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Looking for help with character


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I'm trying to create a comics-style Valkyrie character for a Champions campaign and I need some help. I'm basically using a converted Marvel Valkyrie (Brunhilde of the Avengers).


I need some advice on their ability to see the "Death Glow". This ability allows the Valkyrie to "Sense Death" on a person, in the form of an aura that surrounds the person. This death isn't absolute, and might be avoided. I was thinking of making it a:


Detect (Approaching Death), Sense (Sight),


or perhaps some form of Clairsentience?


Help, please.


Also, here's what I got so far for stats. I'm looking for anything else a "lesser god"/Asgardian might have.


Note: These powers, etc are at best still in developmental stages.





STR 60

DEX 23

CON 35


INT 10

EGO 15

PRE 25

COM 20

PD 15

ED 10


REC 20

END 70




Divine Sword: 3d6 HKA, Armor Piercing, Penetrating

Divine Sword: Missile Deflection

Dense Flesh: Damage Resistance 10 rPD/10 rED

Death Sense: ??

+2 Levels Overall PER

+6 CSL w/all Combat

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Re: Looking for help with character


I never saw a use for adding Armor Piercing and Penetrating together. The advantages usually aren't worth the points. Armor piercing will usually cut most defenses in half, enough so that (in most cases) it negates the usefulness of Penetrating. Plus, each AP and Pen are counted seperately versus hardened and gives no special advantage there either.


Combined with 60 STR, you are looking at a 6d6 Killing attack. With either AP or Pen, you'll be doing more than enough damage. I'd take off Pen and replace with something like +1 Stun Modifier. Just hope you aren't taking any sort of code vs killing. ;)


Consider your own character. 10 rDEF in either case. If someone came up against you with a 6d6 HKA AP, the everage damage is going to be around 18 Body and 44 Stun. Your defenses are gonna be cut in half and you will take 13 Body out of your 16. Better hope they dont hit again. Any sensible GM who runs a game will usually throw the same types of attacks at the party that the party posseses themselves. ie: You have 6d6 HKA AP, so will some of the villains.


As for the Death Sight, Precognition would be the best bet with advantages and limitations to fit your character concept.

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Re: Looking for help with character


Actually, GaryB, the way that Hardened resists combined Armor Piercing and Penetrating has been changed for 5E. Now when a Hardened Defense is hit with an attack which has both Advantages, it will stop only one of them (chosen when the Hardened Advantage is bought). Double Hardened Defenses will stop both of them, though. This is in the description of general Defense Powers, 5E p. 77.


As for Sensing Death, that could justifiably be bought as Detect depending on how the GM defines someone in imminent danger of perishing. Personally, though, I agree that Limited Clairsentience with Precognition seems more logical, since you're predicting a future event. Perhaps with a Trigger of when the character sees someone to whom this will happen within a specified time, or whatever other conditions you think are appropriate. Buying it to 0 END Persistant might also work.

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Re: Looking for help with character


Combined with 60 STR, you are looking at a 6d6 Killing attack. With either AP or Pen, you'll be doing more than enough damage. I'd take off Pen and replace with something like +1 Stun Modifier. Just hope you aren't taking any sort of code vs killing. ;)


My bad. The conversion I'm using had MN Edged damage doing 75 Active pts., or 5d6 HKA. I was adding that to the STR. If I use the STR to HKA rules of +15 STR = +1d6 HKA, I can get by with a 2d6 HKA.

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