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Character Help:Voodoo Doll


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Voodoo Doll is a mutant with the ususal ability to "reflect" damage done to her. If you hit, you get hurt. If you blast, you feel it as if you attacked yourself. She can also hurt herself and, if she has a personal poessesion of someone, redirect that injury into them. What would be the best way to write this ability up in Hero System terms?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


Okay. Missile Reflection clearly doesn't work, because it only affects a small subset of attacks.


So, here's my suggestion: A GIGANTIC worldwide NND that affects the entire planet... with the defense of 'can do no more damage than would be dealt to Voodoo Doll'. 0 Endurance, Persistent, Continuous and Uncontrolled of course.


Or, it's more liek Missile Reflection (ie she has to use it consciously), then just a normal NND with that limitation.


If the damage reflected is soaked up, then defenses.


And as for hurting herself and damage to a target? Well, either another broken NND or an Ego Attack/Mindscan setup. (If you use option A, then simply add 'AND not having an item of yours in her possession when she hurt herself' to the NND defense)

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Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


I had a similar character named "Talion" (an eye for an eye, etc); I finally made it a grossly large VPP (only to duplicate damage/effect done to Talion) with Damage Shield and 0 END Always On. Talion also had Regeneration out the wazoo, and an extremely high Body to withstand being attacked by the big guns. This is one of the times where Personal Immunity really came in handy for villains.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


She has to turn the power on and can use it consiously against other targets (only if she has a personal possesion of theirs).


Like I said. NND: Defense 'Not attacking Voodoo Doll right now+not letting Voodoo Doll have a possession of yours'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


The following power would represent an unconscious psychic attack that delivered sympathetic biofeedback damage to the target's body and stun when that person harmed the character:


Voodoo Doll Effect: RKA 7d6 (Standard Effect 21 BODY/63 STUN), BOECV (+1), Does BODY (+1), Invisible Power Effect (Only detectable to Mental Senses; +3/4), Mental Damage Shield (Effects both mental and physical attacts; +1), Continuous (+1), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+1/2), Ranged (+1/2)(817 Active Points); Limited Power (Only up to amount of damage received by character; -1/2), Always On (-1/2). Total cost: 407 points.


The reason I went with a RKA BOECV is because the defense for an attack like this would have to be Resistent Mental Defense, which is generally pretty rare. The reason I went with 7d6 worth was purelly based on the assumption that the character had 10 BODY, and that she could only take 20 points of body before she was dead. The Limited Power was inspired by the option for the Absorption power (on page 88 of Hero 5th ed.) that simulated Absortion that functions as a defense. The range of this power is more of an immediate proximity thing, as apposed to global or transdimentional. The stadard Effect rule was used to cut down on unnecessary dice rolling. Plus, it was important to know how much damage could be done with the power.


The major problem I have with this power is the "Ranged" advantage. It really seems like the best way to go, but I haven't been able to find any kind of precedence for it in any of my books. Also, of course, the Active Points in the power are incredibly high.


Other than that, I really like the power. I don't know if I'd let a character have it, but it has a lot of fun in-game plot potential. :D


The other power, that of being able to wound yourself, and sympathetically transfer damage over to someone else whom you have a personal possesion of is as follows:


Voodoo Fetish Effect: RKA 7d6 (Standard Effect 21 Body/63 Stun), BOECV (+1), Does Body (+1), Invisible Power Effect (Only detectable by Mental Senses; +3/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)(446 Active Points); Limited Power (Only up to amount of damage received by character; -1/2), Side Effect (Character must deliver damage to herself; -1/2), Focus (Personal possession of target; Inobvious, Inaccessable; +1/4) Total cost: 198 points.


This power is very much the same as its complementary power. The Side Effect was inspired by the "Empathic Healing" power on page 86 of the UNTIL Superpowers Database.

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Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


10d6 absorption vs both physical and energy attacks +1 [cost: 100]

(adds to body stat)


60pt variable power pool [cost: 90pt]

[only to mimic effect that was absorbed -1/2, zero Phase Action +1, Only be used to attack person that attacked -1/2] Power Roll


Voodoo Damage: 1pip RKA[7pt]

[Megascale +1,NND+1,Continous +1,Uncontrolled +1/2, 2x endurance cost -1/2,

VooDoo Skill roll(-1 per 5 active points) -1,Requires something personal of the targets -1/2]



1): Weak 5d6 Absorption and 30pt VPP [95pt]


2): Powerful Voodoo: 1d6 RKA [22pt]

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Re: Character Help:Voodoo Doll


Voodoo Doll is a mutant with the ususal ability to "reflect" damage done to her. If you hit' date=' you get hurt. If you blast, you feel it as if you attacked yourself.[/quote']


OK, I'll give this one a whirl:


7d6EB (or 2d6+1 RKA)

Damage Shield

0 End

Always on


Variable SFX (Limited: must mimic attack SFX)


96 AP, real cost 64 either way. Expensive, but would make me think twice before striking her a second time. You could put in in a 100 pt EC: Voodoo Powers, though....

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