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Teen Champions to critique


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I'm running a Teen Champions game at GenCon this year. To make it more of a "intro to Hero", I'm writing all the pregens using only Sidekick. (And HD, of course -- but it's set to run strictly Sidekick.)


Here's the first pregen, more to follow as I get them done.

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Val** Char*** Cost
10** STR 0
23** DEX 39
13** CON 6
12** BODY 4
13** INT 3
10** EGO 0
13** PRE 3
12** COM 1
4/12** PD 2
5/13** ED 2
4/8** SPD 7
8** REC 6
56** END 15
24** STUN 0
*25"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 88
Cost** Power END
27** Hyperdrive: +4 SPD; Costs Endurance (-1/2)* 4
38** Hyper-Running: Running +19" (25" total)* 4
19** Armored Costume: Armor (8 PD/8 ED); OIHID (-1/4)* 0
Powers Cost: 84
Cost** Skill
9** +3 with Move-By and Move-Through*
3** Breakfall 14-*
3** Paramedics 12-*
3** Sleight Of Hand 14-*
3** Tactics 12-*
** Everyman Skills*
0** 1) Acting 8-*
0** 2) Climbing 8-*
0** 3) Concealment 8-*
0** 4) Conversation 8-*
0** 5) Deduction 8-*
0** 6) Language: English (native)*
0** 7) Persuasion 8-*
0** 8) PS: Computer Use 11-*
0** 9) SS: Chemistry 11-*
0** 10) Shadowing 8-*
0** 11) Stealth 8-*
0** 12) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles*
0** 13) AK: Home country or region 8-*
Skills Cost: 21
Cost** Talent
3** Lightning Calculator*
4** Speed Reading (x10)*
Talents Cost: 7
Val** Disadvantages
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)*
5** Social Limitation: Minor (14 years old) (Occasionally, Minor)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Total)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Showoff (Common, Moderate)*
20** Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from drugs/poisons/toxins (Common)*
5** Hunted: Ravenswood Academy 8- (Mo Pow, Watching)*
Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 125Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 200

Height: 1.65 m Hair: Reddish Brown
Weight: 51.00 kg Eyes: Gray
Appearance: Personality: Mark, who chose the codename Hyperdrive shortly after he arrived at Ravenswood Academy, is a generally happy teen. He's adjusted well to both his powers and the radical change in schools (public school to private academy in another state).


It says a lot for Mark that he doesn't blame his family or his original doctor for his misdiagnosis and the resulting months of health problems. However, his experiences with (accidental) drug overdoses mean Mark is the first one to volunteer if a Ravenswood teacher needs help putting up anti-drug posters or working on the local anti-drug programs.

Quote:Background: It's unusual for a child to show no signs of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder until he turns 12, but not unheard of. When Mark Ruden started getting restless in school, the family doctor ran down the standard checklist. Mark matched enough of the criteria, and the doctor diagnosed him with late onset ADHD.


Most of the next year was a blur to Mark.. For some reason, even specialists couldn't get his medications calibrated properly. Despite triple-checking every factor they could think of, dosages that shouldn't have had any effect on him were borderline-overdose. Finally, after the third time Mark wound up in the emergency room from a medication change, one of the on-call doctors pulled a few strings. Doctor Silverback flew into town the next day, and within another day he had confirmed that Mark's problem wasn't ADHD, but the onset of superpowers. Dr. Silverback got Mark a referral to Ravenswood Academy, and his family transferred him immediately.

Powers/Tactics: Hyperdrive, when he gains full control of his powers, may be one of the fastest speedsters around. At the current time, though, using his "hyper-drive" powers tires him out easily.


In combat, he concentrates on Move-By and Move-Through attacks. He also favors the "dash in and grab the innocent who's about to get creamed" maneuver. He hasn't yet developed any speedster tricks, but is developing a good tactical sense; largely because if he doesn't use his powers efficiently, he'll be gasping for END while his opponent is still going strong.

Campaign Use: 
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Re: Teen Champions to critique


The Everyman Skill list in 5ER includes a PS at 11- for the character's job/hobby. Swapping it out for a science skill at the same roll seemed fair to me.

I got to thinking over dinner ... and given that high school is a little early to concentrate that much on a single topic, what would everyone think about changing the Everyman PS 11- into two PS/KS/SS at 8- each? It should be balanced, it's the same point-equivalent as the "official" 11- skill.

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Re: Teen Champions to critique


I got to thinking over dinner ... and given that high school is a little early to concentrate that much on a single topic' date=' what would everyone think about changing the Everyman PS 11- into two PS/KS/SS at 8- each? It should be balanced, it's the same point-equivalent as the "official" 11- skill.[/quote']


Seems reasonable to me. Makes more sense that you'd have a couple lower skills - and maybe lose one as you grow up - when you're a teen. INX, you have a lot of breadth, but not as much depth.

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Re: Hyperdrive


Looks good. I'm glad you mentioned that he gets tired easily, I was about to say that your REC was way too low. :D


A speester with swim speed 2" and a leap of 2"? I'd increase those a bit. Anyone who's fast should be able to swim faster (comic book logic here). And if you can run at 25" you should be able to jump that far just by keep your feet in the air for a second. I'd say 6" swim and 6-12" leap would be ok, depending one how many points you want to spend.

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