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Are there rules for changing the BODY damage to damaging EGO instead of using a Drain



Is there a rule that would let you change the damage from BODY to let's say EGO.  So that an attack that is a Mental Blast Does Body +1A has another advantage that makes the BOD damage affect the EGO stat instead.


I know I can mirror this with a drain but I would like attacks that aff3ect the spirit and advantages that change Does Body attacks, or HTHKA through a magic knife as a focus for instance which affects the soul not the body.  I have reviewed the Hero System Manual I, and both APG I and II and see nothing regarding that.


I thought there was something in the old Ghost or SPirit book not sure the name but it was about creating spirits and entering the spirt world.  Essentially Spirits had no STR, CON, BOD, STUN, PD, ED, REC to reflect their spiritual nature.  Every power they had had to be zero END or fed from an END battery.  However that was not 6th edition.

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In the rules as written, there is nothing that does what you describe.  So if you want to take an approach different from Drain, etc., you'll need to house rule something. A post in the HERO System Discussion forum will likely generate some suggestions.


I believe the rules you're thinking of are the Spirit Rules from HERO System Almanac I (for 4E). Those rules also did not have an effect like this, and they used Drain to affect the spirits' Characteristics, etc.

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