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I've got a link to some of the PCs from my TE game at my site. Feel free to peek at them, steal them, use them. The backgrounds are somewhat sparse, and yes, some of them have points wasted on 20th century things that I will pay them back for when the time comes. And yes, some of them have not-entirely-legal sets of disadvantages. I believe that the Hero rules are a tool, not a straitjacket. If you have questions drop 'em here, I'll see 'em.


I've got writeups on paper for a typical TE Naval Security officer, and a typical TE starship gunner, and a typical TE starship pilot, but I haven't put them into HD yet. When I do I'll post 'em.



Originally posted by Syberdwarf2

Was the 'Fireman' I take it, at least partially inspired by John Criton a la Farscape?


Not really, or so I am told. The way I started the game off was to tell the group, "You're a bunch of ordinary people (Competent Normals) in Wyoming in 1987," and let them make whatever they wanted, knowing that something weird would happen to them. Tanner's player figured that if he made a physically adept guy who knew a thing or two about the sciences he would probably be okay no matter what weirdness (magic, conspiracy, space, time travel, etc) happened subsequently.



  • 2 weeks later...

Cost Disadvantage

10 Psychological Limitation: Sex Addict, Common, Moderate

10 Psychological Limitation: Compelled to Aid Women in Distress, Uncommon, Strong

10 Reputation: Womanizer, Frequently (11-)




10 Psychological Limitation: Fear of Snakes, Common, Moderate



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