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Tremble Before The Might Of--SHOCKTRAUMA!!!


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Those of you who read my post of Captain Wonder on this board will remember my mentioning his first and most persistent enemy, ShockTrauma. Here now is that character--please let me know what you think.




(Copyright 2005 by the author)


Origin/Background: Twenty thousand years ago a great galactic war finally came to a close. The rubble was cleared away and the devastated worlds rebuilt. The dead were consecrated and mourned according to ritual. The living celebrated their own survival and the survival of their way of life, and praised the veterans for their courage, determination and sacrifice. There was only one thing left to do–punish the tyrant responsible for starting the war.


It was decided by the war crimes tribunal that the tyrant would have his mind stripped out of his body and implanted in a mnemonic crystal, that then to be placed upon an asteroid and sent into the vast expanse between the stars. The body would be destroyed, and the mind, completely devoid of external stimulation, would be forced to contemplate for all eternity the unspeakable horrors and atrocities he had inflicted upon countless innocents. While it wasn’t punishment enough for his crimes, it would have to do.


Twenty thousand years later, an unemployed public utilities worker named Lester Jenkins was indulging in his favorite pastime–falling asleep in front of a blaring television while drinking beer. It was another wasted night in his waste of a house in a waste of a nearly vacant housing development that was scheduled to be demolished in favor a new factory. And on top of that a storm was brewing–that meant more flooding in the basement. Maybe a few more beers and he could sleep through the whole thing–


That was when he saw the light and felt the crash outside. Was that lightning? It didn’t seem like lightning. He went outside to look, and there at the bottom of the cul-de-sac that bordered his backyard was a strange, glowing rock half-buried in the middle of a crater. He went down to take a closer look as the rain began to fall, and as the ground softened to mud it became easier to dig the rock out of the crater. Jenkins didn’t know what he had found, but he figured it had to be worth a few hundred bucks–maybe a couple of thousand. Maybe even enough to chuck his old life and buy a new one. As he finally pulled the rock free, he cradled it in his hands like a newborn baby and smiled. This was his ticket to the big time.


That was when the lightning struck.


The crystal shattered into dust as the mind inside was transferred into the brain of Lester Jenkins. But twenty thousand years of silence and dankness had shattered the mind beyond recall. There was no memory of the tyrant left, of the armies and space fleets once at his command, of the genocide and devastation he’d inflicted on tens of thousands of worlds. What remained, however, was his intellectual capacity, his ability to understand a world’s technology and innovate and improve upon it. What remained was his indomitable will, his cold steel resolve to let nothing stand in the way of his goals, his desires. What remained were his goals–to rule the universe, to dominate all within his reach and beyond. What remained were his desires–to hold absolute power of life and death over all who lived, and to have them tremble in absolute terror at the thought.


All of this was passed on to Lester Jenkins. He wasn’t quite aware of what had happened to him–only that he had been changed. He realized, as he watched electric sparks arcing between his fingers, that his body had been changed along with his mind. And he realized that he had the power to write his own ticket to the big time–and he would deal out screaming, angry death in all its forms to anyone who stood in his way. And he realized that even with as much power as he had–he wanted more.


Lester Jenkins went back inside his house to build, and plan, and bring to life his dreams of power and destruction. That night, ShockTrauma was born.

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Re: Tremble Before The Might Of--SHOCKTRAUMA!!!


And here is ShockTrauma in HERO terms--




Secret ID: Lester Jenkins


Player: wcw43921





10 STR 0 11- HTH Damage: 2D6 Lift: 100kg END: (1)

18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6 DCV: 6

25 CON 30 14-

12 BDY 4 11-

20 INT 10 13- PER: 13-

25 EGO 30 14- ECV: 8

15 PRE 5 12-

6 COM -2 10-



10 PD 8 Resistant PD: 10 Total PD: 20

20 ED 15 Resistant ED: 20 Total ED: 20

5 SPD 22 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10,12

11 REC 8

64 END 7

45 STUN 15






Ground 6" 12"

Swim 0" 0"

H-Leap 2" 4"

V-Leap 1" 2"

Flight 30" 60"






50 Multipower, 75-point base, all OIF Metal Mesh Armor


5u Lightning Strike: 15D6 EnergyBlast (7)

3u Lightning Storm: 7D6 Energy Blast, Area Effect Cone(+1) (3)

No Range (-½)

5u Death-Strike: 5D6 Ranged Killing Attack (7)

5u Lightning Shield: 5D6 Energy Blast, Damage Shield (+½) (0)

Reduced END (+½)

5u Static Paralysis Entangle 3D6, 3 DEF, Area Effect 3" Radius (3)

Field: Takes No Damage From Any Attack (+½)

5u Lightning Flight: 30" Flight, Reduced END (+1/4) (3)



