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Ultimate Superheroes Universe Characters


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The Outsiders


The Outsiders is my homage to the Defenders. The Outsiders membership will

consist of powerful, loner heroes and outsiders unwilling or unable to join any other team.


The membership will change almost constantly and the team if you can call it that will almost stumble over threats and missions rather than have any direct purpose. They wil lband together more as a surrogate family to defend themselves agaisnt those who do not understand them.


The threats they deal with wil lbe both weird and wonderful with them often being thrown into conflict with other hero teams or organisations due to misunderstandings of their motives or members.




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The Protectors


The Protectors are my homage to the X-Men and its spin off groups. The protect the mutant population of the world from the various groups and individuals who would see them destroyed.


They also take in young mutants and see that they are both trained in their powers and protected from the outside world. So the group has a dual purpose with a somewhat school feel to it and and a dangerous international theme as well.


Membership is very international and falls into full members and young mutants in training.




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The Redeemed


The Redeemed is my homage to the Thunderbolts. They are a group of former super criminals with bad reps who are trying to go straight and be accepted in the super hero community.


Memebership is quite fixed and solid and they will come into conflict with many hero groups including the PC's due to their criminal past.


Motivations on the team very from those who genuinely want to go straight to those only using the team.




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Strike Force


Strike Force are my homage to the Avengers. They are a very powerful team second only to the Guardians. Strike Force as there name indicates are more proactive in their approach to crime actively going after supervillains rather than the more defensive approach of the Guardians.


They deal with threats on a national., global and space level and have a changing but very structured membership.




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Supreme Soviet


The Supreme Soviet are my homage to the Soviet Super Soldiers. My universe is set in 1986 and the soviet empire still stands.


This means we still have a strong Soviet super hero team of Russian heroes.


They have a rigid membership but are a powerful team and deal with threats on a national and international scale


They are often drawn into conflict with other american based superhero teams.




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The Union


The Union has no direct counterpart in dc/marvel but i want a major european super team protecting that continent.


The Team is part of UNTIL and has members drawn from most european countries. The team has had troubles blending as a effective team due to grand standing and nationalistic egos clashes.


They deal with threats on a continental, and national level within europe and has had a varied membership.




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Unit X


Unit X is my Suicide Squad homage a secret US goverment project where supervillains serving long term sentances are offered membership of Unit X as part of a deal against their crimes.


Membership is both in flux and the missions very dangerous so turnover can be high. They undertake secret missions for the US goverment often bringing them into conflict with other goverment teams or more general super hero teams.




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Northern Sentinels


The Northern Sentinels are my Alpha Flight homage. They are the official team of Canada but protect the whole of north America sometimes even performing missions in the USA.


The Membership is both stable and almost military like with the goverment having much say over the direction of the team.




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The Pacific Lords


The Pacific Lords have no direct homage they are my team of heroes that protect the pacific and asian areas of the world. They are a large team with members drawn from Japan, China, Australia, Korea, India etc.


They deal with threats on an international scale and the membership is quite static.




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The African Lions


The African Lions has no direct homage they are my team of heroes who protect Africa.

They are a small team often at odds with the many corrupt African goverments. So they are both unofficial and often outlawed in many states.


They respond to threats on a continental scale and have a very stable membership.




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Re: Ultimate Superheroes Universe Characters


Into what placement, membership, or niche

would the PCs (or the PC group) fit?


IE if all the major cities, and major niches (X, FF, JLA, etc)

are fully staffed, what "job" will the PCs be able to do?


Well as my players have not much experiance with superheroes or comics they will be the Academy my team of young heroes with links to older more experianced icons.




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The Jaguar League


The Jaguar League are my South and central American super hero group based in Brazil.


They are a small group with a very loose structure and membership.


They deal with mainly national and international threats.


thks guys for the help with naming this group.





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Defender exists and is my campaign's homage to Iron Man. To achieve this his power and experiance level will be boosted considerably.


