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Help building a Kinetic Control power?


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I dithered a while on whether this was a Hero System question or a Champs one, but settled on Champs because of the USPD.


I want to have a guy that throws things at people and uses Kinetic control to massively up the speed and thus damage potential of said objects. (Very similar to Sabre's Ball bearings from the Blood and Dr. McQuark for the old timers). So...my thought was basically thus:


2d6 RKA, 0 END (+1/2), OIF (Objects of opportunity, -1/2)


Relatively simple and straightforward, the main explanation of the power is in the effect.


Am I missing something? Does anyone else think I should detail this more to link in with whether or not the item flows easily through the air, should there be a minimum mass? Should it be clarified that a playing card will only do a 1d6 RKA, while a ball bearing might be more like a bullet and do 1.5d6? Any help appreciated.

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You might want to make it a two-slot Multipower, with one slot that's a Kill for sharp/pointy objects like pens or cards, and a normal Physical Blast for blunt things like marbles. Beyond that, I wouldn't sweat the details of object size/aerodynamism, myself ... perhaps a -1/4 limitation, 'suffers to hit penalties based on object shape', referring to the state of being balanced/aerodynamic for throwing things, if you really feel the need.

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I think the OIF is pushing it. You may be better served by a (-1/4) Limited Power, where it's useless without something handy to throw. As a GM, it'd be hard to deny such an object in most situations, but it's something an opponent could take advantage of.



I would also add Ranged Based On STR (-1/4) and Reduced By Range -(1/4). You may wish to add Reduced Penetration (-1/4) as well.



The Multipower idea is a good one, and you can mix and match above disadvantages in several ultra slots in order to best simulate the objects at hand. You may even take a (-1/2) limitation on the whole Multi to the effect of No Choice As to Which Slot is Active, to simulate the random nature of the objects you pick up.


Even if you make them 30 Real Point RKAs/EBs, these can be effective against low-defense types. At 45-60 points, these will be deadly at a very low point cost.



Something else you might think of, is an HKA, Can Be Thrown (+1/2). This may better simulate small objects like pens and credit cards, which (presumably) could be wielded in hand rather than being thrown around.

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Well said, Bengal.


The OIF Object Of Opportunity is well established as being legal (it shows up in the USPD for powers like this, the magnetism-based Gauss Blast, and the Speedster's Superspeed Throwing). It rates OIF because, in combat, there's almost always going to be SOMETHING you can utilize, whereas out of combat a foe can comb the area for any small objects ('disarming' your focus) and take 'em away.


I think, in this instance, Ranged Based on STR doesn't apply, since the object is being accelerated by kinetic energy manipulation ... the damage comes from its speed, not a Bullseye-like accuracy. If he was just someone who was lethal with a thrown object, then definitely.


To answer proditor's question about detail (which I skipped in my previous post completely, my bad) ... ask your GM. Some GMs are sticklers on 'real science' in their games (I've had one who made all lasers/light attacks take a 'no damage to transparent or invisible targets' since, logically, it would pass right through them), and some go on the principle of 'rubber science', as Steve calls it, where so long as it sounds good and is internally consistent, it's kosher (pardon me for putting words in your mouth, please, Mr. Long ... and someone please correct me if that's not what rubber science means!).

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Collie is right again


...sprecifically to the point the the SFX probably eliminates the need for Range based on STR and Reduced by Range. It probably also nixes HKA Can Be Thrown unless it's just like Gambit's power, where the "charge" is generated upon release as opposed to building up in flight.


Poop poop-a-doop, most of my points are moot.

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Thanks for the advice guys. :) I'd managed to completely forget about the blunt trauma angle, and to think, I just saw Big trouble in little china recently. (If that seems confusing, remember the scene of wind "torturing" Jack with a rubber ball). I like the -1/4 penalty on the Size/shape angle affecting the to hit...I may try and come up with a -0 limit of something relating to damage dealt along the lines of the limit I've seen on some broadly defined HKA/RKA's of "Must do appropriate damage like a real weapon", but obviously tweaked to relate to the whole winging a ball bearing at someone at Mach 2 angle. ;)

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