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Question About a SPD Limitation


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Re: Question About a SPD Limitation


Both of the EBs can't take the Linked Limitation' date=' but other than that, the construct is sound.[/quote']


See the book for Linked. It discusses a construct where neither power can be used without the other placing Linked on both powers. It is a GM Permission construct, however. Absent this, the non-linked Blast can be fired without the Linked blast.


However' date=' it should be noted that doing it that way doesn't necessitate that both will hit the target (if the target moved - perhaps due to KB from the first EB - the second would miss.[/quote']


I believe with an MPA, you either hit with both or miss with both. Extra Time problably isn't the right construct, however - "Damage delayed one segment (-1/4)" is probably more appropriate.


Also' date=' doing it as you describe means one missile deflection would negate both attacks. That is also true of the "buy it twice and do a MPA" approach.[/quote']


And it should - it's really only one attack, right? The "two blasts" aproach only allows Mr. 6 SPD to inflict damage 12 times per turn.

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Re: Question About a SPD Limitation


Also' date=' I dislike anything, anyone, ever regardless of genre going over speed 6 for any reason, its too hard to challenge characters like that without resorting to making all the villians high speed freaks as well.[/quote']I run a very high SPD martial artist, Zl'f, without causing problems in our game despite her 9 SPD. She does this by having the lowest CON, defenses, and least attack dice on the team. She's never been unbalanced in the least bit, as I'm sure my GMs Mentor, Blackjack and El Tripon will attest. On the contrary, no character spends as much time stunned or unconscious as Zl'f does. But she's still lots of fun to play. :)
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Re: Question About a SPD Limitation


I have to agree with Trebuchet. I love speedsters and MAs and rarely run a Champions character with a speed below 6. But if you're going to do that, you can't take your defenses too high and you have to expect to get hit with lots of AoEs. I had one GM who absolutely loved 1 hex AoEs and drove me crazy with them, but I ran my speedsters anyway. We usually had someone else in the group who had a 3 spd and could have killed me with one blow, if he could catch me. It's all a matter of balancing the characters. We even had a GM who ripped us up regularly using nothing but 5 teams. If someone is running an 8 or 9 speed with defenses and attacks, then you've got a problem. Of course, what else can the character do? All the points should be spent on those powers.

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Re: Question About a SPD Limitation


Hi there. I want to thank everyone for their input regarding my SPD question.


I like the idea of an advantage to the affected power. It's 'smoother' than fiddling with the SPD itself. I'll check it over with my GM and see what he says and if he thinks a +1/4 per extra segment is appropriate. He may think it deserves a +1/2 or even a {shutter} +1. I don't think I'll recommend the +1 cap that was suggested though. That would have the effect of doubling the Base Cost of the power and would have no affect on the advantages. In the case of me Entangle, the advantages are a SERIOUS consideration.


The main reason I’m not in favor of the ‘buy the power twice’ method is because it isn’t ‘general’. With my 6 SPD, the ‘buy it twice’ works fine. But for someone with a 5 SPD, this wouldn’t work. So, it isn’t ‘general’ and I have a preference for ‘general’ solutions... comes from being a programmer I guess.


Another reason I’m not in favor of it is because my character sheet is ‘messy’ enough and I don’t want to add to it. I REALLY need to come up with a better way of describing my powers :)


For those who think that this game sounds like a ‘munchkin’ game... you’re absolutely right. It is. Fortunately for everyone, it isn’t our regular game. We just decided to write up some ridiculous characters and play a similarly ridiculous game on occasion. Our normal game, while still a high-power game, is MUCH more reasonable (kind of like the JLA)


Speaking of ‘munchkin-ism’, would anyone be interested in help me with my ‘Smart Power’? I have the basic idea, but haven’t written anything up yet. If there is enough interest, I can start a new thread... along with a ‘munchkin’ warning.


Again, thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

MistWing SilverTail

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Re: Question About a SPD Limitation


For a Smart Power? Limitation: No Conscious Control at -1.

Let the GM determine how the power works.

If you're the GM then technically you can do anything you want in terms of defining your character. Read the description of Trigger, it says it's not supposed to be used as "Activated when I'm about to be hit" and if it were "activates only when targeted", the attacker could continue to hold their action.

If you want a character who always avoids damage, you should consider Desolidification with some sort of special effect.

But if you REALLY want a character who always avoids damage, you should consider being the GM.


BTW, I recently had to put caps in my game because the SPDs, damage and CVs were getting out of hand. A SPD of 12 is annoying for all the players with SPDs of 5 & 6. Fortunately, the players were okay with it. The game gets boring when a typical combat takes three hours to complete but lasts less than 10 seconds. Why, you don't even get the second post-segment 12 recovery!

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