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Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread

Super Squirrel

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This is another attempt to create a thread for the purpose of sharing Valdorian Age characters, partial characters, or whatever else you want to share to other GM's out there.


Thread Rules:

  • The purpose to this thread is to share resources to other GM's for Valdorian Age Campaigns. This is not a thread for discussing Valdorian Age in general. There are plent of threads out there for doing that.
  • Full Characters should include background information and a full character sheet.
  • Generic and Simple NPCs should follow a similar format to the Minions located on page 184 of Valdorian Age.
  • In some cases it is alright to post only part of a character. For example, in a post I have done an interpretated write-up of the two-hit punch Dotty Rosewater possesses.
  • While the thread title says Valdorian Age Character, you can feel free to create and post new Valdorian Spells, Summons, Ships, or even Soul Sucking Swords.
  • Feedback for write-ups are not only appreciated, but encouraged but try to keep them constructive as much as possible.

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Shelton Tarsh - Oceanshore Mountain Explorer


Shelton is a prominent Graecorian Scholar from an established family. During his education, he heard of the many studies other scholars in the world were branching out into. When Shelton heard stories of the Mountain Lion Tribes making exploration and study of the Oceanshore Mountain impossible, he realized he had found his calling. Shelton begin delving into studies of mountains and training himself physically for the challange. When he learned that Maris Yorshig had adopted a similar goal for the Desert's Teeth, Shelton became obsessed so that he could become the first Graecorian to completely explore and map a mountain range. The Mountain Lion Tribe have encountered Shelton. After their initial confrontation, the Mountain Lion Tribe and Shelton have come to agreement. If he agreed to leave off their tribal caves from the maps, they will leave him be. But even with the agreement, they keep a close eye on Shelton to make sure he doesn't do anything to risk their tribe.


Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
15	STR	7	12-	Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage [1]
13	DEX	15	12-	OCV: 4/DCV: 4
12	CON	8	11-
10	BODY	4	11-
15	INT	7	12-	PER Roll 12-
10	EGO	4	11-	ECV: 3
15	PRE	7	12-	PRE Attack: 3d6
8	COM	0	11-
4	PD	1	Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0	Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
2	SPD	0	Phases:  6, 12
5	REC	0
24	END	0
24	STUN	0	Total Characteristics Cost: 53
Movement:	Running: 6"/[Noncombat]"
Leaping: 3"/[Noncombat]"
Swimming: 2"/[Noncombat]"

Cost	Powers	END
5	Mountainface Firing: Clinging (20 STR) (12 Active Points); Limited Power Only To Safely Maintain Grip While Firing a Crossbow (-1), Requires An Archery Tricks Roll  (-1/2)	0
7	Mountainside Luck: Luck 4d6 (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only to Find a Sudden Grip on the Mountain (-2)	0

5	Money:  Well Off
12	Contact (Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (12 Active Points) 12-

5	Archery Tricks 13-
3	Bureaucratics 12-
3	Breakfall 12-
9	Climbing 14-
3	Inventor 12-
4	AK: Graecorian 13-
3	AK: Oceanshore Mountains 12-
5	Oratory 13-
5	Persuasion 13-
2	PS: Cartography 11-
2	PS: Mountainclimbing 11-
3	Scholar
2	1)   KS: Cartography (3 Active Points) 12-
2	2)   KS: Mountain Wildlife (3 Active Points) 12-
2	Survival (Mountain) 12-
3	SS:  Geology 12-
5	Stealth 13-
4	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons
3	+3 with Crossbows

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 97
Total Cost: 150

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
5	Distinctive Features:  Unkept Look (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Mountain Lion Tribes 11- (Mo Pow, Watching)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Complete Respect of Regional Cultures (Uncommon, Total)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Passion to Map the Entire Oceanshore Mountain (Common, Total)
10	Reputation:  Eccentric, 11-
5	Rivalry:  Professional (Maris Yorshig; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
10	Social Limitation:  Outlander (Frequently, Minor)

Total Disadvantage Points: 150

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


The Radiant Dawn is the oldest known ship still sailing the Il-Ryveras sea today. Captain Nayal Ayere is the thirteenth man to command the vessel in its 324 year history. This declares Elweir its home but is rarely seen within the city. The crew of the Radiant Dawn is rarely seen off the boat. When the Radiant Dawn reaches shore, five members of the crew leave to purchase new supplies while the rest of the crew unloads its cargo.