40 Lightning Recharge: 12D6 Absorption, Goes To END,

Only Vs. All Forms Of Electricity (-½)


16 Lightning-Powered +40 STR, Does Not Affect Figured (8)

Muscle: Characteristics (-½) 2X END (-½)

Activation 14- (-½)


20 Battle Armor: Armor 20 PD OIF Metal Mesh Armor (-½)


10 Energy Resistance: Damage Resistance 20 ED


-2 Does Not Swim: -2" Swimming









3 Electronics 13-

3 Inventor 13-

3 Oratory 12-

3 PS: Electrical Engineer 13-












25 Susceptibility: 3D6 From Immersion In Water

20 Vulnerability: 2X STUN From Water-Based Attacks

20 Enraged When Attacked With Water: Enraged 14- Recover 11-

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Lester Jenkins) 11-

20 Psychological Limitation: Hunts Captain Wonder (Common, Total)

25 Psychological Limitation: Desires To Dominate The World

(Very Common, Strong)

25 Hunted By The Authorities (More Powerful, NCI)





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Re: Tremble Before The Might Of--SHOCKTRAUMA!!!


Personality/Motivation: As ShockTrauma, Jenkins has assumed the personality of a forgotten interstellar tyrant from the galaxy’s distant past. He isn’t possessed by the spirit of the tyrant, but his own mind has been augmented by the mental potential stored within the mnemonic crystal. Having no memory of this tyrant, Jenkins believes that everything he’s thinking and feeling is his own idea, and that his megalomania is working better for him than what he was doing before. He believes that he has the right to take whatever he wants from whomever he wants, and those who stand against him will suffer hideously for their foolishness. He enjoys making long-winded speeches about his own supremacy and the futility of opposing him, along with threats of deadly violence against his enemies. He does not work well with other villains, and will refuse to take orders from anyone no matter how much more powerful they are. While he is looking for minions to do his bidding and tremble before his might, he has focused the majority of his attention on the superhero Captain Wonder, who has consistently dealt ShockTrauma his most humiliating defeats.


Jenkins doesn’t know how or why he came up the name ShockTrauma–it just sounded good at the time, and it still does. He’s toyed with the idea of calling himself Doctor ShockTrauma, or Master ShockTrauma, or even Emperor ShockTrauma–but none of those have the same effect as just ShockTrauma.


Quote: “I will teach you the meaning of POWER! I will teach you the meaning of TERROR! YOU will perish in mindless agony, and if you are remembered at all, it shall be as the miserable IDIOT who was so STUPID as to challenge. . .SHOCKTRAUMA, LORD OF LIGHTNING!â€

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Re: Tremble Before The Might Of--SHOCKTRAUMA!!!


Powers/Tactics: The accident that led to Jenkins becoming ShockTrauma altered his body along with his mind. His body is now a living storage battery, and he can recharge his energy from any live electrical source. He can use his stored electricity to boost his strength to superhuman levels, and it provides him with a natural resistance to energy-based attacks. But his primary weapons are the lightning projectors built into his armor, which is configured to draw power from his body’s electrical energy. His armor can fire a single lightning bolt at a specific target, or a volley of lightning bolts over a wide area. It can also project a static electricity field that temporarily paralyzes the muscles of any persons within a specific target area. The armor itself is made of a metallic mesh that has a constant high voltage current running through it--anyone trying to grab him is in for quite a shock. Literally. The same mesh is also capable of generating an electromagnetic repulsion field, which he currently uses to fly and for which he will undoubtedly develop other uses.


Being a living storage battery has one great drawback–ShockTrauma is especially vulnerable to being attacked with--or immersion in--water. It causes his stored electrical energy to discharge randomly, with disastrous and painful results. Needless to say this has given him an aversion to water, and makes him particularly angry when someone tries to use it against him.


Appearance: Lester Jenkins was never the most handsome man–he stands 5' 9" and weighs a paunchy 230 pounds, with narrow, squinty eyes and a thin fringe of brownish hair that barely covers the back of his head. As ShockTrauma he wears a gleaming metallic mesh armor suit whose medieval appearance belies its high-tech construction. Over the armor he wears a sleeveless black tabard, fastened with a wide leather belt, which bears his emblem–a silver skull flanked by golden diagonal lightning bolts. A black metallic mesh cape hangs from his shoulders, and a gleaming metallic helmet in the shape of a skull covers the top of his head, leaving his lower jaw uncovered. His eyes are visible through the eye-holes of the skull.

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Re: Tremble Before The Might Of--SHOCKTRAUMA!!!


Well, let me be the first to give my opinion. One: He's good. He's an effective supervillain, low on skills but he doesn't need them, he's a villain. He's powerful but limited by the multipower. I like his backstory, his appearance sounds awesome and his personality is classic.

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