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Kid Chaos

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Posts posted by Kid Chaos

  1. I actually have few Bricks personally in my personal character stock. I tend to build my heroes conceptually and try to keep my powers within that concept at all costs. If I can't justify a strength increase per my concept I don't do it. Out of 48~60 Player characters I have something like 7 Bricks. My NPC's are a different matter with a higher disposition to be vaguely brick-like.


    Bricks do tend to be the popular archetype with my players, out of a group of 6 I have one non brick character.


    I really think primarily it comes identifying strongly with the brick characters of the comic genre. To some Superman is the icon of the comic world. Current cartoon shows also focus mainly on the brick as a character. JLAdventures features two non bricks, one of whom only shows up to manipulate events and/or be scarily adept. The other is portrayed as something of a buffoon and not handle very well at all in my opinion.


    Barring that you could always claim it's that DnD mentality creeping in as well.

  2. Originally posted by dbcowboy

    Only done an alien invasion of Earth once when I ran a short campaign based on the Oblivion War storyline from the old Elementals comic.


    Oddly enough I don't include much Elementals material in my games. For some reason I just like Kid Chaos...maybe it was the costume.

  3. Go ahead and start a thread on the FBS. Most folks, I think would count it as a maneuver rather than a power, but a power to increase the damage and accuracy beyond the normal combat rules would be a cool Strength Trick.


    Well here goes then, how would you buy or build it.


    I mentioned my version using UMA 4th in the USPD thread but I haven't gotten around to converting that to a 5th Edition version yet.


    I'll offer one slightly broken and semi humorous way to do it as well for right now.


    I was just thinking how to buy it



    The Brick half would buy it like this...


    Fastball Special Toss 8D6 EB (reduced by range, limited range "only as fas as he can toss the focus", focus "martial artist")


    the Martial Artist would buy something like


    Fast Ball Special Missle 4D6 AID (only to Bricks Fast Ball Special Toss)



    That's without looking at my book mind you and not at all a serious attempt at building it as a power.

  4. Are you speaking of strictly extra terrestrial aliens or do extra dimensional ones count as well?


    If just the former, almost never as only one of my campaigns includes aliens of that type.


    The latter, about once a month depending on the campaign, or permenantly for one as that's where all the supers come from.

  5. I think Captain America is a much better example of the chain targetting and ricochet throws. It may just be my absurd dislike for Xena or maybe I just consider Cap to have the better visual for it.


    Would you include the "fastball special" under Super Throwing?

  6. No clue..I worked at a rather large comic chain at the time and recall talking to clairmont when he came in for a signing about the new x-men. he mentioned Cockrum's name as a co-creator of the "new x-men" which is what most people refer to as Clairmont's tenor as a writer.


    I know he had a special attachment to Colossus especially from his treatment of him in Inferno.

  7. A Skinner for the Irrational Games Freedom Force has done some of the Champions from 4th edition skins.


    They are all pretty nicely done and include Obsidian, Seeker, Quantum, Solitaire and Defender.


    I'm not sure if they violate any copyright or intellectual property that either Steve L. or the previous Hero crew may have on said characters but if they pass his approval and anyone is interested in either seeing a screen shot of them or the skins themselves I'll put them somewhere.

  8. Originally posted by Demonsong

    Does any one know who’s intellectual property Colossus originally was? Who came up with the idea?



    He was originally and will always be Marvel's IP. That's how their contracts are setup from what I understand.


    As for who originally created him..I'm not sure exactly who's responsible but Dave Cockrum is known as a co-creator of the new x-men.


    I would agree then that maybe Clairmont/Cockrum created Colossus.

  9. I was speaking from a strictly comic book point of view. I'm not touching the interpretation end of this. ;-)


    Every DM, Player, etc has their own feeling on how to translate a character from media into their game system of choice. Most agree that you go with what you can deduce from the media. You wouldn't for example give Cyclops a very high strength because he's never displayed such in the comics. As long as a conversion is in the ballpark I don't see quibbling over the details to much.


    Colossus's weight is an issue to me....he's seen doing things somone with to much mass couldn't do easily. No I can't recall specific examples just a general impression from 20 years of comic collecting.

  10. Going toe to toe is not a good measurement of strength though. Spiderman managed to mostly hold his own against Juggy and his strength is nowhere near Cain's.


    all in all though I agree with the sentiment. The writer and current plot have more to do with a heroes powers and limits on them.

