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Scenario up for review


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hi all.

i have a senerio that i would like to sound out, so here it goes.

the teams mystic Riu has finally devined the location of a mystical seal. the only problem is that it on the bottom of the atlantic ocean. elsewhere the team leader learns that all contact with nuclear sub U.S.S. Trueman has been lost, and that it's last location was the atlantic. the heroes then head that way for the seal and the athorities ask them to investigate the missing sub. the heros find the subs wreckage, and more importantly, it's black box. on the black box is this recording.

Man 1: Captin! i'm picking up something wired on the sonar.

Captin: ensign, what do you mean by "wired"?

Ensign: it's not man made or natural sir

Captin: switch to active sonar.

Ensign: aye, aye sir, switching to active sonar now.


Ensign: jeus Christ it huge!! what the hell is that?!?


Man 2: sir! active song off the port bow

*bong* *bong*

Man 2: Two more pings star board!

Captin: what the hell is going on. prep torpedos, prepare for emegence acention, seal all bulkheads and sound the alert

Man 3: Aye, Aye sir

*sirens in the back ground*


Ensign: sire cantacts in all directions!!

Man 2: we have confirmed torpedos

Man 2: 15.. 16.. 18.. tordepos inbound

Captin: acsend! acsend!

Man 3: there changing cource

Ensign: torpedos 500m out.. 400m 300m 200m 100m 50m contact

*explosions* *screams*



this is humanities' first encounter with the atlantians, however these are mean people. from there the heros must find the seal and find out what happened to the sub. (the seal is in an atlantian temple) as Riu gets closer to the seal he will know better where it's located, because at the moment he just knows the general area.


oh F.Y.I. the seven seal are the only things hold a dark god in his prision, but they are weakoning and need to be found, collected, and strengend


let me know what you think

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Re: Scenario up for review


hi all.

i have a senerio that i would like to sound out, so here it goes.

the teams mystic Riu has finally devined the location of a mystical seal. the only problem is that it on the bottom of the atlantic ocean. elsewhere the team leader learns that all contact with nuclear sub U.S.S. Trueman has been lost, and that it's last location was the atlantic. the heroes then head that way for the seal and the athorities ask them to investigate the missing sub. the heros find the subs wreckage, and more importantly, it's black box. on the black box is this recording.

Man 1: Captin! i'm picking up something wired on the sonar.

Captin: ensign, what do you mean by "wired"?

Ensign: it's not man made or natural sir

Captin: switch to active sonar.

Ensign: aye, aye sir, switching to active sonar now.


Ensign: jeus Christ it huge!! what the hell is that?!?


Man 2: sir! active song off the port bow

*bong* *bong*

Man 2: Two more pings star board!

Captin: what the hell is going on. prep torpedos, prepare for emegence acention, seal all bulkheads and sound the alert

Man 3: Aye, Aye sir

*sirens in the back ground*


Ensign: sire cantacts in all directions!!

Man 2: we have confirmed torpedos

Man 2: 15.. 16.. 18.. tordepos inbound

Captin: acsend! acsend!

Man 3: there changing cource

Ensign: torpedos 500m out.. 400m 300m 200m 100m 50m contact

*explosions* *screams*



this is humanities' first encounter with the atlantians, however these are mean people. from there the heros must find the seal and find out what happened to the sub. (the seal is in an atlantian temple) as Riu gets closer to the seal he will know better where it's located, because at the moment he just knows the general area.


oh F.Y.I. the seven seal are the only things hold a dark god in his prision, but they are weakoning and need to be found, collected, and strengend


let me know what you think


;) You want opinions or corrections? And can I ask questions?


Fast attack or boomer?


Boomers are named after States, fast attacks after cities. Carriers are named after presidents and admirals.


How did the heroes get down 12000 feet to find the sub?


Subs had distress bouys I believe, not black boxes like a plane. When Scorpion and Thresher went down nothing was ever found remotely like that recording.


If it's not 'manmade' and not 'natural', what's left?


One or two torpedoes would destroy the sub...19 would vaporize it.


Not 'ascend' it's 'surface' and maybe 'Emergency blow' to get to the surface as fast as possible. Normal tactics would probably include launching torpedo counter-measures, noise makers and such. Maybe full ahead to drive rthe boat toward the surface faster.


I doubt anyone would have time to scream...just a sudden 'krump' as the pressure hull collapsed. SOSUS would pick that up in the Atlantic. What depth, by the way?


Opinionwise . . . sounds like a good one to me.

