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Battle frenzy, e.g. a D&D Barbarian's "Rage"


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How would people simulate a character's ability to slip into basically a "frenzy" in combat, thus improving his fighting ability temporarily.


Specifically, I'm working on a character who is very "besial" in nature, and when provoked, can frenzy. He growls, roars, and fights a little more like a trapped beast than a trained martial artist. He doesn't go completely mindless, however. He doesn't attack allies, and his mental abilities aren't lessened. In short, there's no serious downside to this; no "enraged" or "berserk" disadvantages. I'd like to see how people would handle this.


Of course, if you want to talk about variations on this theme, feel free.



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From the description you gave of what happens to him when he fights, it definitely sounds like he DOES go Enraged. Enraged doesn't affect your mental abilities noticeably (you get mad, not stupid), you don't attack your allies, though you'll tear into your opponents with everything you've got. It also ensures all your levels go to OCV.


(I've tried to explain this to people in D&D games over and over. Barbarian Rage is NOT Barbarian Stupidity! That's another class feature.):D


So, were it I ...


Enraged: In Combat, set modifiers as appropriate, possibly with a GM 'gift' that enables him to make an Ego roll as complimentary to his Enraged check. (I.E. An 8- Enraged to start, make an Ego Roll by 3, it becomes an 11-) This simulates the ability to both will yourself to go berserk, as well as just losing control of yourself.


Extra Strength, Extra Constitution, Extra Levels, and maybe even Damage Reduction STUN only, only when Enraged (-1/4 or -1/2). I'd let the STR and CON 'factor through' to PD, ED, REC, END, and STUN, myself.

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I looked over enraged again. It still looks a little too much for my concept. The only part I don't like is that I can't turn it on and off at will. I guess that's what makes it a "Disadvantage." I'll give it some thought. Otherwise, I could simulate only the positive effects and slap a limitation on them.


Thanks, and by all means, keep the ideas coming!



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Have a little more time

on my hands ;) Here is the relevant info from the above link....


Rage 1/Day

Cost Power END
Rage, all slots: 1 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each (-1), Side Effects (-5 STR, -5 Dex, -3" Run for 1 Minute after Charge elapses), Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1/2), Cant use any Full Phase actions or anything requiring Concentration (-1/4)
5 1) +10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
3 2) +5 CON (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
3 3) +5 BODY (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
4 4) +5 EGO (10 Active Points)
4 5) +2 with HTH Combat (10 Active Points)
-4 6) -2 with DCV (-10 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 15
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Killer Shrike's power is pretty cool.


If you'd like simplicity, why not try +X(whatever characteristic or skill levels); Only In Combat, with the No Figured Characteristics limit where appropriate. I think that certain characteristics are more limited by Only In Combat than others, so some (such as REC) get a (-1/2) limitation, while others (PD or ED, say) only (-1/4). Combat Skill Levels obviously get no bonus for that limitation!

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Since there is no downside for the rage, by your own admission, then i would just buy this as powers with charges. This is especially true given you want to be able to turn off at will.


Example, say you have the ability to rage for 8 "rounds" a day, Then you buy, assuming a +10 rage so to speak.


+10 strength (-1/2 8 charges) = 7 pts

+10 con (-1/2 8 charges) 13 pts

Free figs include +2 PD +2 ED +4 REC +10 Stun +20 END


I would tend to avoid continuing charges because this is intended to be short duration and you need to have an obvious means of shtting off the continuing charge, while the rage does not seem to have one.

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