  11. I'll go with the Marvel party line (aka references in material considered canon) in this case and chalk the event up to artistic license and plot device.


    Keep in mind that in most media forms what is typically held as canon does not stay true all the time. A power displayed by x person will be forgotten if it could easily solve or de-rail the current storyline.


    That said I honesly don't care what you go with just pointing out what Marvel says about it. Even his last write up on their website just before his death stated it was total tissue conversion.

  12. Checking the Directory which is more or less a copy of the entry from The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe put out by Marvel.


    "Colossus is a mutant with the superhuman ability to convert the tissue of his entire body into an organic steel-like substance, granting him superhuman strength and a high degree of resistance to bodily harm. This substance, resembling organic steel, is of unknown composition but appears to be analogous to osmium and to carbon steel. He is able to transform into this armor-like state at will (the process is virtually instantaneous) and remain in that form for an as yet undetermined amount of time. (The longest time he has remained in armored form so far has been five days). Once in his armored form he remains so until he consciously wills himself back to normal. If he is rendered unconscious, however, he spontaneously reverts to his normal form. While in his armored state, Colossus possesses the same degree of mobility that he does in his normal form."


    So Marvel states he does change his entire body to whatever that stuff is that looks like metal. They also state if knocked unconcious he reverts to unarmoured form.


    They have broken the latter a few times for plot effect that I can recall. I do not recall them ever stating that he only armoured up his outer layer of tissue or even created the armour out of thin air to cover himself. His transformation is more like Banner's into the hulk than Bobby Drake's into hi ice covered form in classic x-men.


    Before anyone points it out, I am aware that currently Bobby can change his entire body into ice as well.


    I own almost all the old Marvel The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe issues as well as the DC Who's Who. I highly reccomend them if you're striving for accuracy regarding a comic character. Otherwise go with you approximation and ignore the critics. ^_^

  13. Colossus isn't that heavy of a character.


    You can check here for a copy of Marvel's view on his stats.

    Marvel Directory


    These are copied from the old Marvel who's who style releases for the most part.


    I would say OHID makes the most sense for his power. I don't know if I would allow it in an EC though.


    Kid Chaos

  14. Actually not all comics abided by that code during the 80s. Most of those that didn't aren't here anymore. Elementals is a good example of this as they argued heavily in comic on how silly it was to let villians go free.


    Sadly Elementals is no longer around to enjoy a more liberal writing atmosphere.

  15. Originally posted by Enforcer84

    Oddly enough, we know only about the Guardians through either the Champions comic or the examples in previous editions. I do believe that nostalgia plays a big part.


    The old Champions comics and Flare comic posted stats for the characters. I should still have the issue with Rose's stats in fact.

  16. Bah I think at the least I would love for the different companies to agree to publish a DC/Marvel/Champions/Mutants and Masterminds/Silver Age Sentinels cross genre guide...would be a bloody big book though.

  17. Originally posted by Wyrm Ouroboros

    ... or just the scientists, i.e. the guys who happen to be 'Contact, 14-, Very Useful Skills (Scientific)' for the characters.


    My answer is 'how you make any other character/contact interesting, useful, someone the PCs care about -- give them personality.' Give them a voice, a mannerism, a bad habit. Give them an agenda -- 'Superman, did you talk to the mayor about Affirmative Action like I asked you to?' Have them call the heros up and ask THEM to do something in return (for once!).


    Superman's scientific contact is a saner version of T.O. Morrow. He still creates some of the oddest things though. Although he's useful also as something of a humour foil as well.


    The above makes no sense and upon reflection I've decided I need to wake up more. Needless to say Superman's scientific contact (Emile or something like that). Has built Supes containment suit for the energy thing, built himself a robotic arm from alien technology, correctly identified the Cyborg as Kryptonian technology, almost cured the clone plauged on his own, etc.... And does this all while coming across as a good version of the mad scientist.

  18. no no Not Tossing...punting. I even built the ability using the 4th edition UMA rules. That plus 2 levels with all combat and 3 with kicking things means he has a good chance to hit most shrinkers who have 4 levels. I've considered buying double knockback on the punt maneuver....though the 8-15 hexes I usually kick them is plenty funny for me.


    See the problem is my GM for this campaign built three different shrinker villians...one of them ended up being my mystery hunted. So I responded by giving him a very good reason not to like me.

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