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Everything posted by leifur

  1. Hi, can't seem to find what is NND damage f.x. for Force blade 3d6 NND and does it allow increase damage due to str?
  2. Hi, I am still new to this and bought 6th edition. Now I am looking for a fantasy setting. Is there any available in 6th edition? Thnaks, Leifur
  3. Re: [NEWBIE] How to decide encounter power Thanks a lot guys for all your feedbacks. This explained it basicly to me and I can see the reasons why. I am going over the books now, gotten my self 4-5 books to get the feel of it. The Fantasy Hero and its 2 grimores and monster as well as the full Hero System. Will try out a session in Fantasy theeme as I am from d20 and I really dont see a reason why not to run a Hero game in a d20 world - sounds exciting to me. I guess I will try and give my players a pre-made character as an intro. Anyways, thanks a lot!
  4. Hi guys, just tried out Hero System at GenCon and liked it a lot. I just got the sidekick and have run through and still like it a lot I guess other source books will give you an idea how to run game in Hero System as I could not find f.x. how to measure the encounter heroes should face. Take your typical d&d where a group of level 5 heroes 4 of them meet an encounter you know pretty much how to balance it. Is there something similliar in Hero?
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