe the zeppelin is soo big, they don't even realize they're in the air. The place will be all faux stone and walnut. The trick is getting them aboard...

  2. First, if the NSA Psi-Kittens don't take out the team, NO NUKES! A fuel-air explosive will work just as well and leave DC inhabitable after the rebuilding.


    Second, in the next campaign, ask the PCs to be government muties trying to deal with the backlash as the public prejudice was proved right and mutant militants are Ruby Ridging the hell out of the attack on Damage Inc.

  3. I think instead of poker chips, you could just toss a Dorito at them. And that new orange Mountain Dew! Yum.


    A serious heart to heart is needed to explain how the cape-and-spandex crowd kicks it. Assign comic book reading if need be. Don't hint at the problem, just come out with it. "You guys have SEEN a comic book, right? No, King Conan doesn't count.""


    If that fails, Jimmie kicks, all around.

  4. If I was the GM facing this deal, the PCs would come up against the "Break Glass In Case Of Emergency" guys. In a world of known superpowers, the ultraparanoid intel services would have MAD covert supers. No flashy spandex or nothing. Just guys in JC Penney suits and dark glasses. Hell, I'd make them all look like kittens. 900 active point martial artist kittens. With fire breath. And mind scan, targeting.

  5. Earlier threads have discussed using Heroclix as Champions minis and I have to report great success. There are hundreds to choose from and are available rather cheaply if you don't care what the point value is. I've made figures for all of my players and npc's. I use an X-acto to cut off the Clix disk and Zap-a-gap to glue them onto Citadel round bases that fit into 1" hexes. I've also had success with using Sculpy to make capes and such.


    Let me add that I have no real artistic talent and a DEX of 7, but with the exception of a careless near-amputation, it's been super easy.


    If I can get this digital camera to work, I'll post a few pics.

  6. If the peeps want modules, but they're not a moneymaker for DoJ, why don't some of you loudmouths write up some for free and post them up in he-yah? Module fans get their modules, Steve and Co can work on stuff I'll accually buy, Hero Games continues kicking mads heiney, everybody wins!


    Damn, I'm clever!

  7. I find that the points involved in Com are so minute that I never worry about it. If a player wanted to buy his com with limitations to reflect the character's face being obscured, I'd probably let him, then take the piss because he saved 2-3 piont tops.

  8. In an earlier campaign, a PC built FINN (fully intergrated something something). It had a robot body it used and also ran the base computers.

    The PCs found a lot of magic tomes on a mission and the gadgeteer scanned them all into FINN. FINN began speaking Atlantean and conjuring things. In my current campaign (sixty years later) The Finn is the premier sorceror of this plane and has upgraded his own body/mainframe many times.

  9. d20? Meh. V&V? Meh. For twenty years I've known I like Elvis not the Beatles, Coke not Pepsi, chunky not creamy, Ford not Chevy, and Hero above all others. With Hero, I've saved the world, stopped a demon invasion of New York, travelled with Dwarven sonimancers on steam-powered airships. I've been to Hell and back with dice I stole from the Yatzee box. No page XXs, no Goth wannabes, no restricting mythology.




    Now go write 70's Cop Hero! I've hooked up my Wah Wah pedal already!

  10. I have a more dystopian campaign, set in 2053. All metahumans are required to register (real and assumed names) with the Federal Govt. It is a misdemeanor for an unregistered super to use a power, and a felony if used in commission of a crime. The supreme court has refused to rule on the matter.


    Registered superhumans are monitored by the Metahuman Affairs Department. "Heros" are expected to be under the authority of local or federal govt and freelancers must comply with citizen arrest laws and are legal resposible for damages and injuries. Many vigilante heros were defeated by their foes in civil action, not the streets.


    Of course, my PCs are unregistered and very concerned about the diminished civil liberties in the USA.

  11. All of my clix have gone under the x-acto and paintbrush. A little sculpty and there you are. I find the Clix game as boring as CCGs and much prefer to use them as Hero System minis. I'm sure you can find plenty of figures to modify for CU characters.


    The beauty is the store I frequent (shout out: Sarge's in New London) has the dollar bin of low point figs. I scored a metric F-load of SWAT guys for none cash!

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