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Wombatman, wombatman, does whatever a wombat can...


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Lifted from the book recommendations thread.


But did anyone get bitten by a radioactive wombat?


Wombatman, Wombatman,

Does whatever a wombat can.

Digs a hole

In the ground.

Fuzzy and

Kinda round.

Hey! There goes the Wombatman!

Now that you mention it...


Torg campaign, our hero to be is a core earther who is a very rich trading dude. The axiom flip occurs and crime starts on the streets of Cairo. His favorite Teddy bear is stolen and destroyed. He sits up late one night in his massive study during a raging thunderstorm. He considers that somethiung MUST be done to stop this lawlessness. He ponders that criminals are a cowardly and super *Thump* Why did that bat just bounce off the window? Where was I? Oh yes, criminals are a cowardly and super *Thump* I'm really going to have do something about those. Anyway, criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot! *Lightning strikes illuminating a picture and the following text from the dictionary*



Bearlike creature (blurred out)...either of the two species of Australian mammals constituting the family Phascolomyidae, or Vombatidae, of the superorder Marsupialia. They are virtually tailless animals, (Shadowed out) ...and of heavy, woodchucklike build. Unlike other marsupials they have continuously growing, rootless teeth; the incisors are rodentlike. … (along with a picture)


That thing must be MASSIVE!! Bearlike eh? That'll show those miscreants!


YES! I shall become...THE DARK WOMBAT!!!


He later found out how big a womabt really is, and when questioned subsequently about his choice of "avatar", he would often mutter "It looked a lot bigger in the picture...."

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