The Radiant Dawn holds an unblemished reputation for all ports across Il-Ryveras. They never lie or cheat those that they deal. Captain Nayal Ayere and his predecessors always have provided a full, detailed report of the cargo that is never wrong.


There is a element of mystery to the Radiant Dawn. Never, in any port across the land, has ever anyone seen the ship remain ported longer than twenty-four hours. The crew never leaves the ship beyond to trade for supplies. And no one has ever seen the ship pick up new crew or use a shipyard to repair any damage. Furthermore, the crew seems to be unphased by the weather no matter how severe.


Sailor of the Radiant Dawn

10 STR

12 DEX

14 CON






2 PD

3 ED



30 END



Abilities: +3 with Short Swords, AK: Ports of Il-Ryveras 11-, AK: Ancorable Beachs of Il-Ryveras 8-, KS: Stories and Legends of Il-Ryveras 11-, KS: History of the Radiant Dawn 13-, Navigation (Marine) 12-, PS: Knot-Tying 11-, PS: Sailing 13-, PS: Deep Sea Sailing, TF: Large Rowed Boats, Teamwork 11-, +3 PSL with Sailing and Navigation During Bad Weather


75+ Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Mark of the Radiant Dawn, Physical Limitation: Sea Legs, Psychological Limitation: Code of the Radiant Dawn


Equipment: Short Sword, Padded Cloth Cuirass


Notes: All sailors of the Radiant Dawn are required to wear a tattoo on their right shoulder, announcing their allegience to the ship and crew. The crew is prohibited from discussing any of its history or practices with outsiders. This information is considered a trade secret and the punishment for violating this order is death. All crewmen are required to wear short swords during duty in case of pirates.

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Divine Sorcerer of the Radiant Dawn



14 CON


15 INT

16 EGO

12 PRE


2 PD

3 ED



32 END



Abilities: +1 with Short Swords, AK: Ports of Il-Ryveras 11-, AK: Ancorable Beachs of Il-Ryveras 8-, KS: Stories and Legends of Il-Ryveras 11-, KS: History of the Radiant Dawn 13-, Teamwork 11-, Divine Sorcery 15-, KS: Divine Sorcery 14-, Summon 100 point Divine Servant, 125 Endurance Reserve with 25 REC


75+ Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Mark of the Radiant Dawn, Physical Limitation: Sea Legs, Psychological Limitation: Code of the Radiant Dawn


Equipment: Short Sword, Padded Cloth Cuirass


Notes: The duty of the Divine Sorcerer is to provide all prestly duties aboard the ship and when necessary summon the necessary Divine Servant needed. One of the duties of the Divine Sorcerer is to maintain the protective circles. Four key locations on the ship have a protective circle upon them. Those locations are the wheel, the cargo hold, the crow's nest, and a large circle that extends from amidship to aft. The purpose of the circles is to serve multiple purposes. The primary purpose is to protect strategic locations from enemy sorcerers. The secondary purpose is to provide protective areas to contain a summoned creature if one is needed. All circles when reconstructed are given a week to make with the best materials around. Every generation of crew contains five Favor Holders. It is considered an honor to be appointed to the position of a Favor Holder. When the Divine Sorcerer owes favor, one of the Favor Holder takes control of that favor until the duty has been fullfilled.

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Dotty Rosewater on page 51 of Valdorian Age is said to have a two-punch attack. This is my interpretation of that power.


Elbow to the Solar Plexis: 3d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack, NND (defense is Hardened or Metal Armor covering the Solar Plexis; +1) (30 Active Points); HtH Attack (-1/2), Requires a Brawling Tricks Roll (subject to Skill vs. Skill Roll; -3/4) (total Cost: 13 points) plus Quick Jab to the Nose: 4d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack (20 Active Points); HtH Attack (-1/2), Requires a Brawling Tricks Roll (-1/2), Linked (Must Use Greater Power to Full Effect; -3/4) (total cost: 7 points). Total Cost: 20 points.



Edit: I just realized that her information including her two-punch attack are already provided but in the GM's only section. The above can be used as an alternative at the GM's discrection.

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Testran Echena

12 STR

15 DEX

12 CON


15 INT


12 PRE


4 PD

3 ED



25 END



Abilities: +3 with Dirks, Bows and Crossbows; AK: Eastern Elweir Sewer System, CK: Lowtown, WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Wepaons, Contacts: Various Lowlives with Weapons 11-


75+ Disadvantages: Psychological Limitation: Desires to Kill Laim Garlbam; Hunted: Laim Garlbam




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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Another thread for this? How many character threads for Valdorian Age do we need? Oh, well. I guess I'll post Morgan again....


