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random idea for an alternative champions campaign


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Thinking about some of the discussion about heroes taking the law into their own hands led me to come up with the following idea:

The Southern US, circa 1840:

Strange glowing meteor rock lands in a field near the Bood plantation. Slaves(and possibly a few others) begin manifesting supernatural/superhuman abilities, including at least one being apparently bulletproof.


What happens next?

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Re: random idea for an alternative champions campaign


psuedo realistic:

Those abominations against god are killed. Those that can't be killed outright with shooting or whatever have their families held hostage until they surrender for drowning or whatever.


If the slaves manage to survive or even stage a successful rebellion, the civil war that comes around, unfortunately, has an entirely new angle... as the powers that be in the north seek to suppress this terrifying new threat.


If the powered individuals are predominantly black, the white folk with powers might not necessarily be viewed as a "great white hope" but, perhaps, to be "tainted."


A few powered indivudals may struggle, greatly, with being the voice of reason but most likely won't achieve much as the powered people try to carve out their own land & power. Depending on the powers, they could be quite successful, leading to who knows what in the future... most likely worse race relations and possibly international support in wiping out the threat... because who knows where they will go next.


Historic people are often quite depressing to me, because it always boils down to nasty crusades, doesn't it?

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Re: random idea for an alternative champions campaign


Of course, one factor is that superhumans wouldn't have to be as powerful in the 19th century in order to be a major force in society, or even to be a threat to social order.

Being cannonproof might be tantamount to total invulnerability, for example. Being able to move at even 50-60 MPH might make one uncatchable.

Simple invisibility would be incredibly effective.


I think even a half dozen 200 point PCs could take down a company of riflemen, given how long it takes to load and fire the firearms of the era...


there might be a Nat Turner style faction, out to avenge their suffering.

there might be a "let's just go home" faction, just wanting to return to their native soil(and bring as many comrades with them as possible)

there would likely be many wanting to just fight for their freedom and the freedom of others, perhaps to earn full rights as citizens, by force if necessary


the reason why I found the idea intriguing is because it puts characters into a position where obeying the law is clearly immoral, and defiance of authority is simply rational.

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Re: random idea for an alternative champions campaign


Well, if I were doing it... it would certainly be low powered. While some people might be exploited (and bred) for a superior trait - "this boy never gets tired, you can work him all day long and never lose any efficiency" and such, there would be a better and more means for escape... even if it's just the ability to see very clearly in the dark, it would be quite an advantage in that era of technology.


This would mean the underground railroad (or whatever similar thing you might use) would lead people to a sort of Prof X guy somewhere who helps relocate them to safe, free places, or helps organize the more militant sorts who would, in turn, be a sort of special missions force for the north in the Civil War, making it a lot less bloody, perhaps, but much more eye opening. Civil rights would be accelerated, but you'd have that sort of "anti-superhuman" thing going on, too, with secret societies and such (The Nat Turner thing might have a Magneto-esque brotherhood feel, even).


If the event is truly localized those who would be backing law would, actually, be the villains by modern sensibilities.

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