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Posts posted by RevHooligan

  1. Echo- cuz he has echos of himself in different... aw, nevermind


    Many Me-I call him... Many Me!


    Legion (I know it's been used, but in a different context)


    Um, Timeclone? No that sucks. Super Captian Dude Guy? Nope.


    Eh, Legion is the only one I like of mine. Sorry.


    But the concept is cool.

  2. I hope none of the PCs have spikes on their costumes. Mass outlawed decorative spikes, as they can be used as a weapon (but only if you pay points for them).


    Have your heros head over to foxboro and hava talk with my NE Revolution. They're dreadful this year and it breaks my heart.

  3. In my campaign, the supreme sorceror guy is The Finn, a robot created by a PC years ago. Over sixty years of advanced data absorption has helpd him outclass the other mages in the world. However, I never made any stats up for him. He's a McGuffin and PCs should never be in combat with him. I just assume he has a metric butt-ton of a VPP and can swing it.


    But then, I'm lazy lke that.

  4. The idea of these guys is that they believe they are the good guys. I like a name with positive connotations because if you were convinced you were doing right you wouldn't call yourself Lord Evilo of the Hell Brigade. I think Gold Scorpion or some such name will work. Thanks, my homies.

  5. OK here's the deal: I am three sessions into the first tabletop game I've run in five years after wasting my time on that LARP garbage. I've resurrected my old Champ's campaign and advanced the timeline 40 years. I only have one return player and he's playing an all new character. The world is entirely homegrown, as I've never used CU stuff for my games (although I have swiped a bad guy or two, in a pinch).


    My big question is: What sourcebooks do you feel will give me the most use for my (limited) dollar? I have 4thEd Ninja Hero, Kingdom of Champions, Dark Champions, and the 5th Ed Hero System book, whose best new upgrade is a decent binding. I love not chasing pages 101-156 all over the basement every week. I like the new and improved but I simply can't buy it all. Are my 4th Ed books good enought or should I go out and grab the revised NH and pals? I've played Champions since 1983 and love Hero system over all others. Only poor companions and cute females lured me to that White Wolf nonsense. Forgive me.

  6. OK, you guys rock. Here's what I'm going with:


    After repeated viewings of The Mummy (and after watching Laurence of Arabia to cleanse my video palate) I'm going with a Magi ripoff cult of pre-Islamic Egypto-ninjoids. These guys are trying to recover the amulet that give SuperIndy his powers. They believe that with its power, they can restore the rule of the Pharoahs, blah blah blah. I'm thinking of martial artist agents and three or four 350 pt SuperPreIslamicEgyptoNinjoids, possibly with them cool beastheads that look so nice this time of year.


    Now, they need a name. Old Egypt Gansta Stylee.


    I'm also using Sandstorm cuz it's cool. He may not even be Egyptian.


    Oh, and Ammit the Devourer? To good of a name NOT to use. As long as the PCs don't do a Rocky Horror parody song called Damnit Ammit.:D

  7. I am also a sucker for the 2nd generation hero thing. In my new campaign, set in the future, three of the villians/NPCs are grandchildren of PCs from a previous game.


    Maybe you should try to convince your players to run 2nd gens of these guys. It would be fun to have two different PCs showing up as the new Scarlet Sheild. Professional Rivalry, anyone?

  8. One of my PCs is an Indiana Jones meets Thor style multiform with an Egyptian theme. He left me his hunteds to do as "mystery villians", yet I can't get a handle on them. I was thinking of an ancient warrior clan type dealie thingamabob guy and maybe a hawkheaded living statue type guy and... well, I'm sucking bilge water on these. Any ideas?


    P.S. The campaign is set in 2053 and I have a brief background of supers herehref>.

  9. Do your players have characters yet? I usually do character creation first and see what comes to mind from their backstories. In the campaign I'm running now, 4 out of 5 characters have a magic concept. I altered my first story idea to focus on more mystical themes.


    A good Hunted is also a gift to a GM. I also play the "everything you know is wrong" trick on a character's backstory, twisting it so that the PC's perception of his past is not the whole story.


    Frequently, I'll "revise" an NPC's motives or history to fit the game. As long as you don't contradict anything you've done in game, this is fair.


    Steal. Steal plots from comics, tv, film. It's all been done before, so take it. I won't tell.


    Last, ask your players what kind of stories they want to play. Have them name comics and movies they like. You can explore simular themes modified to fit your characters.


    Good luck and have fun.

  10. I have used this plot device over and over in almost any Champions campaign I've done. I think it's from my admiration of the "Cross-Time Caper" in the much maligned Excalibur comic.

    I've done Christain theocracies, Nazi Americas, sword and sorcery worlds, and a dozen others. It's a fun way to reimagine villians and NPCs who may have gotten stale after months of regular continuity.

  11. What about Vendetta, Mussellini's own super assassin? Are all the plots going to be on the homefront, or will there be European settings? It seems the homefront is more "Black Mask" pulp hero and Europe and Asia might be more Invaders/All Star Squadron style. Players would probably enjoy a mix of both.


    PS: I hope your players don't read the boards. That would be a big spoiler for them.

  12. I once met an old womn who had been in the French Resistance. From her stories, I can't jump on the "surrender monkey" bandwagon. Those men and women were tough as hell and brave as lions. Really brave lions. Like, crazy brave lions. With guns. And stuff.


    Never fall for political retoric first uttered by Diamond Joe Quimby.

  13. Don't forget the scourge of occupying Nazis and Vichy collaborators, Le Chevalier Noir! Many have fallen or fled from his spectoral form and burning blade!


    And of couse, Hammer Sullivan- the toughest man in Liverpool. A man so tough, he once knocked out Death himself when he came calling. Immortal, indestructable, invincible! He showed the Hun what for in 1918 and he's prepared to do it again!

  14. Back in the 4th ed diz-ay, I was wrapping up a two year campaign because I was moving to Orlando. Since Mayhem, our mad mentalist had finally proposed to his DNPC Glenda, we had a New Year's Eve fancy dress masquerade wedding at his ancestrial home in Cumbra.


    Every NPC from two years showed as did most of the group's hunteds. Roy, the armored super-genius decided to go as Mayhem to the ball. He was in the mansion for two minutes before a 50pt normal with a grudge against Mayhem punched his lights out. His non-armored form had twenty stun and one haymaker cleaned his clock.


    At midnight, the happy couple said "I do", then Glenda's accidental change kicked in and Mayhem discovered his new bride was also super-thief Cobweb, his arch-nemisis.

    At this point, all the baddies dropped their disguises and attacked. A thirty person battle royal erupted, culminating in victory thanks to a well timed recovery and instant change by Roy.


    Cobweb and Mayhem kissed and left for their honeymoon in Arcadia as the guests threw rice and broken foci.


    It was so beautiful. I may cry.

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