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Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


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Well, it isn't the sit-com dimension, exactly, but a PC took his family into another dimension to raise them quickly, and the player envisioned it as very sit-comish results, particularly given the player's determination to mirror the "ideal nuclear family". Below I bring you a great write-up by Lamrok, as he's known on the boards, I take no credit... (btw, Namor is the PC's father-in-law, Aela his wife and formerly in the Justice Squad, Pyewacket is the cat familiar, and the others are the kids, though this first episode is after the first has been born) (PS - I made an edit because it was just forgotten at the time that Namor is from Mu in my campaign world, not Atlantis, which is a whole other place)


In the last X-Champs episode, Nexus announced that he would be taking

a five minute leave of absence to raise his family. He intended to

relocate to another, safer dimension in which time moves at a vastly

accelerated rate, thus allowing him to spend twenty years there and

return to this dimension five minutes later with three college-aged

kids. Namor insisted on going along. This is a (hopefully)

continuing saga of the events that transpired on that trip, a series

I've titled "All in the Xian Family" (Eliot and Aela decided to

change their last name to Xian for the duration of the trip, as it

sounds a bit less sinister. Aela refused to change her name

to "Alice.)


[Queue "Our House" by Madness]


[Opening credits roll over a montage of daily scenes from the "Xian"

houshold. Nick mixes two chemicals into an explosive accident, Al

flashes a thumbs up while wearing his dark shades, Tom stares

vacantly at a window after tossing a baseball through it, Aela shakes

her finger at the boys, Namor does a double take, Pywacket swishes

his tail and hisses, and Eliot shrugs and heads down into the



The camera pans across a skyline of urban Boston. A freakish

lightning storm dominates the dark sky. Lightning strikes close to

the Boston Commons, then, suddenly, three adults, one infant, and a

black cat appear on the surface of Frog Pond. One second later they

fall into the pond, drenched. Aella quickly dissolves into

water,still holding the baby who seems thrilled at this development,

and Namor, though wet, appears perfectly happy. Eliot scowls, as he

storms out of the pond carrying the cat which has surgically attached

itself to his shoulders.


Pyewacket: Nice move, wizard. Why couldn't you drop us in an

abandoned warehouse full of juicy non-mutated mice?


Eliot: The science of time and dimensions is a tricky area. At least

Aela is fine. In twenty seconds Namor will realize his new suit is

ruined. I think I'll leave him to himself for that.


[The camera follows Eliot as he makes his way to the edge of the



[Eliot approaches a well-dressed young man on the street]


Eliot: Excuse me, could you tell me what year it is?


Man: (Laughing) 1985!


Pywacket: 1985?


Man: That's coool! It almost sounded like that cat could talk! Do

it again!


Pyewacket: Oops. I mean, my name is Pyewacket. I am a talking cat,

but since cats in this hideous dimension are all mute, I am really a

ventriloquism trick.


Man: That was indeed most awesome. I have to catch

the T and meet some dudes in Kenmore Square. You want to come?


Eliot and Pyewacket in unison: No Thanks.


[Man does a double take and leaves.]


Pyewacket, softly: Why are we in 1985? I thought we were going to

stay in the same time frame?


Eliot: If we want to send up in 2005 at the end of a twenty year

excursion, we need to start in 1985. I didn't tell Aela since I was

afraid she'd object to the idea of living in such a primitive time.

1985 isn't that different from 2005, but for some people it is easier

to show them than to convince them. Let's find someplace where I can

turn some gold into dollars that don't say "2002" on them.


[Cut to Aela, Namor, and little Nick]


Namor: Just look at me! That idiot husband of yours just ruined a

$2000 Armani suit! (Namor tears the wet clothing off his body,

stripping down to a very small Speedo bathing suit.)


Aela: Dad!


Namor: I do 500 stomach crunches every morning. I have no shame at

the appearance of my body.


Aela: You promised Eliot that you would not call attention to

yourself while we're here. You can't walk around practically naked.

People here have never seen a super-being. They wouldn't understand.


Namor, glowering: You are right. I gave my word. But, what am I to

do now that my suit has been reduced to shreds?


Aela: While we're on the topic of clothing, those girls over there

appear to be wearing leg warmers. I've only ever seen those in

movies made in the eighties... I'm getting a funny feeling about



[Cut back to Eliot and Pyewacket, standing outside a seedy-looking

shop with a sign reading "We buy gold!"]


Eliot: This must be the place. (muttering under his breath) where is

Hamlet Laughton when you actually need him?


Pyewacket: Are you sure about this? That place doesn't look like a

good place for a couple of high class cats like us.


Eliot: Cats?


Pyewacket: Cool cats, you know, local lingo.


Eliot: This is the eighties, not the seventies.


[enters store and approaches proprietor]


Eliot: I'd like to sell some gold. How much will you give me per



Shop Keeper: I think the going rate is $150 per ounce.


Eliot: I think the current exchange rate is $512 per ounce.


Shop Keeper: Then go to a bank.


Eliot: They said to come here.


Shop Keeper: Exactly.


Eliot: How much will you buy?


Shopkeeper: How much you got?


