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The Tru-Superhu-man Show...

Guest WhammeWhamme

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Just a weird idea I had this morning:


Take 'The Truman SHow' and add in fake superpowers. A show where a real person has to deal with growing up with superpowers? Or several such people having to?


For example, Telepathy would be fairly easy. A small transmitter in their ear, and it seems as though they're hearing people's thoughts. And they'd be right, since the actor KNOWS that's what their character was supposed to have been thinking.


With a set world, super strength is fairly easy, and get's easier if 'the world outside' has a higher tech level than the one inside. (Actually, that's nifty idea; have their home city be years or decades out of date. After all, faking the entire internet could be a pain).


Bullet proof is also easy, since every gun would fire blanks.


What do y'all think about the idea?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...


Look, if it's utterly bland and unoriginal and I should just read Comic X #ZTFR, TELL ME! Let me know... it is far less cruel than making me wait and wonder!


Anyway. Furthur thoughts:


It could be run rather interestingly as a game where the players didn't know either - I wonder how long it would take before they cottoned on?


Alternatively... I dunno.

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Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...



Sounds interesting!

A variation might be:

Don't do this to your players, have them accidentally go through some sort of dimensional rift and end up in the world you describe.

Mystery Man believes he has powers, and they seem to work, but the Heroes eventually begin to notice something wrong.

As they begin to figure things out, have the 'Powers that be' let them know that they absolutely must not tell the subject that his powers are not real.

(Some sort of emotional trauma, or perhaps a hulk-like transformation that would occur if he found out, whatever)

Then have a Dimensional Gateway open up back to our world.

Just as it is closing, Mystery Man leaps through, wanting to help out his new friends.

Now the PC's have to deal with keeping him from realizing his powers are fake, keeping him from getting killed, and getting him back home.

(P.S. It would work even better if he were an egotistical type that thought he could handle anything!)


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Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...


I imagine, in a campaign like this, all of the heroes would be super campy, in an Adam West kind of way...


1)always expecting supervillains to make grand monologues, giving the heroes more time to plan escapes...


2)believing that every stupid plan the hero comes up with, no matter how hair-brained, will work... (like reflecting sunlight from belt-buckles to burn through ropes)


3)thinking that there is a kind of formulaic honor-code that all villains follow...


and basically being totally ignorant of real danger.

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Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...


Reminds me of an old, old Superman where Lois Lane thought she'd became a witch by night. Basically Superman had to fly about following her making her 'spells' work because otherwise the shock would be too much for her (and the shock of becoming a witch wasn't!!!)


Total nonsense that was, but could be interesting applied in an Iron-Age sort of way. Probably works best for a Matrix style game as a Truman Show type environment has all sorts of difficulties for giving them super-powers. Most supers are very mobile for instance, which is a) hard to simulate and B) not desirable in a limited environment. Super strength is fine when you've got it all set up, but not so good if he just decides to randomly try and crush a door-handle. Invulnerability is fine for bullets firing blanks, but what about paper-cuts and other such minor bumps and bruises?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...


Good points. Still. What powers __would_ work well...


Telepathy and Hypnotism could work. (The aforementioned receiver in the air, and simply having people cooperate with their demands). Actually a very, very cool thing to see would be 'how does someone who is a psionic grow up to behave?''... I can see how THAT show got made.


Super-movement would definately required a highly advanced tech base.


Super strength - hrm. Not so much. Just make everything very fragile to begin with (since to Our Hero, it should be) and train everyoen to not break things. Fragility/lightness of people would be a little harder, too.


Minor cuts and the like - yeah. Although having a 'mentor' explain you have some kind of force field might work... probably too full of holes.


OTOH, those kinds of powers are easy for the _villains_, since they're fully scripted.


Oooh - I know - make him a power _nullifier_. All the powers of the others shut down when he touches them. :D



Heh. Invisibility. Make sure it's 'triggered' by something observeable, an then just have people ignore him. (Psionic invisibility? Hrm. The Tru-Mentalist show is looking like it could work... :D)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: The Tru-Superhu-man Show...


After years of believing in the what happens when his real mental powers develop? :eg:


He thinks the new ones are the fakes? :eg:

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