To play a magician PC in Valdoirian Age, you have to get creative, and find ways to make a large difference with Instant Powers (or very short term Constant Powers) that you have to plan ahead to use.


Here is an example of such a character. He's rough, in the sense that I haven't given a lot of thought as to the best method of mini-maxing to try and cope with the Valdorian Age house rules, but that would come naturally with more experience playing in such a setting.


He ought to have a lot more skills than he does, but as sorcerer PC he simply could not afford them -- they would have to be purchased with Experience Points. His Intelligence really ought to be a few points higher, too. Oh, well. Still, I think he could be a playable PC. As an NPC, with more points spent on skills, he could be even more interesting.


Morgan Blaylock

Player: Brandon Blackmoor

Val	Char	Cost
10	STR	0
13	DEX	9
9	CON	-2
10	BODY	0
13	INT	3
18	EGO	16
14	PRE	4
9	COM	0

4	PD	2
4	ED	2
3	SPD	7
4	REC	0
18	END	0
20	STUN	0

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
2"	LEAP	0

Characteristics Cost: 41 (standard Hero base 10 stats)

Cost	Power
17	Necromancer: Summon 200-point Spirits of the dead, 
Expanded Class of Beings any spirit of the dead (+1/2) 
(60 Active Points); Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) (-1), 
Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Incantations 
(Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Requires A 
Necromancy Skill Roll (-1/2)
17	Necromancy: Multipower, 60-point reserve,  (60 Active 
Points); all slots Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) (-1), 
Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Incantations 
(Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Requires A 
Necromancy Skill Roll (-1/2)
2u	1)  Ghostly visage: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 17 Real Cost) 
Desolidification  (affected by Sorcery) (40 Active Points); 
Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) (-1), Gestures, Requires 
Gestures throughout (-1/2), Incantations (Requires 
Incantations throughout; -1/2), Requires A Necromancy 
Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 9) plus Flight 10" (20 Active 
Points); Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) (-1), Gestures, 
Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Incantations (Requires 
Incantations throughout; -1/2), Requires A Necromancy 
Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4)
1u	2)  Hand of glory: Telekinesis (20 STR), Fine Manipulation 
(40 Active Points); Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) (-1), 
Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Incantations 
(Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Requires A 
Necromancy Skill Roll (-1/2)
2u	3)  We know your secrets: Telepathy 12d6 (Human class 
of minds) (60 Active Points); Extra Time: 5 Minutes (special) 
(-1), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), 
Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), 
Requires A Necromancy Skill Roll (-1/2)
2u	4)  Whispers from the grave: Retrocognitive Clairsentience 
(Hearing And Sight Groups), Discriminatory, Increased Arc 
Of Perception (360 Degrees) (60 Active Points); Extra Time: 
5 Minutes (special) (-1), Gestures, Requires Gestures 
throughout (-1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations 
throughout; -1/2), Requires A Necromancy Skill Roll (-1/2)
13	Endurance Reserve  (100 END, 20 REC) Reserve:  (30 Active 
Points); REC:  (20 Active Points); Limited Recovery (must 
meditate in a necropolis; -2), Slow Recovery 1 Hour (-2), 
Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant 
Power (0 DCV; -1)

Powers Cost: 54

Cost	Skill
3	Necromancy 13-
4	KS: Necromancy 13-

3	Bribery 12-
3	Conversation 12-
3	Deduction 12-
3	High Society 12-
3	Lockpicking 12-
3	Persuasion 12-
3	Shadowing 12-
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons

Skills Cost: 30

Total Character Cost: 125

10	Distinctive Features:  Walks with a limp 
(Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable 
By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Inspector Kelb of Sigmark 8- 
(As Pow, Harshly Punish)
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Physical Limitation:  Bad left leg: walks with a cane 
(All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Sees life as a game 
(Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Sucker for a pretty face 
(Common, Moderate)
10	Reputation:  Sorcerer, 8- (Extreme)
5	Reputation:  Sticks his nose in other people's business, 8-

Disadvantage Points: 75
Base Points: 50 (standard Hero base 10 stats)


Hell is a city much like London --

A populous and a smoky city;

There are all sorts of people undone,

And there is little or no fun done;

Small justice shown, and still less pity.

