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Planet Generation


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I've started working on a star system/planet generation utility to make it easier for me to generate systems.


(I've checked out Heaven and Earth, and while I like the tool, I find it very Traveller-oriented. And I want more functions than are available in the Sector Generator).


Anyway, I've been having some difficulty parsing some of the rules, and I'm wondering if anybody has any experience, here. Here are the rules that I'm currently a bit confused by:


1. Zones


Any idea how you can interpolate the zone table to include things like Earth's sun (a G2V star)?


2. Density


Only rock-ice and rock-iron planets have rolls for density, and the latter formula seems off to me. 1d6 / 20 + .8 doesn't look like it'll generate a range that includes 1.5 (it looks like .85 to 1.1).


Other ranges seem to vary only by about .1, so I'm using a 2d6/10 - .2 roll to randomize the density a bit.


3. Atmospheric Density


As I read it, Earth (at a mass of 1, in the Green Zone) should have a Dense atmosphere. Is that right? Also, the first two rows of the Atmospheric Density table are the same, and I wonder if there's a bit of a glitch, there.

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Re: Planet Generation


I would agree with the comments about Heaven and Earth being very traveller oriented, I like it for general use because you can set detail levels, and converting most of the details to other systems shouldnt be that hard, as a lot of the details should be fairly standard to most sf rpg's, and a lot of newer ones have taken inspiration/borrowed from etc from traveller in the first place, or Space Opera

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Re: Planet Generation


Here's a map screen that I've built for my sector generator utility:




It's loosely based on the Star Sector form from the "free stuff" link. I've been mulling over a few thoughts:


1) I've been thinking that it'd be neat to support both a Traveller version (which generally has a 10x8 hex grid, rather than a 10x10 hex grid) and the Star Hero version.


2) I'm mapping this out using 2 light-year hexes. Under the standard system generation rules, this image is typical of the number of stars in a system. Seems relatively empty compared to the Traveller 1 Parsec hexes.


3) I kinda find the numbering scheme counter-intuitive. Traveller numbers (left, down) and the Star Sector form numbers (down, left).

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