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Paying END for Powers


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Okie, I know this is the very basic of questions but I am confused on when you pay END on constant powers such as Force Field.


Do you pay the END costs during all 12 segments of the turn? OR just on the segments that you act?


What if you bought levels of DCV that cost END? Would you pay the END on each of the segments it is active or just on the segments you act?

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Re: Paying END for Powers


just on the segments in which you act.


Remember this, when the rules say you must pay END Each Phase it means you must pay END Each Segment You Have An Action In. Otherwise it would tell you to pay END Each Segment.


A Phase is a Segment in which you are able to act.

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Re: Paying END for Powers


Okie, I know this is the very basic of questions but I am confused on when you pay END on constant powers such as Force Field.


Do you pay the END costs during all 12 segments of the turn? OR just on the segments that you act?


What if you bought levels of DCV that cost END? Would you pay the END on each of the segments it is active or just on the segments you act?


  • instant powers like attacks you pay each time you use them.
  • constant powers like force fields and flight, you pay end every phase of your character's speed while the power is active. (this is one of the few drawbacks to high speeds, flash effects are another..)

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