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The Night Before Christmas(courtesy of my gaming group)

Dr. MID-Nite

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Twas the night before X-mas at Crusaderbase

Nothing was stirring...except for Dark Sun...who was feeding his face.


The others were sleeping....not one was awake.

They were all glad to have a holiday break.


Dreams of gifts wisked about in their heads...

Others were glad they simply weren't dead.


Dark Sun was different...he could not nap...

He kept thinking...there might be a trap.


When suddenly there was the Crusader alert

What's going on....was somebody hurt?


The Crusaders rushed to the conference room in a hurry.

Preparing to unleash their offensive fury.


They looked around...everything seemed alright.

Then they were startled by a very bright light.


A foe perhaps....Mechanon...Menton....Teleios?

No....it's just that goofball Captain Chronos.


No...not again...not this lunatic

He hangs around like an unwanted tick.


The Crusaders looked at him and revealed no fear,

But Bedlam had to ask...why the hell are you here?


Spiritwalker added more..and got in his face..

Chronos...why are you here in this place?


On Seraph...on Spiritwalker..on Dark Sun...On SHIELD!

Let's show this miscreant we shall never yield!


Captain Chronos looked on with a definite frown..

Please Crusaders...you have to calm down!


I'm not here to harm you or cause you distress .

I've not come to put you all to the test.


I've come tonight for a much different reason.

It has mostly to do with the holiday season.


The Crusaders looked on not sure what to think

Is this just more of his crazy hi-jinks?


Chronos looked upon them and did nothing but smile

A feeling the Crusaders have been missing a while


There's one reason only that I am here...

It's simply to wish you all some holiday cheer.


He vanished again in a flash that was bright.

The only thing that he said was to have a good night.


The Crusaders felt...one and all...

Perhaps...just perhaps...there's hope for us all.....




Merry Christmas all!!


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*G* That's great...

and a bit of a coincidence, I'd been working on one like that too sort of... hope you don't mind if I add it to your thread to join in...




Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Homestead

No Champion was stirring, save I , Ironclad.


Odd footwear was hung without rhyme or reason

I'm Dorvalian, how should I know about human holiday seasons?


The humans were nestled all snug in their quarters,

No doubt enjoying a break from Defender's many orders.


And I before the monitor, watching for News

For villains causing mayhem that I'd make them rue.


When from the station there arise such a beeping

I looked at the screen to see what our radar was sweeping


Away to our roof, I lumbered up fast

Came to the top, and heard a great crash

The earth moon was bright, shining like so,

and it gave our invaders a strange silver glow


For what did my Perseid eyes did appear, but a red white intruder

and an army of ...deer?

His vessel was strange, and exposed to the night

yet tachyon emmisions showed he must go sublight!


Quite rapid for an earther of such obvious weight

(Though I have no right to judge, given my fate)


"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!


On the top of the roof, that's fine and that's dandy!

But land a bit softer, I don't have this place's DEF stats handy!"


As screech went the hooves that stopped just as quick,

With an abruptness that surpased that of Kinetik,

So face to face was I with this human,

I could only surmise that he intended our ruin.


.He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his feet,

Perhaps he was a villain with a hunter motiff?

A bundle of something was flung on his back,

A Gadgeteer! I thought, and prepared for attack!


His eyes -- how they twinkled! They were bright very!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a tozberry!

His mischeavous mouth, was smiling like so,

He looked like he might be a gloater, you know?


The weapon of somesort he held tight in his teeth,

And exotic smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.

His face was broad, and he was obese

but it would seem he had the grace of Trszalian Geese.


"What are you doing here, villain?" I staunchly declared.

And he laughed a great laugh, Ho Ho Ho. He was daring

I swung at his belly, but he dodged easily,

For a fat human he sure had a high DCV.


Whisking right past me, he continued his plot,

And filled all the footwear; with what I knew not!

With a laugh and a twist of his plump human bod

He martial threw me, Stars! But that's odd!


He finally explained, "Why I'm old Saint Nick!

This isn't villainy, and this isn't a trick."

Then he whisked past me, and I heard him shout


"Merry Christmas Ironclad!

Forgive an old elf's funning...

I've left you experience points.... buy up your running!"

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