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Posts posted by SuperJerry

  1. Two questions:


    First, I want to make an NPC in my campaign who is a super healer with the ability to cure any disease (among others). The only way I can think to do this is as a Transform. Is there another, preferably better and cheaper, way?



    Second, I currently have 4 Champions books: 5E, Champions Genre book, Until Super Powers Database (the first one, reprinted) and The book of the Destroyer. What books do you recomend for my next purchases and in what order?

  2. I am running a champions game with 400 base points and up to 200 points in dis-ads, 100 point cap in any one power/ability and 20 dc limit on any attack. I was wondering, if I choose to run them up against a villain that has the ability to take them on all at the same time, what point range should I make him in?

  3. Okay, I'm a little confused about something on Forcewall. Say a person buys a 100 point 20 rPD 20 rED forcefield then sets that up 2-3 feet in front of him. A brick comes along and punches it. His body damage doesn't exceed it's rPD but the stun damage WAY exceeds it....does the stun make it through? If it does does that mean his fist has penetrated the forcefield? Can he just leave his arm/fist that way and smack away at the person behind it at that point?

  4. Re: Help with a character build


    Thanks guys! I appreciate the help.



    I have one more question though. I have a copy of the 5th edition non-revised rules. I have found very little difference between it and fourth edition. How much difference is there between revised and non-revised?

  5. I used to play Champions alot but the group I moved to was much more fantasy oriented (read: D&D) and that was great but I've missed playing super heroes and decided to bite the bullet and start a champions campaign. Unfortunately, it's been over 10 years since I ran a champions campaign I'm still getting my head around all the rules.


    To get to the chase, I want to build a character named Firefight. He's a military oriented villain whose main power is the ability shrink things and then regrow them....which for him means lots of weapons. He carries things around in pouches like a .50 cal machine gun and a Howitzer. Batman's utility belt has nothing on this guys gear.


    Anyway, I intend to buy the guns'n stuff as RKA's and such. However, I also want to buy the actual power for him and I'm not sure how to go about it. At first I thought I could just go with "Shrinking" and usable on others but it doesn't really look like it was intended for that kind of thing.

    Then I started looking at Transform but I'm not sure how to go about that as well. Would I have buy it twice? Once to shrink items and once to grow them back to normal size?


    How would you go about it?

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