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Heroes and Villains of Dungeons & Dragons 1.0.0

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About This File

That Dungeons & Dragons toy display I saw must have had a profound impact, because it inspired me to complete character write-ups with some back story under Hero System 5th Edition. Included in this WinZip file are the following:


Mercion - 125 pts (Hero Designer and Microsoft Excel)

Ringlerun - 200 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word)

Teresa Lysander - 150 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word) - Entirely new character I created

Spectral Bear (Microsoft Word only)

Strongheart - 175 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word)

Marengo, Strongheart's Destrier (Microsoft Word only)

Turan, Strongheart's Bronze Dragon (Microsoft Excel and Word)

Warduke - 175 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word)

Hesperos, Warduke's Nightmare (Microsoft Word only)

Kelek - 200 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word)

Skylla - 175 pts (Hero Designer file, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word)


General Notes:

1) Warduke's been depicted wielding his sword with his left and right hand by various artists, so I made him ambidextrous.

2) I developed a backstory between Bronze Dragon and Nightmare and gave them names. Their adaptations are from the 5th Edition Book of Dragons and Bestiary, respectively.

3) I created Teresa Lysander as the character who raised Bronze Dragon (see his backstory), inspired by Magic: The Gathering's Keeper of the Beasts card. I also created Spectral Bears, another Magic: The Gathering adaptation.

4) I sort of went crazy on Ringlerun's spells, adapting them from various Magic: The Gathering cards that I used to play many years ago. Of note is Absorb, which combined Counterspell and Healing Salve, and Lightning Helix, which combined Lightning Bolt and Healing Salve. 😀

5) Perks and Talents were minimally used, if at all. If used, they were added to the "Skills & Abilities" category.

6) I eliminated the Magic Skill roll requirement from previous write-ups. In the various fantasy themed books, comics, shows, and films I've read and watched, the spells pretty much happened following some incantations, gestures, etc. and I wanted to replicate that effect. Spell misfires or failures were often attributed to something else associated with the story or a character weakness that would later be addressed or be a recurring theme as part of the overall story.

What's New in Version 1.0.0


Updated characters and included Microsoft Excel versions for format.

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