-- Percy Bysshe Shelley




Morgan is a tall, pale human of medium build and indeterminate age (could be late thirties, could be early fifties). His hair is a shaggy shoulder-length mane, either pale blonde or prematurely grey. A childhood battle with the pox has left his cheeks scarred, and his eyes are shiny black beetles beneath bushy white brows. Coils of sweet blue-grey smoke curl from a lit Abyzinian cigarette in brown paper, which crackles slightly when he inhales.


His voluminous overcoat may once have been black, but it is now weathered and charcoal grey. His shirt is white linen, neither excessively worn nor excessively fine, and his grey slacks are tucked into knee-high black leather boots, in the style of Elweir nobility. A simple gold ring adorns his left middle finger: his left ring-finger ends at the first knuckle.


Morgan walks with an ever-so-slight limp, favoring his right side. He leans on a cane, straight black wood with its simple brass knob gripped by his right hand.


Campaign Use


Morgan is tough and canny, but not a schemer for his own sake, and certainly not the type out to rule the world. He's been around, and has served as advisor and trouble-shooter for a handful of rich and/or powerful folks from Revanna to Xirbellia to Dalthyr. "Advisor to the Queen" is his favorite part of his resume. Which Queen? Queen of what? On that he is somewhat evasive. Being evasive is something he does well.


In addition to his keen mind, he also has some sorcerous ability, although he does not flaunt it. Still, it has enabled him to solve mysteries and retrieve lost objects when no one else was able to do so.




He was born in Sigmark, in the heartland of Valdoria, and his mother (a woman reputed to have Dryndrish blood) died when he was very young. His father then took Morgan to the city Elweir beyond the frontiers of Valdoria. His father died in a raid by the Bandit Lords when Morgan was in his teens. It was only then, in an anonymously delivered letter from his deceased father, that Morgan learned that he and his parents were sorcerers, the last surviors of an ancient legacy. The only memento Morgan has of his father is a silver amulet, which he carries with him everywhere.


Of late, Morgan has been solving puzzles for the local constabulary, or for whatever unfortunate can convince him to take their case (either by piquing his interest or paying his bills). His card reads, in large script, "Morgan Blaylock, Esq." In smaller script, beneath, it reads "Discreet Inquiries".




Morgan likes being involved in interesting events, but doesn't like being the center of attention. He likes to solve puzzles, but he's not much for plotting against other people for its own sake. He is willing to do unsavory things, but he has a definite moral code, and always does what he does for what *he* thinks are good reasons. He's murdered innocent people in cold blood, but it's not something he brags about. Ultimately, he wants good to win and evil to be punished. It's just that sometimes good needs some help from people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.


My notes on how Morgan would be played as a PC


Morgan can do a few amazing things, but not very often or for very long (the high Endurance cost and slow, difficult Recovery is a real crippling factor, although at least cemetaries are relatively common compared to volcanoes, desolate cliffs, and tree frogs from other continents). If he weren't a sorcerer, he'd have spent those 60 odd points in skills, which he could do all day every day (if not quite as spectacularly). Still, if you need to know exactly what was a said in a certain room a week ago, there's nothing quite like sorcery to do it.


However, he won't be using his magic very often, because of the Favor system. A PC sorcerer who relies upons the Favor system is going to go down, and the more they rely on it, the sooner they're going to do down. The Favor system is Russian Roulette, and author of Valdorian Age makes no bones about that: it's supposed to destroy the sorcerers who use it. Morgan has no intention of destroying himself: the only time he would risk incurring negative Favors is if he thinks he is about to die anyway, and his first priority after that would be to get rid of them.


I picture him casting a spell or actually Summoning up a spirit of the dead maybe once a game session, at most. That's often enough to be useful to a group, but not so often that he's ever walking around with an empty End Reserve or a pocket full of negative Favors.


However, he is also sinister enough and smart enough that he would plan ahead, and accure a small stockpile of positive favors just in case he needs them for a rainy day. To use Markdoc's brilliant example:


Player. "Huh. I roll an 11. I fail by 9. The ghost turns up anyway and I take 9 negative favour points. But that's OK, I'm still up 6 from drowning that old woman in the waterbarrel behind the inn last week."


Other players: "You did what?!"

