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any chance for PDF for Terran Empire, Steve?


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I know that the planet book and NPC book for Terran Empire have been pushed to the back of the line for new products. Steve, I was wondering if you've ever considered selling the two products electronically as PDFs?


Even if you only offered one fourth of the original printed page count it would be better than the nothing currently planned.:) If they happened to sell well you could put out the rest of the pages later.


If PDFs worked out, you could put out a little more variety of products, but with smaller page counts. Even one or two a year would help keep your existing customers who like a certain poorly selling genre and lure in new customers (like me!).


Also, to help the new people checking out Hero and considering to buy, have you ever considered linking to the reviews at RPG.net? I've seen you respond there so you must know how favorable (and for a potential customer helpful) the reviews are. Just a thought.

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Re: any chance for PDF for Terran Empire, Steve?


Nope, we don't have any plans for that. PDF products require pretty much the same amount of work (especially on my part) as printed books, but the sales figures on them are abysmal. If we can't make a go of something as a printed book, we're not likely to publish it at all.

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