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Posts posted by Kragshot

  1. I just want to say that this is awesome stuff...as I'm still learning the system, I can't contribute to the theorycraft part of the discussion.


    But I know weapons and explosives...master vampires should not be able to shrug off hellfire missiles. I know that the idea behind MHI is that the monsters are tougher...but they shouldn't be so tough that they can shrug off vehicular weaponry. The other point behind the MHI universe is that for the first time in history; our conventional weapons are at a technological level now where we can genuinely fight monsters on equal footing. I could see something like Lord Machado regenerating from a blast like that in about a day or so, but fire and heat are not particularly more effective against him/it either.


    If you recall the lead-up to the battle for DeSoya Caverns, the other masters were more than willing to disregard the warnings that both Susan and Jager were offering them regarding modern weapons. And while even Jager might be a bit out of date with his knowledge (being a WWII "veteran"), Susan was and is right up to date with her knowledge of modern weaponry. The two of them knew to stay the hell out of that fight and rightfully so; though a lot of good hunters got killed that day, those masters got their asses handed to them, as they should have.


    Anyway, MHI and that National Guard unit were only packing squad-based weaponry in that fight. The heaviest things that they had were man-portable anti-tank weapons and light AP mortars. The heavier munitions on gunships are enough to turn normal people into red paste. A couple of Hellfires should be able to put paid to a pack of "old fangs" in proper fashion; even with all of their regeneration. Unless the vampire is also casting rituals to protect itself, that kind of explosive force should be more than enough to put a master down. Hell...if they were packing a Carl Gustav; then that should have generated enough explosive force to separate a master's head from its body, so to speak.


    But then what do I know...I'm still trying to figure this particular system out....

  2. Pretty cool...but I'd make one change regarding the number of languages that Chad has. Remember that the first book established that Chad's knack for languages is a supernatural gift. He can pick up almost any language he encounters. He even was able to listen to High Fey without his head exploding...I would guess that would mean he could possibly even listen to and pick up "Elder Speech" without going mad (a long shot, I know...but this is a "gift from God" so you never know....).


    The best way to reflect that is to create a "Gift" starting with taking the "Languages" skill as a power and then follow that up with a very limited form of empathy/telepathy which allows him to make the leap of comprehension to associate a given sound with what it means.


    With the language power, it would be good to give him a 2 point skill level in languages which would allow him to switch languages as needed. That would probably work better than just having him "buy" a new language every time he encounters one.


    As for the empathy/telepathy; it would get a limitation which states that he must be able to either hear or read the language to be able to figure it out, as opposed to him actually being able to read emotions or minds.


    I've got to go make dinner...but those were my first thoughts on the subject.


    But again...good job! I'll definitely use it if somehow Chad shows up in my game.

  3. I might be considered a heretic for this... but I like the 2 memoirs books better than Larry's original series

    It's okay...so does Larry.


    John Ringo is one hell of an author and Larry was more than honored to have him playing in his sandbox. I'm hoping that Larry opens up the universe to more authors.

  4. Honestly, I think that the monsters are written as being a bit tougher just to justify the heinous amount of gun-porn in the MHI universe. C'mon...Chuckie the Werewolf getting a face full of 12Ga Saiga is wrong in any context but you don't want the monsters going down too easy, right? However, if you are feeling that the monsters are too tough, then you can either tweak down the monsters or let the characters have levels of Weaponmaster to compensate.


    But in the end; the novels confirm that it's not so much the guns and ammo itself that levels the playing field between MHI and the monsters, rather than their "small unit tactics" which makes the difference. Watch the fight scenes from "The Dead Undead" (

    ) for ideas on how it would look fighting the "vampire/zombies" in the film.
  5. Just sticking my head in the room.


    For the record, I'm new to these forums, and soon to be new to Hero System. I'm the primary GM for my group, but I need a break and I'd like to be a player, so I'm going to get into a Champions game with another group on my own.


    Anyway, I'm going to discuss what my impressions of the game and the system are as I experience them. I've heard nothing but good things about the Hero System, so I'm hoping not to be disappointed.



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