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Rock Brock's Iron Caravan


18 STR

15 DEX

15 CON


14 INT

13 EGO

15 PRE



4 PD

3 ED



30 END




AK: Curdlehorn 11-, CK: Elweir 11-, Trading 14-, Beauracratics 8-, Persuasion 11-, +4 CSL with Hand to Hand, +4 PSL with Injuries, Rapid Fire(Hand-to-Hand), Defensive Maneuver I, TF: Muscle Powered Vehicles, Eye Gouge, Disarm, Hoist' n' Heave, Kidney Blow, Tackle, Throw


75+ Disadvantages:

Watched: Count Woril, Psychological Limitation: Desire to Achieve His Dream, Distinctive Features: Deep Scar on Chin



Cuir-Bouilli Hauberk



Rock Brock, as he is known, has a reputation for being one of the fastest and safest caravans around. However, his services are not for sale. Rock Brock has an agreement with Count Wolin, himself, in Sincerre.


Brock's agreement with the Count states that if he can bring in a total of 100,000 coins, Brock will be granted a modest land deal with no rent for twenty years. Most people laugh at the prospect of a goal like that. Especially when Brock's cut is only 4%. Despite his strong, brutish appearance, Brock is a very wise and shrewd businessman. Brock pays his men well and keeps them busy. He makes sure his caravan is ready to move as soon as it is loaded. Brock also pays his men a better cut than they deserve. Brock knows the key to his success is his men's success. He has full intentions of meeting the 100,000 coin goal as quickly as he can. Once he has completed this, he plans on turning his small caravan into a full business and work out a more profitable deal with Count Wolin.


Count Wolin has full intentions to keep his end of the deal. The goal is steep and Brock has so far proven himself to be successful. And with Romnal breathing down your neck, you reward those keeping your kingdom wealthy. Count Wolin and Brock have discussed the matter extensively. Count Wolin thinks Brock's goals are a bit grand but should he succeed, Count Wolin has full intentions of supporting Brock any way possible.



"Suit up! Play time is over, time to get on the road."

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Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


This NPC was an idea I thought of when I was figuring a good hook to get my wife's barbarian into the game.


[b]Ralor Highcard[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
8    STR     0   8      11-       HTH Damage 1 1/2d6  END [2]
10    DEX     6   10      11-       OCV 3 DCV 3
14    CON     20   14      12-
12    BODY    12   12      11-
18    INT     10   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
12    EGO     8   12      11-       ECV: 4
20    PRE     12   20      13-       PRE Attack: 4d6
10    COM     1   10      11-
2    PD      0   2             2 PD (0 rPD)
3    ED      0   3             3 ED (0 rED)
2    SPD     0   2                 Phases:  6, 12
5    REC     0   5
28    END     0   28
23    STUN    0   23
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
2    LEAP     0   1 1/2"                1 1/2" forward, 0 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 69[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
2      AK: Snake's Den 11-
3      Bribery 13-
3      Bureaucratics 13-
3      CuK: Snake's Den 12-
2      CuK: Barbarians 11-
7      Conversation 14-
3      High Society 13-
2      KS: Valdorian History 11-
7      Persuasion 14-
3      Streetwise 13-
1      Language:  Abyzinian (Fluent Conversation)
2      Language:  Elothian (Completely Fluent, w/Accent; Literacy)
1      Language:  Tharestani (Fluent Conversation)
0      Language:  Valdorian (Idiomatic, native accent; Literacy)
1      WF:  Blades
4      +2 with Dirks

[b]SKILLS Cost: 44[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
5      Money:  Well Off
5      [i]Local Leaseholder[/i]: Contact (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 11-
6      [i]Barbarians of Elweir[/i]: Reputation (A medium-sized group, 14-) +3/+3d6
8      [i]Barbarian #1[/i]: Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character) 12-
6      [i]Barbarian #2[/i]: Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 11-
7      [i]Magistrate Murklight[/i]: Contact (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 11-

[b]PERKS Cost: 37[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
0     Normal Characteristic Maxima
10     60+ Years Old
15     Social Limitation:  Barbarian Supporter Very Frequently (14-), Minor
20     Psychological Limitation:  Trying to Get Barbarians Aclimated to Elweir Very Common, Strong
15     Hunted:  Old Family Rivalry with the Blackroses As Powerful, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, 11- (Frequently), Mildly Punish
15     Psychological Limitation:  Honest Common, Strong

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 75[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150


Seventy years ago, the Highcards were members of the Fifty. Fifty years ago, the Highcards were believed to recover from their loss of status and earn their way back into the Fifty. Thirty years ago, the Highcard name had no weight to it unless you lived in Lowtown or Snake's Den, while still very wealthy and prominent, their position had dwindled to nothing.


