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Everything posted by Llasnad

  1. This is the Disadvantage I am using, from The Master List of Limitations. Physical Limit: Body of (Unusual Substance) (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) This character's body is made of some unusual, possibly inorganic substance. Examples would include a character whose body is made of steel, or wood, or quartz crystal. The specific effects of this Disadvantage should be determined by the GM based on the material in question. For example, a character's whose body is made of steel might not be as limber and flexible as normal. His sense of touch might also be lessened, and he would have less sense of temperature unless near an extreme (such as boiling hot or freezing). Also, he would weigh much more than normal, and has to take this into account when using furniture, getting into a vehicle, etc. Depending upon the specifics, other Physical Limitations would also be appropriate (like for excess weight or having reduced tactile sensations). Was hoping you fine ladies and gentleman could assist me with ideas of what the effects of this Physical Limitation should be. I already have Distinct Feature and a Physical Limitation for Increased Weight in addition to this disad. Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
  2. Re: Partially limited Multipower Thanks to everyone for posting your ideas. I may just have to make this character without HD, not that big of a problem since I havent been using it all that long.
  3. I cant figure out anyway to to do this, so I come to all of you. I have a character concept that involves an 80 point reserve multipower, but I only want 40 points worth of the MP to be based on a focus. He has the powers innately, but he requires a focus to make them truly effective, and I can not figure out anyway to make this work. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help anyone can offer.
  4. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? The only problem I have found with having no KA is fighting robots, or any other enemy that takes no stun. Even at max DC for the campaign I play in, the BODY just cant get high enough to do any real damage. Not to mention, in any modern day, non dark champions setting, killing attacks already have a serious downside not taken into account with points. If a hero kills someone, that is a serious issue in our modern scoiety. Heroes dont stay heroes for long by killing their enemies, they quickly become vigilanties being hunted by police and other heroes.
  5. Re: Few questions on Aportation I like that idea, though 10 AP with all those Advantages is going to be insanely expensive. I may have to have it another power in the MP, with a much reduced TP distance.
  6. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? Ok...my eyes have stopped bleeding. Is there any way to simplify your post? You lost me a little over half way through it...and I can not comprehend what your final question is. What are you looking for? A reason why people consider Killing Attacks of equivalent Active Points to Normal Attacks as not being superior?
  7. Re: Few questions on Aportation That doesnt fit the character concept, since even with the invisible advantage, the item in question is still going to float through the air instead of instantly disappearing from one place and reappearing another place. You can already use Aportation to teleport a whole person, or teleport inanimate objects around, I am just curious about using it on a smaller, more precise scale.
  8. Was curious about Aportation, bought with Range, and if I could do things like teleport objects on someones person, like keys or a weapon either carried on their belt or in hand to me or teleport objects on to someone, such as a tracking bug into their pocket. What do you guys think?
  9. Re: Riddick's Eyeshine I like this idea as well, and will apply it to the goggles. I think a lockout limitation against the nightvision makes perfect sense.
  10. Re: Riddick's Eyeshine I like your idea here, I didn't want it to be just a PER penalty because it would have little to no combat effect and that just made no sense to me, but the second part takes care of that issue nicely.
  11. Re: Riddick's Eyeshine Physical Limitation: Eyeshine Side Effect (????, ????) Notes: When in normal light conditions, suffers penalties to OCV, DCV, and PER when not wearing custom shades. Suffers penalties to OCV, DCV, and PER in bright light conditions with shades, blindness without. and Vulnerability: x2 Effect for Light Based SFX Sight Group Flash (Uncommon) Not sure what I would set the penalties to, though it would be different depending on what type of campaign, so I should probably run it by my GM. Also, what do you think would be right for the physical limit? Frequently, Slightly Impairing?
  12. While I am not building Riddick, I am stealing his eyes. The actual power is easy to build, what I am having trouble with is the disadvantage he suffers from bright light. Immediately I thought of vulnerability to flash sight groups, susceptibility to brightly lit areas, and/or physical limitation: suffers penalties in well lit areas, but how do I factor in that with the dark goggles he doesn't appear to suffer from any of those affects? Thanks in advance for your input.
  13. I have a martial artist who uses Two-Weapon fighting and was curious about delaying my phase till my opponent attacks and then using sweep with the first attack being a block. I am not aborting (since aborting means you can only perform defensive actions), simply holding my phase with the intent of performing this, I see no reason why this wouldnt work but am uncertain do to my lack of experience with the hero system rules. Thanks in advance.
  14. I am still fairly new to Champions, having played about 4 game sessions total. I was curious about making an intelligent sword, and assumed it would be built as a follower but beyond that I have almost no clue how to build it so it is usable as an attack and has stats.
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