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NPC Help


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The players in my Exiles campaign are ready to try their hand at building their own characters which will form the "competing" Weapon X team. As a little bonus to get them interested in their new characters and dwelve into their Exiles modified pasts I am looking for help finding prebuilt NPCs and/or plot and adventure hooks. My idea is to run a one or two night adventure for each character showing that character's personality and the world he comes from. The characters so far are going to be Ash from the Army of Darkness and Evil Dead movies, Batman - College aged Bruce Wayne with the ability to pull his molecules together (shrinking and density increase) or apart (Desolidfication, Invisibilty and increased size with no strength), Elemental - Victor Von Doom whos experiment was sabotaged by Richard Reid granting him the ability to control small amounts of the 4 elements and to take on the form of each element (Fire, Earth, Water and Air), and The Blue Raja from Mystery Men.


I am looking for any NPCs or "exiled" plot hooks from those worlds.....i.e. Army of Darkness, Mystery Men, Fantastic Four and Batman.


For the Fantastic Four I would like write ups of the various heroes (including Herbie =] ) and some villians such as Dr. Doom, the Kree and Skrull, Annihilus,

Lockjaw, Mole Man, Grey Gargoyle, the Puppetmaster and the Frightful Four.


For Batman I am looking for either Teen Titans or Batman world heroes such as Oracle, Nightwing, Robin, Beast Boy, Aresenal or Jericho and villians such as Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Blockbuster, Firefly, Zsasz, KG Beast, Bane, Croc, Clay Face, Man-Bat, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, Catwoman, the Scare Crow, Brother Blood, and Deathstroke.


Thanks for the help!!!

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Re: NPC Help


Well, I'm not sure I can provide you with all the characters you requested, but I can point you to the largest archives I know of for HERO System writeups of characters from non-Hero sources.


For comic-book characters, the Great Net Book of Real Heroes and Deejay's Champions Writeups. Note that some of these are in 4th Edition HERO System, but the differences from 5E are small enough that they shouldn't cause you much trouble.


For characters from books, movies, manga/anime and other game systems, Surbrook's Stuff is perhaps the best source on the web.

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