Eliot: A lot.


Shopkeeper: Come in the back where we can talk.


Eliot: OK, but I'm in a hurry.


[walks in to back of store, where shopkeeper draws a revolver and

points it at him]


[Cut back to Aela and Namor. Namor is wearing the shreds of his

suit, a bypasser shakes his head and hands him five dollars.]


Namor: I will not accept your handouts.


bypasser: I'm sorry to offend, but sometimes we must set aside our



Namor: You will apologize right now and withdraw the offer. If you

comply properly, I will not obliterate you.


Aela: Dad!


Namor: He must be taught a lesson.


[Aela shoves the man aside and drags Namor off down the path. The

baby starts to cry.]


Aela: In this place, you are not the ruler of Mu. In this

dimension, Mu doesn't even exist.


Namor: Doesn't exist?


Aela: Don't you ever listen to anything anyone ever tells you?


Namor: No Mu?


Aela: Not here.


Namor: Atlantis?


Aela: No nothing. Just boring and mundane regular humans. Only fish

live underwater?


[Namor Collapses on a nearby bench.]


Namor: This is going to be a long, long twenty years.


[Cut back to Eliot, holding a huge pile of cash]


Eliot: I knew that reason would win out. He just needed to get a

proper understanding of the way exchange rates are supposed to work.


Pyewacket: I had no idea you were a master of Kung Fu.


Eliot: One of my many talents. When I'm facing a psychotic

supervillain, I'll tend to use the extra-dimensional rifts, but when

facing a regular Joe, Kung Fu does the trick nicely.


Pyewacket: With a groovy kinda stylin.


Eliot: Eighties. We're in the eighties.


Pyewacket: In this place, I'm just a ventriloquism trick.


Eliot: Let's find Aela and the baby. And Namor. Then we can deposit

this in the bank and look for a real Estate agent.


Pyewacket: My man! Let's find a pad with lots of mice.


[Cut to a the front of a quaint row house, painted a loud, glaring

blue color, a row house that looks suspiciously like the one in which

the writer lived at one point in his life.]


Aela: I love it!


Namor: I detest it.


Sihn, to the real estate agent: I don't get a vote, so I guess we'll

take it.

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Re: Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


My vote is for "Girls just wanna have fun." and give Aela some screen time with their wacky neighbors.


As an ex-PC, come NPC she gets to show up only very rarely in the campaign.


* * *


Meanwhile back on Earth-prime:


[tiny klaxons sound in the hermetically sealed office of the self-proclaimed world's greatest detective, Hamlet Laughton.]


Laughton looks up from the foot high pile of survellance photos he has been sifting through at amazing speed. He notes the message on the screen, and a faint smile crosses his face.


[Camera pans onto section of large plasma computer display. A pop-up window has appeared and flashes blue-white-blue, it's message: Sihn has left the dimension.]


The cagey detective strokes his chin thoughtfully. There has to be at least five, maybe even six minutes before Sihn can return. Plenty of time to take care of some business that needs attention without being mollycoddled by Sihn's overly goody-goody attitude.


The decision is made at fractions of nano-seconds, and Laughton's hands are a blur as he works on his custom interface to the computer sitting in his office.


[Camera shifts to a view of the computer display, the images are a mix of text-based command lines and small windows with surprisingly detailed security camera scenes. The sniplets of language that can be seen, are like no other on Earth, it is the ultra-efficient logical construct Sihn devised on a whim, that Laughton now uses as his own, with only slight modifications.]


In less than 30 seconds, Laughton is done. He slides a hand over the bio-receptical and the screen goes black. As he stands, he taps the intercom, "Velda, I'm not to be disturbed for the next ten minutes. I have to step out. If anything comes up send it to Manny."


"Sure thing, Ham-"


Her dulcet tone is cut off, as Hamlet grabs a duffle bag and heads out.


* * *


--and no, Laughton is not Sihn's hunted. They are teammates!

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Re: Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


Meanwhile in New York, Spectrum starts getting a bad feeling.


Hmm, Danger (Laughton) sense.


Geez, Spectrum is busy on her extended honeymoon. She has more important things to worry about than Laughton taking over the world.


Hey, how many points does one get for being hunted by their own team mates? :eg:

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Re: Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


Geez, Spectrum is busy on her extended honeymoon. She has more important things to worry about than Laughton taking over the world.


Hey, how many points does one get for being hunted by their own team mates? :eg:


Spectrum can't be too busy, since Sihn had some business with her new husband.


How many points do the rest of the team get for having to go find Laughton?

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Re: Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


That's what makes it a psych lim' date=' vs a physical lim. The problem is that we keep missing our ego rolls.[/quote']

I suspect we might be getting enough points that we don't even get ego rolls.


And just what do you want with Spectrum's husband?

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Re: Write-up by a player - our campaign in the sit-com dimension...


It'd be worth something, but given they come fetch Hamlet from being trapped half the time... :D


By the way, just where were you last session? ;):eg:


Well his office _is_ hermetically sealed. No one ever bothers to look in there anyway, they all just assume that he's out in some back alley hiding in a cardboard box and spying on ABC corporation. :nya:

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