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Linked Characteristics


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Alien symbiot is a normal person with a symbiot that increases his characteristics. However, as I know a smattering of biology, things are tied together...


They symbiont is a 'suit' that covers the host. It is defined as an Obvious Inaccessible Focus. If the Alien Symbiot is rendered unconcious, the suit could be taken away.


Like the pituitary gland, the symbiont has a master gland which releases hormones. These hormones result in a hyper mylenation of the nervous system of the host creature dramatically increasing his dexterity and thus his speed.


As long as the pituitary gland functions (linked to hyperspeed reflexes) the body of the host also has his metabolism augmented and speeded up tremendously. (Increased CON).


This enhancement of his metabolic system allows for the development of super myosin in his muscular system, granting him the physical strength of a gorilla.. and then some. (Increased STR, linked to Increased CON).


If the pituitary gland is suppressed, then the coordination of the hyperspeed metabolic processes collapses. With the increased CON failing, the muscle tissues begin starving for oxygen and food. Unable to supply the increased metabolic need, the enhanced strength also fails.


However, the hypermylenation of the nervous system (which is maintained and functional while the pituitary gland still secrets its alchemical conglomerate of hormones) also increases the symbiot's INT and EGO with an Alien Psychology and Alien Adaptive Mind. If they pituitary gland was to be neutralized, these enhanced perceptive and sensory abilities would also be decimated.


Finally, while the metabolic rate of the body is augmented, the symbiot can make slipshot and haphazard repairs to the host when he is injured. This is manifested by an increased BODY which is linked to the Increased CON.


Given all these powers are tied to the alien symbiot, which can be removed, that means a Focus Limitation and then Linked Limitations to everything except Hyperspeed reflexes.




First, I welcome complaints that I'm being a goober. I believe the linking of characteristic power to characteristic power is sound and balanced because a drain dex will hose my character. (However, he has a very high dex) I expect my GM to be threatened because I am too cleveri in my concept.




Second, I would like to add a second increment of strength with a limitation that reflects the STR being greater than the BODY can support. Something like a drain 1d6 str, 1d6 body, 2d6 con when applying or using the second increment of strength.


However, this makes the character stronger than I had intended. Obviously, the second increment of strength has to be lesser than the first increment. If the minimum side effect for a minor side effect is 15 active points, that would be a 1d6 str, 1d6 body, and 1d6 con drain. 15 being one quarter of 60, that means I'd have to have 60 active points of STR for the second increment of strength and at least 60 points for the first increment.


I am not trying for a STR 120 character.


So, any other ways to simulate this idea?




The goal for the high agility is to look and feel like a spiderman sort of guy that keeps doging out of the way and not getting hit. (Don't really want danger sense, so suprising the character is another good way to hit him.) He is left vulnerable to area of effect attacks, especially since my GM will probably be annoyed that his acrobatics skill is so high he will almost never fail to dive for cover.


One thing the GM doesn't like is how high his OCV and DCV get. (This is supposed to be a part of his style of can't-hit-me dancing around.) I figure, after his OCV and DCV get to 20, increasing above that is almost pointless and .. thus, not entirely abusive if he's not flattening everything he hits.


I had considered, therefore, taking a limitation on his agility that he 'moves to quick' sometimes and his technique is sloppy when moving fast. (Something like -3 OCV -3 DCV when using his dexterity.)


So, third.. does this sort of a thing seem nice to the DM or gomer? I mean, on one hand.. he complains about the high OCV DCV. On the other hand, I'm not really losing anything.. since at that level of OCV and DCV I should be hitting anything reasonable set against me and missed by any reasonable foe as well. (Other characers have OCV/DCV 7!)

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Re: Linked Characteristics


I think using Linked AND Focus is a bit redundant.


If you are trying to build the symbiont from Spider-Man there are a couple of approaches that you could use.


  • Detailed: Build the Symbiont as a follower that has a disadvantage that it will die if not attached to a host body for more than a few minutes or hours. Then give it a ton of Aids that only affect the host
  • Simple: Build The suit as a focus and use only that limitation for all the powers and characteristics that it adds to the wearer.

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Re: Linked Characteristics


My thoughts.


To Link and take the Focus limitation is abusive to the rules. I might have gone with a similar build in my misguided youthful phase, but I have recovered...slightly.


