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wcw43921 last won the day on June 3

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About wcw43921

  • Birthday 05/31/1958

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  1. Navy Pilot Becomes First U.S. Woman To "Kill An Air-To-Air Contact"
  2. Yes, Biden earned the opportunity to serve out his term. He also earned the opportunity to serve a second term. The thing is, if he is not fit to serve as a candidate, he's not fit to handle the affairs of state. If you're having him step down as a candidate over age-related issues, then he should step down as President for the same reason. Harris then assumes the Presidency, and runs from a position of incumbency--which is a better position to be in than a last-ditch substitute. What bothers me the most about this is that I can't help but feel that the Democrats caved. The right-wingers said Biden wasn't fit for his office, and this is a tacit admission by the Democrats that they were right. If this had happened during the Republican Convention they would have been popping champagne corks and counting all the ways that they can strip everyone but straight white males of their inalienable rights. I can't imagine anyone among the Democrats breathing a sigh of relief over this.
  3. I suppose it beats wearing diapers in solidarity.
  4. Given his Martian physiology, Oreos are the healthiest thing Martian Manhunter can eat. It's a completely true fact that I just made up.
  5. Joe Shuster was born 110 years ago today. He provided illustrations for the 1942 novel by George Lowther.
  6. “And that’s when I went home with the blonde.”
  7. I almost put this in the "Cool Guns" thread in the Dark Champions forum, but I figured it would fit better here instead. For better or worse--here it is. Ammo Vending Machines Installed In Oklahoma Grocery Stores
  8. Here's another masterpiece from Alan Silvestri. I heard the real Delta Force adopted this theme--I'd like to think that's true.
  9. One more tribute to Captain America--
  10. Cool story. Thanks for sharing.
  11. The gun notwithstanding, do Europeans have any right to sneer? Behold, the Full English Breakfast--
  12. More Captain America, this time by Alex Ross--
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