Attacks and defences boosted considerably, contact list expanded reflecting his experiance and longevity and given his own rogues gallery reflecting he would have his own long running title. Long term member, benefactor and some time leader of Strike Force.


a technical genius and rich playboy, during the Vietnam war built the first powered armor of the silver age and dubbed himself America’s Defender. With many upgrades and modifications during the years and with a healthy dose of the Infinity serum, Defender has become one of the most respected and powerful hero’s of the modern age. Long term founder member of Strike Force. Has two weaknesses has a heart problem that his armor protects and has been a secret heroin addict since the early 1970’s.




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Ironclad exists and is pretty much as is. I like the character and concept and will use him as my Charlie 27 Homage.


So for that he is a member of the Galaxy Legion and I am increasing his general defences and KB resistaance somewhat. Also increase his combat skill levels reflecting his great gladiator experiance.


Ironclad – Recent member of the Galaxy Legion, this powerful alien has immense strength and toughness and tons of combat experience due to being a famous galactic wrestler for years.

His skin is a metallic substance and his body is super dense and hard. Long-term foe of the alien Supervillain Firewing.




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Mmm big changes here, basic concept of a Batman character is still there mixed with Dr. Midnight. In my Universe Nighthawk is one of the original and world famous Freedom Squad of the 30-40s and the Father of the Raven.


His power level is about the same but with much more exp, but reduced physical stats. He is a very mysterious character with many questions unanswered about his background.


In the modern era he splits his time between the Freedom Squad and being the mentor to the Academy of young heroes.


Oh and the duck bill is no where to be seen lol.


Nighthawk – One of the very first crime fighters Nighthawk was one of the original members of the Freedom Squad, using his extensive martial arts prowess and arsenal of gadgets most based on the properties of light and dark against the criminals of the 1930’s and 1940’s.

The father of the Raven, Nighthawk now mentors the Academy





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I l,ove the character just as she is, leaving her almost intact as my direct Dazzler homage.

The only obvious change is to port her over to the Protectors and make her a core member of my premier mutant team.



Sapphire – Young music superstar who is also a mutant member of the Protectors. Sapphire can emit blue energy in the form of various blasts from her body. Her beauty and flirty nature have got her into various romantic triangles within the group.





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Again great character no real changes needed apart from making her a more direct Zatanna homage. To that effect im giving her the incantations limitation on her magic which is not the standard 5th addition way of doing champions supermages.


She is a sometime member of my JLA homage the Guardians and a core member of the Circle.


Also lastly a change in her background makes both her and Talisman the twin daughters of Max Pendragon from Vibora Bay (A last little Zatanna touch).




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Villains and Rogues Galleries


Right, before I start accessing and amaending villains I really should list down the various rogues galleries they can fall into.


I an setting up the Universe as I said like a combined DC/Marvel universe, so I need to set ins tone who the popular teams/heroes are who would have their own running books/titles.


Then divide the villians/villain groups between them so they all feel in their correct "place". No fifty percent of all villains being hunted by the champions here thank you lol.


So the next posts will list the various superstars of the universe and set them in stone.




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Fictional Cities


I have always favoured the DC way of doing things using various fictional cities rather than placing everything in New York like Marvel.


This has the added benefit of being able to use the RPG material I already have.


So The Universe will ONLY use fictional cities. It will be based in Freedom City my favourite, but will also see extended use of San Angelo, Millenium City, Vibora Bay, Hudson City and Empire City.


Again heroes and teams will be split amoung these cities so no over crowding in one location takes place.





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Devestator changing to Steel Cat


I like the character and concept of Devestator as a power armor/thief but dislike the name. does not suit him or his character concept in any way.


So he is now known as the Steel Cat much more in concept imo.


Only other change is to make him part of Major Atom's (my Captain Atom homage from 4th edition) rogues gallery.


All other elements remain in place.




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Green Dragon


Has always been one of my favourite characters since way back so not many changes here.


Background wise I am tying him into The Freedom City Villain Dr.Sin who I love as his eledest son (As you will see in my universe Dr.Sin has quite a few superpowered family members both good and evil).

And the leader of Dr.Sins personal group of villains the Seven Deadly Sins.


I am making him primarily in Nightwinds rogues gallery and also part of the Kestrels.


Character wise I am increasing his combat skill levels slightlybut everything else is fine.




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