All of your problems stem from one factor: you have *too* many points. By taking -3/4 to -1 limitations on the majority of your powers you are getting your Game Master upset (the 20/20 CV issue) and confusing yourself when you are trying to build the enhanced STR and Damage Avoidance issues.


My solution is go with *less* points. OIHID should just about do it. You can even for instance ramp up the Limitation on DEX to some obscene Takes Extra Time, Only to Start up a constant power, and 1/2 DCV when you are powering up to simulate the transform to HEROmode. Everything else though gets the -1/4 limitation.


Everyone is happy and you are now not a gomer/munchkin/cheesehead.



-Reformed Powergamer

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Re: Linked Characteristics


My thoughts.


To Link and take the Focus limitation is abusive to the rules. I might have gone with a similar build in my misguided youthful phase, but I have recovered...slightly.


All of your problems stem from one factor: you have *too* many points. By taking -3/4 to -1 limitations on the majority of your powers you are getting your Game Master upset (the 20/20 CV issue) and confusing yourself when you are trying to build the enhanced STR and Damage Avoidance issues.


My solution is go with *less* points. OIHID should just about do it. You can even for instance ramp up the Limitation on DEX to some obscene Takes Extra Time, Only to Start up a constant power, and 1/2 DCV when you are powering up to simulate the transform to HEROmode. Everything else though gets the -1/4 limitation.


Everyone is happy and you are now not a gomer/munchkin/cheesehead.



-Reformed Powergamer


I agree this screams munchkin to me, however I would like to point out that OCCASIONALY there is a reason to link two powers in a foci (this is just not one of them) for an example, this power is off a character being introduced into my game:


Bracers all slots OIF

10/10 FF, Objects carried, hardened, 1 Recoverable Continuing Fuel Charge lasting one minute PLUS LS: Radiation & Vacuum, usuable simultaniously, 1 Recoverable Continuing Fuel Charge lasting one minute, Visible, Linked to FF


The catch here is that this is part of the FF, that is being generated by the OIF Bracers, the LS cannot exist with out the FF


As for the above monstrasity: Go with an aid, self only...

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Re: Linked Characteristics (thanks for input)


Debra Winger,


I think my GM would have a problem if my follower was strong enough to provide those kind of Aid boosts. Personally, I don't really like to us Aid to simulate symbiont powers much like I wouldn't use Aid to simulate cybornetic strength.


In general, I don't like to use Aid for increasing primary stats. It isn't frugal to buy Aid to increase primary stats when those stats normally add to figured characteristics. It makes perfect sense to use Aid to increase Int, Ego, EB, or anything else that does not normally add to figured characteristics.


There are times when special effects require that you buy characteristics through Aid, but cybernetics or an alien symbiot don't seem to be examples of such. (A pill you can swallow to increase your STR, however, would be.)






My GM seems to think Multiform is a STOP power. I have ceased to be interested in arguing with him. As it turns out, I am trying to move away from using Multiform.






My GM has the crazy notion that OIHID is only suitable for Heroic campaigns. I tried reading the text of the rulebook to him, but he got upset with me. As I read the OIHID limitation, it is only suitable for SuperHeroic campaigns, but sometimes there is no logic in people and it is best just to give up.






Thanks for the illusration, I didn't think you could link a power in a multipower slot because of some reference I read to a EB and Flash, where the flash had to be outside the Multipower. I see on page 5ER p 311, that this can be done.

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Re: Linked Characteristics


First I beleive you can link two powers in a MP as long as the reserve is big enough for both powers to be active at the same time, I may be wrong...


Second the above was actualy from a list of abilities not an MP, look at the character sheet for Gizmo I posted so you can see what I actualy did...

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Re: Linked Characteristics


I'd allow Linked Characteristics (it is an advantage - one drain would destroy you), but not with Focus.


If you want to be a rules lawyer, remember, you can't use a Linked Power unless the Primary is being used as well - you can't use your CON unless you're using your DEX - so the extra CON only applies if you're making a DEX roll, using your CV or something else, but not SPEED or a DEX-related skill - because those are DEX-based, not DEX.

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Re: Linked Characteristics


Citizen Keen,


Well, exactly.. I'm not going to choose a special effect where the GM can take out my powers if I can't take the limitation. That would be known as shooting myself in my own foot.


However, using a power that increases your dex happens anytime your dex is raised. If it only took affect when you were doing something dex like (like acrobatics) then you'd get a bigger limitation from linked, -1/2 instead of -1/4, because you could justify that the greater power is not going to be 'in effect' at all times.

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