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Re: Scenario up for review


Thanks for the corrections, that why i posted.


the heros can get down there in the Phoenix, the superjet they stole from Dr. Destroyer :shock:


the depth is around 12000 feet as you said (sp)


the torpedos are much smaller than modern tordepos, also why they are so manuverable.


the SOSUS can't pick it up, beacuse of atlatian jamming, also why they lost contact


also who are scorpion and Thresher.


its not natural, its not man made, it's atlantian (also know as other ;) )


the bouy is stuck under a huge rock out cropping the the sub was scouting


this might help as well. the sub is an experiment sub the navy created to scout out the ocean floor, and establish an underwater missle base. they were scouting out the ocean floor when they lost contact with the surface. the captin decided to finish scouting the area then surface. big mistake. the sub got the close to atlantis and it luanched it's subs to elimiate the surface dwellers.


hope that helps


thanks for the advice

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Re: Scenario up for review


USS Thresher lost in 1963, I believe, due to a a weld flaw. The boat started taking on water and they blew emergency tanks. Compressed air when released gets very cold. It froze the value and the boat couldn't get to the surface. The pressure hull collapsed.


USS Scorpion was lost in 1968, as I recall. A torpedo in the torpedo room went runaway, no one knows why. One of the safety features of a torpedo is that if it for some reason, reverses course, it goes enert so it won't hit its own ship. Apparently the captain tried to swing the boat onto a reciprical course when the runaway started and only got part of the way around before the torpedo blew up.


Edit: I got the boat backwards.

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Re: Scenario up for review


The USS Thresher and USS Scorpion are (so far as I know) the only American subs lost since World War Two.


I wouldn't do the whole "black box" thing; it gives them too much information. I'd just have big holes in the hull clearly not caused by torpedoes or crushing due to the depth; and perhaps the emergency buoy deliberately damaged near the sub's wreckage. Only VERY tough characters will be able to go outside the team's sub. At 12,000 feet depth there won't be anything left of the sub's crew but red goo. :no:


Otherwise it's an interesting scenario. Perhaps the Atlanteans attacked the sub because it saw too much (attack sub) or maybe they wanted to steal some nuclear missiles (missile sub).

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Re: Scenario up for review


First, off it sounds like a really good idea.


Most of the Atlantic floor has been mapped petty well. I would make it a Fast Attack Submarine sent to investigate recent volcanic activity in the area that was picked up by SOSSUS. Since this area wasn't reported to have voclanoes the USS Portland, a Fast Attack Submarine, was sent to investigate it because there are no known volcanoes in the area.


I was a member of the US Navy for several years. I hope you don’t mind if I re-write a little. Note that these would be professionals. They wouldn’t get excited until near the very end when it is obvious that they were going to die. I put these in italics.



Sonar: Maneuvering! I am picking up an unknown 5000 yards dead ahead. (No sonar needed, what else would he be using?)

Captain: Sonar, track that object. Where did it come from?

Sonar: Its no known signature. It is moving 50 yards per second directly toward us.

Captain: Switch to active sonar prepare countermeasures.

Sonar: Aye sir, switching to active sonar now.


Sonar: Maneuvering, Active ping on port bow picking up another unknown 500 yards on port bow.


Sonar: I got two more objects on the 1000 yards on the starboard bow.

Captain: Prepare countermeasures, standby torpedoes. Sound the general alarm.

“dong, dong, dong, General Quarters, General Quarter, all hand man your battlestations.â€

Sonar: Sir, we have contacts all around us 1000 yards and closing.

Sonar: I have torpedoes in the water.

Captain: Prepare for emergency blow. Launch countermeasures. Standby to blow all tanks.

Sonar: Torpedoes in 6…5…4…3…2…

Captain: Blow all tanks

Sonar: 1….


Maneuvering is the navy term for bridge.

Unless you change things the only “senses†the sub has is sonar which is sound. No way to tell how “big†something is, or what it is like with sound. A sub can go about 35 mph under water. A torpedo can go about 55 mph.

Due to the pressure of the ocean very little is needed to sink a sub. A single hole of moderate size is enough to cause the entire submarine to fill with high pressure water. The heroes could find a submarine that looks largely intact only to find that it was destroyed on the inside by high pressure water.

For more info see…. http://express.howstuffworks.com/express-submarine1.htm


Do you know why the Atlanteans attacked? Hidden Lands, the next book from HERO games, is going to come out soon with a lot of info on the Atlanteans.

Perhaps the seal is hidden in a sacred Atlantean area and they don’t want to disturb it.


The emergency bouy could be used to get the PCs right on top of the target. Of course, a storm is closing in and the PCs will be on their own :)


Although the "black box" is not accurate, I like the idea of it because it really doesn't tell them anything, but adds to the tension...what took out a nuclear submarine?


Also, how is the reactor holding out? Is it leaking :)

What do the Atlanteans do with a wrecked nuclear sub on their door step?

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Re: Scenario up for review


thank you all for your help.

i think i am going to go with herolover's ideas. also the atlantians attacked beacuse the sub had seen there scared temple, where the seal is. the automated defenses took out the sub. the reactor is not leaking... Yet :eg:

i am running the scenario this friday, i will let you all know how it went, thanks agian for the help


P.S. rep for all

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