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Teen Villain for review: Bungee


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Re: Teen Villain for review: Bungee


Hmmm it opened fine in Word so I had a look


Looks fine

Only concerns where how does he keep his sunglasses on with all that stretching


The idea of smoking cannabis preventing incompetence just seems a bit topsey turvey now if his powers came from a mutant blend that might make sense possibly mixed with that herb the elongated man needed.


I kind of like the idea of giving him a few more points of PRE or Ego based on him being stoned all the time. Call it fuel dependant must smoke a fat blunt every 6 hours. Maybe some mental defense because it’s hard to alter his brain as his brain chemistry is distorted.

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Re: Teen Villain for review: Bungee


Hmmm it opened fine in Word so I had a look


Looks fine

Only concerns where how does he keep his sunglasses on with all that stretching

He probably can't, but such situations are what make the Focus limitation worth the point savings. I guess most of the time when he squeezes under a door he then reaches back through for his glasses when he gets to the otherside, like some Looney Toons character.

The idea of smoking cannabis preventing incompetence just seems a bit topsey turvey now if his powers came from a mutant blend that might make sense possibly mixed with that herb the elongated man needed.

It's supposed to be the withdrawal effects of his addiction. In FRED, the alcoholism dependance they presented as an example used "Suffers Incompetence" and they suggested you could do much the same with other addictions. I was originally going to make it "Suffers Weakness", but wasn't sure if that fit the desired effect of the disad. (do cannabis addicts get physically weaker in the throws of withdraw? Haven't heard of anything like that, though I'll admit my knowledge on such subjects is somewhat limited.)


I kind of like the idea of giving him a few more points of PRE or Ego based on him being stoned all the time. Call it fuel dependant must smoke a fat blunt every 6 hours. Maybe some mental defense because it’s hard to alter his brain as his brain chemistry is distorted.

Extra EGO and PRE, Only while stoned (-1/4 or -1/2 maybe?). Consider it done. And the mental defense is a good idea as well, I'll just have to lose the Vulnerability I already gave him and up his bonus some. Thanks.


P.S. the mutagenic pot idea sounds like a winner, I'll use that when I write the Background portion of his flavor text.

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