Ralor Highcard watched his family fall from high as a child. He watched the fury of his parents as the Blackrose family snaked their way into several of their businesses and gained favor. When things became desperate, Ralor actually helped his older brother burn a Blackrose building to the ground as an act of revenge.


After the family fell, Ralor knew that he wouldn't live with vast amounts of wealth if he sat expecting an inheritence. Instead, he decided to enjoy the wealth he had access to then and figure out a way to make money later. He squandered money in taverns and on whores. His father, seeing his youngest son waste the family fortune confronted him. Ralor was to be cut off from the family funds until he learned to better respect his wealth.


Ralor's reaction was to leave the house. He managed to convince the leaser of a warehouse in Snake's Den to give him a job. He paid for boarding with his meager coin and shared living with barbarians. As Ralor pressed himself to earn his wage, he watched the barbarians being treated nearly like animals. Many couldn't even speak the language.


Ralor, seeing this treatment, began teaching some of the barbarians Valdorian phrases to help them adjust to life in the city. Ralor also helped teach the barbarians customs of the city, particularly those in Snake's Den. Ralor also began to notice that as the barbarians adjusted to the life of the city and felt more apart of it, they became more productive.


Ralor returned to his home and begged his father to not only let him back in, but to buy the lease of the warehouse he had been working. He promised his father that he had learned his lesson and was sure he could help recover the family fortune. After Ralor and his father discussed the details of his proposal, Ralor was granted his request.


Forty-five years later and Ralor Highcard is still in Snake's Den. He controls and operates six warehouses and has established relationships with several dozen leaseholders in the city. Ralor offers a boarding house for barbarians. He gets them connected with teachers to teach them the language and help them get employment. In some occasions, Ralor has a barbarian or two who will get into trouble with the guards. Fortunately, Ralor has a good relationship with the Magistrate to work matters out by coin.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


Reposting from the Daily Art Finding thread


Based on: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=58075

Kelis, Jungle Hunter -



12....STR.....2...12......11-.......HTH Damage 2d6 END [1]

17....DEX.....21...17......12-.......OCV 6 DCV 6



10....INT.....0...10......11-.......PER Roll 11-

10....EGO.....0...10......11-.......ECV: 3

15....PRE.....5...15......12-.......PRE Attack: 3d6


5....PD......3...5.............5 PD (0 rPD)

4....ED......1...4.............4 ED (0 rED)

2....SPD.....0...2.................Phases: 6, 12




6....RUN......0...6"................END [1]

2....SWIM.....0...2"................END [1]

3....LEAP.....0...3"................3" forward, 1 1/2" upward


CHA Cost: 57



4.....Spear Pin: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF (20 Active Points); Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), OAF (-1), Requires A Spear Tricks Roll (-1/2), Limited Power Target Must Wear Armor/Clothing of Some Kind (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) - END=2

11.....Jungle Born Immunity: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: Fungal Infections) - END=0

13.....Spear Dancer: Desolidification (affected by Magic) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Spear Tricks Roll (-1/2), Instant (-1/2) - END=4

1.....Jungle Feet: Leaping +1" (3" forward, 1 1/2" upward) - END=1


POWERS Cost: 29




3......Analyze: Combat 11-

2......Animal Handler (Felines) 12-

3......Breakfall 12-

3......Concealment 11-

3......KS: Jungle Wildlife 11-

2......Navigation (Land) 11-

3......Paramedics 11-

3......Riding 12-

3......Shadowing 11-

3......Stealth 12-

2......Survival (Tropical Forests) 11-

3......Tracking 11-

3......WF: Common Missile Weapons, Polearms and Spears

13......Spear Tricks 15-

12......+4 with any Spears

6......Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Darkness with PER Rolls

8......Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Enemy Concealment with any spear


SKILLS Cost: 75



39......Follower [Notes: Use Cheetah Write-Up (HSB pg. 144)]


PERKS Cost: 39



10.....Distinctive Features: Panther Tattoo and Pale Skin (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20.....Enraged: Cheetah Companion is Attacked or Injured (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-

5.....Physical Limitation: -4 PER Rolls when in Direct Sunlight (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

15.....Psychological Limitation: Distrustful of Others (Common, Strong)

15.....Psychological Limitation: Protective of Jungle Territory (Uncommon, Total)

15.....Social Limitation: Barbarian (Very Frequently, Minor)

10.....Social Limitation: Female (Frequently, Minor)




Base Pts: 75

Exp Required: 35

Total Exp Available: 35

Exp Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 200

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